
At Sky Hotel...

PA Wang was following his CEO. "CEO, you suddenly wanted to marry... What if your family disapproves?" The Qin family was one of the six richest families and the Shen family is...

" Do you think they will still oppose my marriage after what happened with big brother?tsk. I think they will gladly agree to accept Ning." Qin Yuheng went to his room.

After taking the bath, he laid on the bed. Thinking the days they met...


Near the river, Shen Ning who came to her aunt's house was taking a walk by the river side. Suddenly she saw a black figure at the edge of the river shore.

' Is he dead?' She went forward to see if he was alive. " Oh... Alive. But he is unconscious. "

She leaned towards him to give him artificial respiration. " To save you I sacrificed my first kiss. Where else would you find such kind hearted person like me? You better be grateful to me. Hmph. " Thinking about it she quite upset.

He coughed sometime then slowly opened his eyes. He heard what she said but didn't have the energy to reply to her.

" Hey, now that you are saved I am going back." She was about to leave when he grabbed her hands. Shen Ning frowned.

"Can you take me to somewhere hidden so that I can stay before my people find me? Some bad guys are targeting me." He immediately explained seeing her displeased.

Shen Ning shook off her hands. " How can I trust you? You can be one of those bad guys. And what if you are running from the police." Realising this she immediately took few steps back.

He pursed his lips. He didn't have anything to prove himself now. He wanted to stand up but the wound on his back was so painful that it started to bleed again. He said weakly. " I'm injured. I can't do anything. Moreover you saved me."

Shen Ning heaved a sigh of relief. " Ok. There's a small house, no one lives there. Let me take you there." She showed him a small cottage almost hidden.

After taking him there, she saw a dirty bed. "You sir here. I will go and buy something for your wounds." Since he is hiding, it means that he can't go anywhere public. So his wounds can't be treated at the hospital.

After saying she left, when she came back she saw him frowning in pain. He was sitting on the bed with upper body bare

She went forward, disinfect his wounds and applied the medicine as per instructions then bandaged it.

" Can you move aside little bit?"


Then she took out one of the thick blanket on the bed properly so that he won't have much problem when he lay on the bed. Then spread the bedsheet over.

" You take rest now. I will bring you food later." She covered him with the blanket and left.

He was tired so he slept.

At night, Shen Ning came with a small box and a water bottle. She woke him up. " You are injured. Have some food, you have to take your medicine later." She gave him the box. She helped him enough, he should eat by himself.

" Thank you." For helping a stranger so thoughtfully. He ate his food then took the medicines.

" Ok I have to leave now." Shen Ning stood up and took the box ready to leave.

" Can you bring me a mask tomorrow? " He can't let anyone else see him for the time being.

He was also worried that she won't anymore. Why should come and trouble herself?

" Ok"
