"Then should we just submit our test already?"Alexa asked as she entered the classroom with Naomi.

Mia was walking behind them. her eyes scanned the entire classroom and she sighed in relief when she didn't see Lonan.

She wasn't ready to face him after what happened last night at his house.

But, could that be the reason why he's not present today? If it is then, that's good news to Mia

"who cares if you come or not? I'll definitely find out what you're hiding Blackbird,"She mumbled beneath her breath.

Alexa and Naomi turned to her with creased eyebrows.

" did you say something? "

" no, "

" oh, anyway... McKenzie is done with the notes... should we submit our test project after school? " Alexa asked eyeing Mia

" will you guys do it, there's somewhere I need to go after school "

" really? where? " Naomi said

" Mom will tell me later... "

" well I don't mind..." Alexa smiled before moving to her desk.

McKenzie entered with her friend, Sierra, and her eyes dropped on Mia.

" well, you all should make sure I pass that test or your gonna bring back the effort i put into doing it... " McKenzie said

" shouldn't you at least be happy, I'm sure your mom's gonna be proud of you if she finds out you've topped from position 20 to 1 " Naomi said smirking

" are you trying to make fun of me? "

" don't be mad, if I was making fun of you, I would be laughing already " McKenzie hissed and left their sight with Sierra.

" I don't think I'll ever like her, she's too annoying " Naomi rolled her eyes

" you should've just ignored her, you know... "

" she always provokes me, I hate her presence... "

Suddenly the teacher entered the classroom and it all went quiet.


"Hello!! Anyone?! Please help me!"A girl screamed as she tried to free herself from the chains that were tied around her ankles and wrists

The room she was in was really dark that she couldn't see a thing. All of a sudden, the door opened and a figure came in.

The person was dressed in all black, a face cap which covered half of his face, the mask he had on completed in hiding his face.

" good morning, Pearl " He said and tears screamed down the girl's face.

" how do you know my name? Who are you? Why did you bring me in here? Please let me go!! I didn't do anything, I beg you!! " She cried more.

Little did she know, her cries were a melodious song in the person's ears that he wished to make her scream already.

He walked behind the chair she was tied up to. He brought out the slash that was tucked in his trousers and placed it close to Pearl's neck

" do you think this will hurt? "

", please, don't kíll me I'm sorry if I did anything wrong, just don't kíll, pleeaase... " She pleaded as her heart began racing.

" of course not, this won't hurt a bit " Before Pearl could say anything more, he sliced the slash on her arms and blood gushed out, making Pearl cry out in agony. It was really hurtful.

The person moved back and watched as her blood dripped on the floor like running was a beautiful sight to watch, it was even better with her tears in the process.

When Pearl couldn't take it anymore, she collapsed. The person walked closer to her and treated her wound, before unchaining her legs. He injected a drug into her body before bringing her out of the room.