My plan was working—necromancy was within my reach. It would take some grinding, but I was sure the Beastman Confederation was happy to make some generous donations.
To that end, I commanded my blade to descend into my palms, took up the stance I developed over months of devoted duels and practice with my beloved samurai, and lunged at my enemies—it was time to reap.
The otherworldly display I provided the surrounding lion-kin with shattered their rapidly rebuilding confidence. They kept talking about how they're lions who fear no man, but seeing the ascending souls of their fallen comrades be forcefully dragged down from heaven to hell by my Soul Reaper made all efforts of regaining their confidence null and void.
The remaining beasts staggered backward with tails twitching nervously, looking for an escape route. Their sharp claws and fangs were useless in defending against the terror encroaching its way through their primal instincts deep into their hearts.