The guardian powers

"Yuki...." said the female voice.

"Yuki...." said the male voice.

Yuki woke up and looked around to see Shifo sleeping next to her.

"So where did you come from?"

Frightened Yuki turned around and saw that it was Yato.

"Ho its just you" said Yuki "you scared me".

"Sorry to hear that but I would like for you to tell me were you came from." Said Yato.

"First of all would you tell me were I am right now?!" She asked and when she didn't get an answer she said "I won't tell you where I come from".

"And why not?" Yato asked.

"If I tell you where I am from you won't believe me" said Yuki.

"Why will I not believe you?!" Asked Yato.

"Let's see" Yuki said, "If I tell you that where I am from, creatures like Shifo doesn't exist" she started to touch Shifo's ears, "Or creatures like you," she said and got up walking over to Yato. She sat down next to him and said "You know from the place Where I come it's very strange to see fairies, monsters and especially a guy with horns" she was about to touch his horns but Yato grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"...sorry" she said embarrassed.

"it's okay" said Yato, he got up and started to walk away blushing "bring Shifo" he said to Yuki.

Yuki picked up Shifo and followed him, "I think he is angry with me" she thought to herself.



"We *panting* have to do *panting* something about this flower path, otherwise *panting* the monsters won't leave us alone." Said Yato panting and all dusty.

"I'm sorry" said Yuki clean and well. "everything is fine" said Shifo also clean and well.

"Wait... why am I the only one who looks like he has got out of a fight!?" Yato shouted.

"Well, you told us not to interfere you when you fought the monsters." said Yuki.

"so we didn't" said Shifu.

"Still..." Yato hesitated "anyway, we need to sort out the flower problem.".

"He tries to change the subject!!" said Shifu.

"yea he really tries to change it" said Yuki.

"We can help you with the problem"

behind Yuki appeared two fairies.

"more beautiful than ever our queen" one of them said.

"You guys again?!" Yato said and pulled Yuki behind him.

"Calm down horned head" said the other fairy.

"We know Yuki won't come with us if we use force, we've already given up on this method but if you want to sort out the plants situation you have to listen to us."

"Why would you help us?" Shifo asked.

"we need to keep our queen safe and sound" said the fairies "and the fact that she hangs out with you doesn't help".

"what did you say?!" Yato said and was about to fight them but Yuki stopped him and said to the fairies "I'd be happy if you could help me". Yato got angry at Yuki but didn't react.

The fairies began to explain about Yuki's power "We have two guardians: the pure guardian is the guardian of the forest and the wicked guardian who is the guardian of the swamps. before we didn't have a problem because the guardian of the forest was able to keep the guardian of the swamps the evil force under control, therefore any evil monster that approached her majesty has become pure. since the power of the forest guard was transferred into you Yuki, you also has the swamp guard inside you. Moreover because you are a human And your emotions are changing, The side of the swamp guardian is stronger than it was ever before. that's why the evil monsters will be able to control Yuki's powers.( Also the reason they are following you.)"

"And how does that help us with the problem?" said Shifo.

"In order to cancel the plants path, You just has to control your emotions.( Sure, it will take a little bit of time)" the fairies continued.

"Hahahahaha Ha ha ha" Yato laughed in disrespect "You found the right person, Yuki is amazing at keeping her emotions to herself, what can I say insensitive at all..." Yato got punched in the head "Ahhhh! Why was it good?!" He turned around and saw Yuki seething with rage. "Never mind(I'm sorry)" said Yato frightened for his life.

"I sometimes wondering if you're doing it on purpose or that you're just stupid" said Shifo.

"I don't want to cancel the flower path" said Yuki "this path adds life to the forest since its dieing" she continued and said "its the most lively thing I have seen since I came here, therefore if there is another way I can travel freely without canceling the only source of life of this forest, I would like to try that!!".

"There is a way" said the fairies, "but we don't think you're ready enough"

"I can try," Yuki said with a beaming smile. the fairies couldn't do anything against the guardian's request so they gave in and said, "Come with us and we'll lead you to The center of the forest where you can revive him".

