Strange Customs

"My lord, we will prepare another room immediately!"

I had no intention of playing along. We were already more or less full, the only thing that remained was paying the bill. A bill that I was sure would end up being an amount that would make my heart contort with pure grief. 

Thus, although I felt a bit bad about it, it was time to throw a temper tantrum. "Another room?! You just allowed your customer to be barged upon! Why do you think I asked for a private room? To not be disturbed, you dumb mudblood trash! The last thing I want is to spend more time in this amateurish establishment. You know what, I'll even tell my friends not to visit."

The waitress froze mid-bow, and I could hear a muted, exhausted sigh come from her lips. She was clearly tired of dealing with disgustingly entitled nobles all day long. My actions seemingly stung her even more, because she must've thought of me as a rather reasonable man. 

I was here to burst her bubble.