Blossom Did Nothing Wrong!

"You know what he meant. You might be a young adult among elven circles, but in this house, well… you're older than all of us combined, counting your century-old daughter." Lucille giggled before leaning back into my embrace and planting a loving kiss on my cheeks, very happy with my words of praise.

"Blossom also heard Lucille doing her best to recruit new girls into the harem multiple times!" My dog-girl declared while eyeing both Lyra and Sylvaris without any reservations for personal boundaries, eliciting a muted yelp from the pink-haired tanker girl whose cheeks rapidly turned crimson red. 

Sylvaris, on the other hand, merely pretended not to notice she was included in Lucille's 'girls to be recruited' list as she gracefully raised her tea cup to her mouth in order to sip from it while eyeing the board game as if deep in thought what her next move should be.

*Sniff, sniff*