
When she came back, Shen Ning secretly went to her room through the window. Then went to the kitchen to wash the box and keep it at its place.

Suddenly, someone came behind her. " Where did you go?"

Shen Ning was so frightened that box slipped from her hands and fell. " Oh my God. Brother, do you have to behave like a ghost?"

Shi Fu raised his eyebrows and pointed towards the box.

" Oh this... I saw a dog injured and helped it." She took the box washed it the placed it where it was.

" You? Helping a dog? "

Seeing him not believing what she said, so she patiently explained to him. " That dog was injured heavily, I am such a kind person that I helped him. What if one day he becomes my loyal dog? Dogs remember kindness."

"Him? How did you know it's a male?"

Why is he such a busybody today?

" I just guessed. Why are you asking so much? Uh... I'm so tired. Good night brother." She fled to her room.

The next day she went there. It was almost noon.

" I thought you won't come anymore." When he saw she arrived,he smiled.

" Yesterday my cousin saw me sneaking back to home, he might get suspicious." She gave him one box and placed the other one at the bed and a mask.

"I won't come at night,so this is your dinner. You have to adjust."

After he finished eating, she gave him her phone. " Here. Call your family and ask them to take you back. This place isn't safe, someone may accidently come."

" Ok" He gave a call to the other party. " My assistant will come tomorrow ."

After taking her phone, Shen Ning stood up ready to leave." Can I know your name?"


She don't want to expose much about herself to a stranger. He understood.

She left after that she never came back.

The next when his assistant came at morning. " CEO are you ok?"

" Hmm"

"Shall we leave?"

"Wait." He wanted to wait for her. What if she come and didn't find him? He had to say some parting words, no?

It was already late at night but she didn't come back. He frowned. What happened? She didn't come back? Given how took care of him it wasn't like she will leave him like this...

So this was how he lost contact with her.

Flashback ends—

The next day, Doctor Huo, Huo Siang arrived at the hospital he was staying.

" You, why are you staying in such a small hotel? " Huo Siang sat on the sofa. He was so tired.

" Who was that patient you gave me the details?"

"Ning" Qin Yuheng was working on his computer.

" You found her?" Huo Siang immediately sat straight. He wanted to know more about his friend's gossipy story.

Everyone from the Qin family and his friend circle knew he was searching for a girl since one year.

"The surgery should held soon. I will prepare for it 7 pm in the evening." Huo Siang read the details about her condition.


Qin Yuheng informed this to the Shen family.


One week after the surgery, Shen Ning's condition improved a lot.

One month after her recovery, Shen family was sitting on the living room.

Father Shen looked at his daughter. " Ning is getting married after two days."

Everyone was shocked except mother Shen.

" Dad, what do you mean?" She was so shocked that she thought she heard wrong.

" Your marriage is fixed. You will register your marriage directly."

"I don't agree!" Shen Ning stood up.

Father Shen looked at her and pursed his lips." Objection denied. If you still consider us as your parents, then agree to your marriage."

She looked at her mother and saw that she wasn't opposing her father's decision. She went to her room and slammed the door.
