Fight of the Ladies

"That was epic." Iris declared as she watched the results of Quinlan's electric smite.

He'd accepted Black Fang's sign-up bonus with gratitude, which was Volt, an Electromancer in the Greenvale duke's service. He used the man by forcing him to display his powers so that he could gain a deep understanding of the lightning element, which allowed him to add it to his Elemental Sovereign arsenal.

"Please don't tell me that you're falling for him, we don't need a troublesome woman like you in the harem… It's already getting too hectic as it is." Ayame grumbled annoyedly.

The two of them were some of their strongest combatants, so Quinlan asked them to team up alongside Shallan, the Anemomancer, to take one of the guards down.

"Of course not, but I wonder if he would agree with your sentiment."

"He's a man, which means that he sometimes deliberately shuts his brain off only so that he can listen to his lower half instead."