Miri and Lumi then stared deep into my eyes and parted their lips in sync, declaring together, "Quinnie, you're robbing the Goddess blind!"
My eyes widened with shock at this revelation of theirs. As far as I was concerned, I was just doing my best to unlock a normal class, even if it was associated with weirdos. "Souls are the currency of gods…?"
My disbelieving question was answered by Malakar. "Indeed. Laddy, This is how worlds are created; an elder god, or more likely a group of them, travels to a lifeless planet the Soul Records deem mature enough to welcome the existence of what we call 'magic' into its atmosphere. They then fill the atmosphere with mana, establishing all that you've come to find normal: classes, spells, status interface, etc. They follow it up by using their divinity to birth a few primordials, who are tasked with populating the young world and leading their descendants into prominence.