Jake happily indulged in popcorn. Worse come to worst, he would just do 10 more push ups.

Jenny White looked at Jake and sighed internally. Calm down, it's just a two-hour movie. You've done it four times, what's one more? Jenny White thought.

Two hours later,

Jake walked out happily with Jenny White walking behind him with a dark face.

' Now it's time to visit the best place in the whole of Monsan. But before that let's have something to eat.' Jake says. Jenny White nods and follows him.

They soon arrived at a snack shop were the waitress quickly welcomed him and showed him to his usual table. It was by the window and you could see the exit of the shop from there.

' I come here a lot and this is the best place to have snacks and enjoy a great view. It would have been better if we had left earlier though. Look!' Jake says pointing out the window.

Jenny White looked out the window. The big fiery ball (sun) was lowering beneath the bare plains and it dyed it's background in a reddish orange hue. Jenny looked at the setting sun and felt peaceful.

' It is beautiful.' Jenny White says.

' See I told you. Now let's order. Enjoy its on me.' Jake says handing her the menu.

Jenny White picked up the menu and ordered 7 different snack. Jake felt a pang in his wallet. What was he thinking offering to pay for a spendthrift wealthy woman?

The service was fast and they received their snacks shortly. Jenny ate while enjoying the view and through the window she saw a family.

The man was holding bags, while the little boy was urging his mother to buy him cotton candy. The older sister joined in the plea while tugging at the man. The woman smiled and pinched their cheeks before buying them their cotton candy. The family happily walked away.

Jenny felt a bit melancholic. Before leaving the sanatorium, she had imagined going to meet a happy family. They would go on vacations, have game nights, go for movies (definitely not snow White) and go on strolls.

But barely 6 months after her return, her father passed away, her mother went into her she'll and she had to hold up her family.

She was deep in thought when she felt her cheek being squeezed. She looked up to see Jake pinching her cheek. She looked at him confused.

' So soft.' Jake says sighing.

' Huh?' Jenny White was confused. Jake coughed and withdrew his hand.

' I'll be right back.' He says and dashes out.

What was that about? Jenny White wondered. She lowered her head and continued eating suddenly a pink cloud appeared in front of her eyes.

' Cotton candy?' Jake says.

Jenny White smiled and took it. Jake was stunned, that smile. It wasn't a formal or casual smile, it expressed her joy and satisfaction. She looked gorgeous when she smiled. Jake knocked his head to chase out improper thoughts.

' Don't worry. When you return to your country, you can organise a family trip when your parents aren't busy. You can just inform your dad to make the arrangements.' Jake says. He saw the longing in her eyes when she looked at that family. She looked so strong yet she was still fragile.

' My father is dead.' Jenny White says.

Jake was stunned. ' So what. You can go with your mom. Have a mother-daughter bonding time.' Jake says.

' My mom is..... is a patient.' Jenny White replied.

Jake was startled. He better keep quiet, he didn't seem to be helping. Jake looked at her. No wonder she was tough, with no dad and a sick mom how could she have it easy?

Jake ate much without noticing.

' I thought celebrities need to watch their weight.' Jenny White says.

' The problem of being a star. Let me tell you a secret, nothing gives me more happiness than eating and cooking. One day when I get enough money, I'll retire and run a snack shop just like this.' Jake says.

Jenny White looked at him. She knew that feeling, when you want to do something but circumstances makes you procrastinate.

Jake settled the bill and led Jenny White to a lively part of the city. He couldn't help but feel his face heat up when his hand came in contact with that soft soft palm.

They walked for about an hour till they arrived at the destination. Seeing the signboard above their heads, Jenny White was speechless.

Modun Pam Pavillion. A clubhouse!!

This was the best place in the whole of Monsan?

' Welcome to the best place in the whole of Monsan.' Jake says.

' Shall we?' Jake says as he pulled her in.

They were here already, what's the worst that can happen?