
The murmurs and stares followed us like a shadow as we made our way deeper into the bustling streets of Valorian. It was amusing how quickly word spread in the capital. By the time we reached the industrial quarter, the sidelong glances and outright gawking had only grown more brazen.

The air here was different - thicker with the smell of hot iron and soot. The rhythmic clang of hammers echoed from every direction, mingling with the hiss of steam and the rumble of the forges. It was the perfect place for Kaelira to stock up on everything she'd need to set up her own forge.

We came to a stop in front of a large blacksmith shop with a sign that read "Steelweaver's Haven." The building was bigger than the surrounding shops, with smoke billowing from multiple chimneys and an open courtyard where apprentices worked tirelessly on smaller projects.