First meeting

The whole forest is colored gray except for the area that surrounds the girl, the color of the earth is green blooming with all kinds of flowers.

When the night falls the monsters come out, transformers, trolls, dwarves, elves and many more strange magical creatures, some dangerous and some nice . But something is different, the magical creatures came out of their places and want wild, probably because the forest guard has disappeared.

"Yuki...." "Yuki...." The same voice was heard again. The girl opened her eyes, she couldn't move. Strange voices were heard in the distance, the girl didn't understand what was happening and this thought kept coming back over and over again "I don't want to die".

Footsteps were heard in the distance, thay came closer and closer every second, the pressure increased. the girl tried with all her strength to get up but her body betrayed her. thoughts ren through her head "What's there? A wolf? A snake? The person before? Will it hurt me? I don't want to To know! Just let me go home!!"... "I don't want to die!" ... Suddenly the surrounding area around her glowed in green color, plants came out of the ground, her body felt light, her eyes glowed green and her hair as well , the footsteps stopped and the thing fell back. The girl looked at the thing and calmed, it's a little boy about seven years old with a pair of fox ears and reddish hair.

The girl had never seen such a person before but she wasn't afraid infact she was a little bit interested. Whan she tried to offer the boy her hand to help him stand up she thought "what is a boy doing in the forest at night all alone?".

Instead of taking her hand the boy jumped on her and hugged her tight and said "You are like me!!!". The girl flinched and didn't understand.

"You have red hair!! Like a fox, like me!!!" Said the boy.

"Because of that you think that we are the same?! If you can't see you have ears! I don't!!" she thought and tried to explain to the boy that she wasn't like him but very fast realized that it was meaningless the boy hugged her and didn't let go, he finally let go of her and said "Come with me, let's live and find other like us".

"This kid is crazy!!" she thought and started running away but within every step of her plants were growing behind her, the girl stopped.

"What the–" thought the girl "hooo right I literally grew plants a moment before out of defence, why am I still shocked?! You saw a flipping kid with ears!!!" The girl scolded her self.

Every step the she took she didn't understand what to do. whenever she took a step she felt as if someone waits for he to be far enough away from the green area to attack her, she turned her head to the boy but he was gone.

The girl felt terrifying and started shouting "Fox boy, where are you?".

*Rustling* A rustling sound appeared, it sounded as if something was jumping between the trees when the girl lifted her head to look up she saw a figure of a boy about her age wearing weird clothes, on his head a pair of small horns, he got short brown hair and he was very very handsome. When she approached him the guy ran away and on his shoulder was a young red fur fox.

The girl was left alone and realized that she had to keep going to find a way out, when she walked she kept hearing voices and felt like she was being watched.