Sakura and Saki

"Yuki… Yuki…" the female voice was heard.

Yuki opened her eyes and didn't see the forest, but rather the same white void, only this time mixed with "black?" said Yuki and.

"What happened here?" She thought.

"Don't panic, or the lumps will come out," said the white female figure with light green hair who appeared beside her.

Yuki calmed down and was able to move. The female figure bent down to Yuki, but Yuki still couldn't see her face.

The figure began to speak and said, "You fixed the forest, and I am thankful for that," and continued, "But in the process of fixing the forest, you summoned the swamp guardian to my zone..."

"Swamp guardian? " Yuki thought.

"S-A-K-U-R-A," a male voice was heard. Yuki turned around and saw the black figure she had seen before running like a little girl toward the forest guardian.

"Speaking of the devil" said the forest keeper, and stood up.

The black figure jumped on her and hugged her, "Sakura, why are you running away from me?" said the black figure.

"So, her name is Sakura?" Yuki thought to herself.

The the white woman turned to her and said, "My name is Sakura, I am the forest guardian," and pointed to the black figure, "This is Saki, the swamp guardian."


"So, are you friends?" asked Yuki.

"Not exactly," said Sakura "We are more like two parts of the same person, and right now, we are parts of you."

"So, you're like siblings?" Ask Yuki.

"You could say that" said Sakura.

"Why am I here?" Yuki asked the guardians. "We wanted to talk to you," said Saki, the swamp keeper.

"We wanted to explain you more about your powers," said Sakura and continued, "Your power consists of the both of us, the swamp guardian and the forest guardian, and your emotions affect that."

"I know that," said Yuki.

"Excellent," said Sakura and continued, "So let me explain the danger in this. As you can see, this area is no longer white or black but mixed. This means your emotions are already unbalanced, and they probably won't return to being balanced because you are a human after all."

"I'm sorry..." said Yuki.

"No need to apologize," said Saki, "It's completely normal. Besides, it's not the only problem."

"That's right," said Sakura, "Your emotions have a much stronger influence on each of us. If the darkness takes control of you, then this entire place will turn black. This will cause the swamp guardian to erase me–" "And the same goes the other way around," said Saki, looking seriously at Sakura and then smiling, "So Yuk".

"Yuk?!" Yuki thought to herself.

"You need to stay calm and focused so that neither of us gets erased, understood?" said Saki.

"Umm," nodded Yuki.

"Great," said Sakura, looking at Saki and nodding.

"Well then, until next time, Yuk" said Saki and touched her forehead, "Oh, and remember, your powers work based also on your imagination" he said, pushing her head back.

Yuki fell slowly, her eyes closed. When she opened them, she saw she was on Yato's back.

"What the heck is going on here?! Yato!" said Yuki, looking back and seeing a large demon chasing them.

"Yato, what's going on?!" she screamed.

"While you were sleeping, a demon appeared to take you," said Yato and continued, "When I came to fight it, it kept getting closer to you, and Shifo couldn't wake you because you sleep like a log! So, I'm running because of you."

"I'm sorry," said Yuki, remembering what Saki said




"Your powers work based on your imagination."




Yuki looked at the demon, and a moment later, vines flew out of the ground and grabbed the demon, not letting go.

"What the heck?!" said Yato and stopped.

"It worked!" thought Yuki to herself.

Yato put Yuki down, and the three of them approached the demon. As they got closer, they heard a voice "Stay away!", Yuki, Yato and Shifu stopped. The demon shrank and took on a human form.

"What the heck is going on?!" said Yuki. "When demons' emotions get out of control, they become uncontrollable," said Shifo. "That's why we mustn't mingle with humans," said Yato, approaching the demon, "Their mixed emotions affect us and drive us crazy." His gaze turned cold.

Yato stopped in front of the demon and placed his hand on it. "Once they go crazy, they can't return to what they were," said Yato and continued, "That's why they must be killed." Yuki was in shock.She didn't want to believe it and said, "What do you mean–" before she finished her sentence, fire came out of Yato's hands, burning and destroying the demon child.

"What are you doing?!" screamed Yuki, running towards the demon. There was only ash after the fire. Yato turned around and started walking, with Shifu following him.

"Yato!!!" Yuki screamed, "What do you think you're doing?! Why are you killing a child?" Yato stopped, turned back, and approached Yuki, saying, "Just because he is a child doesn't mean he hasn't killed other people. I had to kill him! it's for his own good" Yato bent down to Yuki, touching her hair, and said.

"I wouldn't want him to hurt you either." Yuki pushed his hand away. Yato stood up and started walking into the forest.

"You can come with me or stay with her, your choice." said Yato to Shifo.

"I'm sorry," said Shifo to Yuki, following Yato.

Tears fell from Yuki's eyes, and she shouted, "I hate you, Yato!"

"Don't cry, Shifo, it's for her own good and ours," said Yato "Anyway, she would have found out at some point".

"I know," said Shifo with a broken voice and tears in his eyes, "But I really thought she would stay."