All alone

The forest has become a gloomy place after the disappearing of the forest guardian. during the day everything is better but when night falls it is much more difficult to survive, which makes the forest much scarier, clear rules eat or be eaten. the innocent creatures trying to find hope while the guardian is still missing.

"Yuki.... Yuki...."

"The voice is back" Yuki said to herself as she moved forward into the forest.

"this is strange" she thinks to herself "Why does the voice appears now? It always appears just before I wake up"

every step and step she takes into the forest grews magnificent plants.

"Why the hell do these plants keep following me?!" She got angry and started running "And for god sake with that Yato, until I thought someone would help me in this fucked up world he just walks away!" She stopped and hit the tree.




"Yato" said Yuki "who is he?"

"Its him" said Yato and pointed to his shoulder.

"there is no one there" said Yuki.

Yato looked at his shoulder and saw nothing there "wait where is he? Shit he disappeared again!" Yato said and started running towards the forest.

"Wait a second I need help I don't know where I am!!" Yuki shouted.

"Not my business" Yato said and continued running away.




"I've been walking in this forest for an hour" said Yuki, "Every second fairies stopped me and tried to make me go with them to their world, but luckily I managed to escape" she said tiring up.

"All this because I came to this world!!!" She got angry and stumbled away.

"and now I'm all alone" she stopped in her place, "I hate being alone" she said.

the plants surrounding her started die and black lumps emerged from the ground, a tear fell from her eye.

"Huh? What's going on? Why am I crying?" She rubbed her eye with her hand but the tears did not stop "Why is this happening? Come on... stop!" Her voice broke.

She felted more lonely and scared than ever. *Rustle* "Who's there?!" She shouted.

a small fox popped out of the bushes "You are the fox that was with Yato" said Yuki "He must be looking for you" she said to the fox while tears continued to fall from her eyes.

the fox noticed this and changed shape, this is the red hair boy with the fox ears. the fox boy reached out his hand and gave her some berries.

"So it was you who brought me the fruits... Thank you" said Yuki and ate from the fruits ,"Who are you? What is your name?".

the fox answered her "Shifo!!!".

"Shapo? You mean Tail?" she asked uncertainly.

"Shifo! My name is Shifo!!!" said the young fox.

"Ahhh, so Shifo is your name" she said.

"Yuki... do you love Yato?" Shifo asked.

choking Yuki blushed and said "Excuse me?"

"I love Yato so I asked if you love him to" said Shifo with an Innocent face.

"Ah" said Yuki "So i guess I l–"

*Rustle* Leaves fell from the trees, a figure came down and grabbed Shifo "I told you not to run away from me!" said A voice.

Yuki recognized the voice and saw Yato holding Shifo by the tail "Don't believe anything he says, he acts like a little child but he's mature enough to know the meaning of his question".

the died flowers began to bloom from under Yuki and the black lumps disappeared.

"Why are you running away from me all the time? And going to this human girl!" Yato said and turned to Yuki "You know you are some annoying hum....wait why are you crying?!" He stumbled with his words.

Yuki noticed that the tears are still hadn't disappeared from her eyes.

"look, you made her cry" said Shifu.

"What did I do?!" Yato asked angrily.

"You must have scared her" said Shifu.

"No it's not his fault! I just remembered something unpleasant" said Yuki and looked up with a beaming smile.

"Oh ok" Yato said with a blush.

"I still think it's your fault" said Shifu, Yato hit him on the head and gave him a gland.

"Can you stop following me?!" Yato said and turned to Yuki angrily "Since we met again ,a hour ago, you haven't stopped following me!!"

"True, but you're not running away from me either" said Yuki "If you wanted to get away from me, you would started running again like before".

"That's because..." Yato fell silent.

"Because what?" asked Yuki.

"Because it's nice to be in your company <3" Shifo said behind them, Yato grabbed Shifo by the tail and said "Its because I didn't want her to cry again!!".

"And yet you didn't deny" said Shifo.

Yuki started to laugh and said "No you really are something special" she was silent for a second and said "I prefer not to be alone especially not in a place like this, I have no idea where I am".

"You can come with us" said Shifo and turned to Yato.

"If you are a burden I will abandon you with him" said Yato and continued walking, Yuki and Shifo behind him following.

"By the way, can you stop growing those plant that follows you everywhere?!" He said angrily.

"I'm sorry but I don't know how" she said in despair.