The black lumps

"Yuki...." "Yuki..." said a voice.

Yuki's eyes slowly open but looking around she didn't see Yato or Shifo or the forest itself, only white was around her. 

"Where am I?!" She said scared, when she tried to get up she couldn't, "What's going on here?!" She said panicked.

black lumps started coming out from under her.

"Calm down" said a voice.

"it's the voice that always calls me! Where am I?" Yuki said.

"You're in your head," the voice replied.

"What are you talking about?!" Yuki said and the lumps only grew.

"You have to relax or these lumps will eat your soul." The voice said.

Yuki calmed herself down and the lumps returned to the floor and disappeared, after that Yuki felt her body lighter and she was able to move.

a white hooded female figure with light green hair and a large straw hat appeared from a distance.

"Who are you?" Yuki asked.

The woman smiled...



"Yuki! Yuki!" Shifo's voice was heard.



"Looks like we're running out of time" Said the woman.

"Wait First tell me who you are!" said Yuki.

"goodbye Yuki" said the womam.




"Yuki! Yuki! Wake up! Yukiii!" Shifo said "Yato will go without you!"

"Wake up!!!".... Yuki opened her eyes slowly and saw Shifo sitting on her, she sat down, smiled and said, "Good morning Shifo". she turned to Yatu and saw him starting to run away.

"Yato! Why are you running away?!" she said angrily and started to chase after him while Shifo is on her shoulder.

"I'm not running away I'm moving forward" Yato said as he slowed down.

"but why didn't you wake me up?!" she shouted angrily as she followed him.

"You want to know why?! Its because of you all the monsters are coming after us, the trail of flowers you leave behind you leads them to us!!" he said and continued walking.

Yuki stopped and looked back, she saw the dead forest and only the path of plants that following her.

"I'm making troubles for people" She thought to herself and took Shifo off her shoulder.

"That's why we have to continue movi..." Yato started to say but Yuki cut him off and said "Thank you for taking me so far, I'm very grateful for that." , Yato turned to her.

"you're not going any further with us?" asked Shifo.

"No, I think I'll continue from here alone." Yuki said.

"Are you sure?" asked Shifo, Yuki bent down and stroked his head and said "Yes, it's better that way".

"You are welcome to do whatever you want" said Yato turned and walked away.

"If you go in that direction you will reach Alendy" Shifo pointed east.

"Thank you Shifo..." said Yuki, got up and walked away.

The night fell and Yuki's every step flowers grew underneath her. In her head thoughts were running around "Why am I like this? Why am I always disturbing people? How come I can't understand when they want me and when they don't?" A tear fell from her eye... Yuki stopped, "Well it's always been like this" black lumps started to pop up underneath her "Why am I so surprised? I only just met him, its obvious that he won't want to stay to long with someone like me!" The lumps started to grow "No one wants me with them" Yuki is standing inside a black lump that in a second will swallow her only one more thing is needed to.... "I'm useless" she whispered and closed her eyes, the black lump swallowed her.

"I didn't expect her to go" said Shipo.

"it was her decision" said Yato.

Shipo turned to Yato angrily and said "I'm going after her!" and started running eastward.

"Hey Shipo!!" Yato said but Shifo had already disappeared.

"Tell me you want to die?! And all for a human?!" Yato shouted and ran after him.




"Yuki..." Its a male voice.

"Eh? Who's that? It's not the woman's voice." Yuki said to herself and opened her eyes.

"it's all dark" she said and tried to get up but didn't succeed, this time she didn't stress. "Well I don't care anymore" She said.

"Are you sure?" said the voice.

"I don't care about anything anymore" she said a second time.

"so you want to disappear?" said the voice.

Yuki was silent for a second and said "I want to disappear and not be a bother to people anymore".

A figure dressed in black with short dark green hair and a dignified gentlemen's hat appeared from a distance and approached Yuki, the figure crouched down to her and said "Then maybe you should just wish for death".

Yuki hesitated and began to speak "I want to ... DI–"



"Yukiii" a voice interrupted her, that's Shifo's voice "Where are you?!".



"Shifo?" Yuki said turning her head.

"Well not bad" said the man "until next time Yuki", when Yuki turned back to him the figure disappeared.




Yuki fall to the ground and the lumps around her began to fade and go back into the ground.

"Yukiii" Shifo's voice was heard again.

"Shifo she is here" a voice was heard behind her, Yuki turned around and saw Yato, he bent down to her and said "Are you okay?" While offering his hand to her to get up.

Roses began to grow beneath Yuki.

"Are you ignoring me? Why aren't you answering?" Yato asked annoyed.

"It's not that, I'm just glad you're here to find me" answered Yuki, Yato blushed.

"I am really grateful for you and Shifo" she said.

The blush faded and he said "good because Shifo was the one who wanted to find you, well I wasn't worried at all...".

"Yukiii" said Shifo while jumping and hugged her.

"Thank you for care about me Shifo" said Yuki and hugged him back.

"Are you coming?" Said Yato walking away.

"Wait for us a second Yato!!" Shifo said walking after him, Yuki followed him silently and the plants followed her.

"Yuki the plants!!!!" Yato shouted.

"I'm sorry!!" She said defeated.