The Wraithclaws Vanished

Leia awoke with a dreamy smile. She was still on cloud nine due to the knowledge that the last round would be a tournament, the exact environment where her son could shine the brightest.

Her assistant rushed in all of a sudden to notify her that the boss was arranging an urgent meeting. She grumbled a bit but got ready swiftly. There was a path leading to Shadowhold in her mansion, so getting to the Consortium giant underground facility was but a comfortable, leisurely walk for her, as opposed to lower ranks who had to venture miles outside of Braedon and enter through one of the heavily guarded entrances in the wilds.

Braedon was the biggest Consortium location in Winterwood County, so lots of different people and factions could be found here, just like her Divine Nectar faction, whose boss called her for a meeting for some supposedly urgent reason.