The Dream Team

"Sounds like a fun mission and we've got the dream team to boot! Me, the two super rookies, and the esteemed ladies? Sign me the hell up!" 

Ignis' boisterous declaration made me chuckle inwardly. He completely disregarded Ryker and his team as if they didn't exist while calling the two crazed women 'esteemed ladies,' letting me know he didn't want to get in trouble with either of them. They were not present, but rumors could still spread and reach them.

I also had something to say. "Lord Cipher, I don't have a problem with the mission either, but I struggle to see how Ryker and his team can benefit us. A smaller group would be more useful considering we'll have to move sneakily, as I doubt they would welcome us with open arms, even if they see Ghost's favorable impression of me. We'll also have to pass by the humans patrolling the borders where, again, they would just be extra baggage."