Battle with Lions

This was unacceptable. I couldn't allow myself to be so weak that some shitty external force would make me scar my lovers.

My grip on the saber loosened, letting it hover in the air. I grasped onto Ayame's dainty, feminine hands with my right one while taking Lucille's in the left one, drawing strength from their boundless support.

'Behave yourself!' I shouted inwardly at the rebelling invader.

I took a deep breath, gathering every shred of willpower I possessed. After which, I visualized the fire and conjured mental chains around the rebelling flames, tightening them one by one until the blaze was caged again. It writhed and screamed, but I forced it into submission.

The oppressive heat receded. Embers flickered and died as the cavern's temperature normalized. I had won - it was once again under control, contained in the prison erected by my willpower.

"Thank you. I love all of you more than anything."