Actual opponent

Shen Ning started to give her family cold shoulder but it still didn't changed their decision.

'Damn it!'

On the day they registered their marriage, Shen Ning finally understood her father's decision.

She tried to persuade the man but he simply ignored her request! This is too much!

She looked at him, he looked like a rich person." You helped my father with my surgery then demanded to marry me?"

" You...yes." He was right. She had forgotten about him.

Shen Ning frowned. " Why?"

Seeing him not responding, she thought for a moment and suddenly widened her eyes.

" You... You didn't married me as a substitute for someone else, did you?"

" Don't read too much novels. There's nothing like that. Believe it or not you are only woman I, Qin Yuheng has willing approached."

She didn't reply.

" I don't have any ill intentions either." He who never explained since his understanding of this world was now explaining word by word. Heh, what a day! But he didn't mind.

At the Shen family, her aunt's family was also there. Obviously they got the news about her marriage.

Shen Ning was still resentful towards her parents. So she simply greeted everyone and went to her room to rest.

Shi Fu who sitting on sofa looked unhappily at the man opposite to him talking to father Shen.

He thought that since she rejected him, he would pursue her until she agree but this suddenly came up and directly married her!

When he saw that his uncle went out to take a call, he asked Qin Yuheng to a quite place.

" You were the one who called uncle that day before Ning's surgery?" As soon as they arrived, he directly asked him.


Tsk. So this is the reason why uncle agreed to his marriage.

" Then you should have known that I once proposed her but to get her rejection. "

He knew about this matter. Qin Yuheng gazed immediately looked as if he was looking at his enemy.

" You don't have to look at me like that. You actual opponent isn't me if you want her heart." After saying that he left. Why should he tell him everything? Let him feel uncomfortable!

When he heard the last sentence, he frowned uneasily. This can't be right? Someone actual opponent? But the information said that she was never close to any other man...

He returned to the living room.

After dinner, Shen Ning fled to her room.Her meaning was clear. She don't want to sleep with him.

He didn't say anything. They are husband and wife. They have a long way to go. One day she will accept him.

So he slept in the guest room alone.

The next day at breakfast..

" We will leave at afternoon. Beijing is far from here." While saying this, he looked at her and saw that the corner of her eyes were red. He wanted to say something but held himself back.

At afternoon, they everyone thought that Shen Ning would cry or make a fuss not to go but they realised that she was calm so calm that they didn't know if it was the calm before storm.

" I'm leaving." She was indifferent because she was feeling indignant. Her parents didn't say anything to comfort her at all!

Shi Fu came forward. " Can we talk to each other on phone?"

Before she could say anything someone took her hands. " Uncle, Auntie don't worry I will take care of her. When we are free we will visit you." After that he looked at her. " Let's go?"

When they reached the car, Shen Ning suddenly flung his hand away and went inside the back seat with a dark expression.

Qin Yuheng pursed his lips. She was angry with him.