Leohtar and Ragnar

"Stop… I'm begging… Please, I'll tell you anything… Just make it stop!" It didn't take more than a single minute for Vex to break the lionkin. Her torture methods were truly state of the art. That [Hex of Amplified Suffering] was a nasty curse for certain, but that wasn't all. The way she handled the knife made both Ignis and me reach for our family jewels protectively while cringing with our whole bodies.

This sadistic woman gave us horrible secondhand pain.

"Is that so? Let's start with your name."

Vex's question was met with an instant response, "Varkas!"

It seemed this beastkin was elated beyond reason; he was crying tears of joy when his brain realized his torture session was over as long as he behaved like a good boy.

"How did you know we were here? The abruptness of your ambush was suspicious to say the least; you shouldn't have been able to pull it off."