The next morning,

Jenny White woke up early as usual, did her morning workout, freshened up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. She took out her phone to call Lucas.

' So now you remember you have a brother? I was already prepared to give you the silent treatment when you get back.' Lucas complaints came through the moment the call connected.

' No good morning to your Sister?' Jenny White says.

' Good morning beautiful Jenny White. How was your night?' Lucas says.

' Good morning to you too. How are you doing?' Jenny White asks.

' I'm okay but I miss you my beautiful sister. When will you come back home?' Lucas says.

' In about a month.' Jenny White replied.

' That's too long. ' Lucas whined like a spoilt child.

' Stop being dramatic. How is mother doing?' Jenny White asks.

' She's okay. The weather is nice so there are no unexpected surprises. Uncle Godfather came to check on her yesterday.'

' That's good. Take care of yourself. If you need anything tell me and I will get it for you immediately.' Jenny White says.

At this moment the seven guys walked into the kitchen to grab their cleaning equipments.

' Good morning.'.

' Good morning.'

' Good morning.'

' Good morning.'

' Good morning.'

'Good morning.'

' Good morning.'

The seven stars says to Jenny White who nods in return.

' Beautiful Jenny White, I heard voices. Where are you?' Lucas says.

' I'm at a rented apartment. Cleaning service personnels just came.' Jenny White says.

Aiden and Liam looked at Jenny White and then at each other then to the equipment in their hands.

The others saw their look and pulled them outside to gossip.

' What did she say?' Leo says itching for gossip.

' She said she's at a guesthouse and the people from cleaning service just came in.' Aiden says.

' What people from the cleaning service? Nobody came in it was just us.... Wait, was she talking about us?' Xavier says.

The others looked at him as if he was a fool.

' I think you traded your brains for muscles. Of course she's talking about us!!' Oliver says.

' This woman is too much!! We can't let this go on.' Leo says.

' You keep talking big and building castles on clouds.' Jake says with disdain.

' What do you mean by that?' Leo says.

' It means what it means. You keep inciting us to fight back when you're the biggest wimp. If you are so mighty, go protest on your own hopefully you don't get a leg cramp.' Xavier says and Leo turns red.

Last night after giving Jenny White "a piece of his mind", he walked up the stairs and saw Xavier who was peeping through a gap in the door.

' Hey Leo, why are you trembling?' Xavier asked.

' I had a leg cramp what's it to you?' Leo retorted.

' Yeah, Is your finger cramped too? Your shoulders are trembling too, don't tell me you are cold on a summer night?' Xavier says and Leo snorted and made a trembling hasty retreat.

' I won't talk with you guys anymore.' Leo says and goes to clean up and the others leave.

After having a quiet and quick breakfast, Ace and Jenny White headed out for their tour date.

' Today is a good day at Game City. There's a competition and I have trained hard for it. The winning price is a brand new Snow Glory Laptop.' Ace says excitedly.

Jenny White turned to look at him.

Xue Rong laptop? Wasn't that from her company?

( Note: Xue means Snow in Pinyin while Rong means Glory. Lucas's name is Bai Rong as in White glory while Jenny's is Bai Xue as in White snow)

Ace was turning tomato under her gaze. Her eyes were like rays of fire scorching him intensely.

' Let's go quickly so we won't be late.' Ace says and grabs her hand attempt to salvage his embarrassment.

But when he came in contact with her moist palm, he froze.

Jenny White turned to look at him wondering why he stopped.

' What's wrong?' She asked.

' Nothing, your hand feels nice to touch.' Ace says and then freezes again before turning beet red.

Jenny White looked at his red face and felt that this guy was really too naive and shy. She reached out and pat his head.

' I know.' She says.

Ace couldn't handle it anymore. He turned around and swiftly left leaving Jenny White stunned.

Where was he going leaving her in the middle of their journey?