The beginning

One lovely day a girl went on a walk with her dog.

*vvvrrrr* "That's a car sound" the girl though. But before she could have reacted she already got hit.... On the ground she tried to lift up her head, "Koru where are you?" The girl tried to talk but she couldn't make a sound.

Cold and heat brushed through her body, "Am I going to die" she thought, her eyes started to close... "I don't want to die!" ...

The girl began to open her eyes and saw that she is in a forest, she also sees an enthusiastic and satisfied guy dressed like historical traditional clothes, "Dos iz mayn mzl-tog, ver volt gegloybt, az in mitn dem vald iz do a froy(This is my lucky day, who would have believed that there is a woman in the middle of this forest)" Said the guy, "I don't understand him, what do I do?" The girl thought. When he came to touch her she looked around and didn't see the car that hit her, in fact she didn't saw the city anymore. she got stressed and the thought of "I don't want to die" came to her again,suddenly a ball of green light hits her and enters into her body, her eyes light up green and her hair raised up glowing, "vos di– (what the–)" said the guy and picked his sword. her majesty the forest guard fights through the girl's body with the help of plants that grows around her against the guy Until he finally runs away, the girl's body collapses and falls to the ground, she doesn't understand what is happening to her, being weak she decides to close her eyes, "I'm just happy that I'm still alive" she said to herself before she collapsed.

"Yuki...." "Yuki...." A voice was heard, "Its just the beginning"....