Yato and Shifo was about to go with them but the fairies stopped them and said "Only Yuki is allowed to come".

Yuki looked at Yato and said "I have to".

Yato just turned around and said "Don't expect me to come and save you"

"Don't worry I will take good care of myself" Yuki said with a smile.

"Who said that I care?!" Yato said smiling and left, but Shifo stayed next to Yuki close, "Shifo, go with Yato I'll be fine" she said to Shifo who nodded and ran after Yato.



the fairies led Yuki to the middle of the forest they told her "In the forest live all the magical creatures like us and in the swamp lives the monsters and demons like the two you are with, as the forest's guardian disappeared the swamp people came to the forest, you must not be careless near them! They are dangerous!".

Yuki was silent and couldn't believe, "Yato and Shifo are good people" she thought to herself.

"We have arrived" said the fairies and continued "This is the most spiritual spot in the forest, this is a place holy enough that humans and monsters cannot reach, not even the fairies can not stay here for a long period of time, only the guardians can".

Yuki was stunned by the beauty of the place, the whole forest was full of dead flowers but that place was full of clean water and stunning plants. Yuki and the fairies continued to move further towards the middle of the place.

"From here we can not go any further" the fairies said to Yuki and continued "You need to get to the area where the swamp and the forest meet and from there you will understand what to do".

"What do you mean I will understand? Can you tell me?" Yuki asked.

"The truth is that we don't know what you're supposed to do either." said the fairies.

"What?!" said Yuki.

"We mean... the forest guardian always does the ceremony alone and didn't tell us what she was doing, but We're sure you will understand what to do yourself, after all you have the forest's guardian inside of you" said the fairies.

"then you're throwing me to the dogs" said Yuki and continued "god damm you, at least tell me your names".

"I'm Mona" said a pink hair fairy.

"and I'm Riri" said green hair fairy.

Yuki said goodbye to Mona and Riri and continued Into that magnificent forest, as she drew closer and closer she felt terribly sick. when she saw the place she knew it was him, "The border between the forest and the swamp between pure and wicked, that's what they called it, wasn't it? You can see it clearly." Yuki said to herself, At the border there was a small stage made of stones. When she stood in front of the stage, she saw the clear differences between the forest and the swamp, but when she sat down on the stage, she saw something different. She saw a similarity between the two things and thought, "In the forest, all the magical creatures live, and in the swamp, the monsters and demons. The swamp people are dangerous, well that's what the fairies said" she stopped and thought "Yato and Shifo are demons so that means they lived in the swamp not to long ago, but they are nice unlike all the other swamp's creatures. besides, the fairies already tried to kidnap me once.", she thought and thought about it until she came to the realization "Not all the swamp creatures are wicked and not all the forest creatures are pure!!!".

The ground beneath her started to trembled and a wave of green light burst from her spreading throughout the forest.

"I can see the entire forest!!" Yuki said, "The plants and trees grew again, the water became clear and the animals are back in their homes! This is amazing!!!" Yuki stopped for a moment "I don't see Yato and Shifo" and said "They didn't go back to the swamp did they?!  I want to be with them"...

Yuki quickly left the holy place, just as she was leaving the border someone jumped behind her and hugged her.

"I was really worried you know?!?!" Yato's voice was heard, Yuki blushed and a tear fell from her cheek, she put her hands on him about to hug him back but Yato immediately leted her go.

"Shifo! Shifo was very worried!" he said, Shifo in the form of the fox meanwhile is sitting on Yato's head resting, "Shifo tell her!!" said Yato.

Shifu changes into a human and says "yes he really cared about...", Yato quickly shuts him up, Yuki wiping her eyes and said with a smile "Thank you for taking good care of me", Yato blushed.

"Well done!!! you did it! You managed to activate the power of the guardian." the fairies told her.

"Yuki....Yuki...." It's not the female voice this time it's the guy's voice "You did a good job, but you won't have it so easy next time" said the voice.

"Wait who are you?" She said in her head.

"don't worry we will meet again" said the voice and disappeared.