Chapter 12

The light breeze in the dead of the night carries my thoughts away.

Caelestis handed me a bag of coin and showed me to a room at the back of a tent. He said the room is owned by an old friend of his, and I don't have to worry about paying. He said to use the coin in emergencies, and he said I should live under a new identity, and he threw his cloak at me once again.

He introduced me to some people, and explained to them that I can't speak. I was born mute. He told me that I should earn at least 5 gold coins every time I dance, but I could earn tips too. He told me to keep the coin hidden from thieves.

He told me that the only people here who knows of my identity is the owner, and I can trust her.

But I don't want to trust her.

He told me that he was going to go do some rounds of the village, to make sure it is safe. He told me that about 3 hours ago.

The room he showed me to consists of a bed, a chest of drawers, a small mirror and a backless stool. The bed actually being fabric and blankets piled in a fashion to create what seems like to be a bed, and a pillow lying on it.

It's suffocating. I feel asphyxiated by the lack of air, the lack of sand, the lack of night and the lack of silence. It's so different to the life I've lived these past months, different in what should be a good way?

But I hate it.

The loneliness chokes me and I'm trapped in a rose-tinted glass.