Time to Climb

We ran through the forests of the Greenvale Duchy with very little obstruction. The greenskin invasion was still ongoing and even gaining momentum, but with Vex's leadership, we had no trouble dodging them altogether or just descending on them if their numbers were lacking to pose a challenge.

The woman with the epithet of 'Hexblade' stopped leading the way and gestured for us to remain quiet. "First patrol of the Greenvales is ahead, right, Ghosty?"

She asked while glancing at Blossom, whose adorable brain didn't manage to pick up on her being spoken to due to the nickname Vex used. "She's talking to you, Ghost." Aurora giggled while touching Blossom's shoulder to ensure she got the message just in case she forgot her criminal alias, as it hadn't been used for a few days.

"Ghost is Ghosty?" It was Vex's time to snicker at my dog-girl's antics.

"Yes, but if you don't like it, then I'll use Ghost. I just thought Ghosty sounded cute."