Chapter 46: Paradise Island

One by one, figures emerged from the bushes and made their way to the shore, each one drawing their bows and arrows to aim at the two uninvited guests.

The Amazons.

They were a group of muscular female warriors, all clad in golden armor. Though each wore slightly different attire, every warrior's armor was adorned with intricate patterns, and they wore combat bracelets made of gold and silver, with wide belts strapped around their waists. 

Their muscular bodies were well-toned and graceful, and each woman had a face that was both determined and resolute. Most of them had their hair tied back, with some sporting rings of braids.

Of course, without exception, they were all filled with hostility toward the newcomers, with expressions that suggested they were ready for a fight at the slightest provocation.

Shen You couldn't help but wonder if the magic that protected the Amazons included some sort of alarm system. On the surface, it appeared to be a primitive tribe, but in the original comics, people had repeatedly come to the island for various reasons. No matter which part of the coastline they landed on or if they descended directly onto any part of the island, the Amazons would always appear immediately, like auto-spawning minions in a video game.

Shen You didn't believe for a second that they didn't have some sort of defense system.

Soon, an imposing woman riding a fine horse arrived, accompanied by a small contingent of mounted warriors. She was tall and commanding, clad in elaborate armor, her long hair flowing behind her, her expression serious and stern.

"Your Majesty," the Amazon warrior leading the group saluted her.

This quickly confirmed Shen You's suspicion. This was the ruler of Paradise Island, Wonder Woman's mother, Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons.

Zola nervously shrank behind Shen You. "Who are they? Primitive natives? They won't put us in a pot and cook us, right?"

"Don't worry, they won't," Shen You replied.

Queen Hippolyta approached them, frowning slightly as she saw Shen You's fully covered armor.

"Man, wearing your so-called 'technology' weapon, what is your purpose in trespassing on Paradise Island?"

"This girl is being hunted," Shen You pointed to Zola behind him. "Hermes directed her to come here for sanctuary."

Upon hearing this, the Amazon warriors began to murmur among themselves. Queen Hippolyta's brow furrowed as well, seemingly surprised, her mind racing with thoughts.

A blonde Amazon warrior next to the queen shouted, "Lies! Why would the great gods allow a filthy man to defile Paradise Island? Men are full of lies and cannot be trusted…"

Shen You raised an eyebrow but didn't have a chance to respond before a warning suddenly flashed across his helmet display. A large target was marked behind him.

He quickly turned around to see the sea behind them suddenly roil with huge waves. A gigantic shadow burst out of the water!

It was some sort of strange sea monster, a massive body breaking through the water like a towering mountain, sending white waves crashing all around it. Its long, thick body was covered in dark scales, its face twisted in a hideous expression, and its mouth was filled with enormous fangs, like a creature riding the waves towards the shore.

The Amazons were equally astonished. Queen Hippolyta shouted, "Retreat! Retreat!"

The female warriors quickly scattered, some drawing their swords, others brandishing spears, while some immediately drew their bows in the monster's direction.

These were Amazons, after all. To put it kindly, they were all fearless warriors; to put it bluntly, they were a bunch of stubborn fighters. It didn't matter if it was a mythical beast or an alien; they always charged in headfirst, full throttle.

Perhaps it was this very quality that made them a staple background in every major event, often getting their home invaded or wiped out just like the universe's renowned disaster-prone Green Lantern Corps, who shared the same headstrong traits.

But this time, there was no need for them to risk their lives.

As Shen You turned around, energy mixed with electricity had already gathered from his armor's right hand, forming a spinning disc.

**The Eight-Segment Light Wheel!**

The saw-like wheel shot out from his hand, charged with highly concentrated Specium energy, emitting a faint, pleasant hum as it spun through the air.

In that moment, the sea monster's pupils contracted, as if sensing a tremendous threat from the spinning wheel.

If it had another chance, it definitely wouldn't have rushed onto the shore so recklessly, facing this terrifying presence.

But it was too late.

The spinning blade effortlessly sliced through its body, like a master chef effortlessly chopping a potato, with both sides cut smoothly and neatly.

With just one strike, the sea monster was sliced in half, its eyes bulging wide in death.

The Amazons, who were still positioning themselves and forming battle lines, stopped in their tracks simultaneously, each one turning their head in disbelief to look at the scene on the shore.

It looked like this armored man had casually swung his arm.

And a mountain had been cleaved in two.

This was clearly not something any mortal could do, right?

After cleanly killing the sea monster behind him with a casual swipe, Shen You turned around and said sincerely, "We mean no harm."

The Amazons: "…"

The blonde Amazon warrior who had spoken earlier hesitated for a moment, then turned to Queen Hippolyta. "Since it is the will of Hermes, perhaps we should listen, Your Majesty."


It wasn't exactly cowardice.

Amazons are never afraid.

But when someone casually displays such overwhelming power, whatever they say becomes significantly more convincing.

Because whenever you doubt they're lying, you only need to think, "Would they need to lie?" and the suspicion seems to clear right up.

Thus, Shen You and Zola were allowed to enter Paradise Island smoothly. Afterward, a female warrior was even assigned to deal with the two large chunks of sea monster carcass that had been sliced in half on the shore.

The thing was huge; one pot wouldn't be enough to cook it all. Who knows how many meals it would make.

Though Shen You's display of power had made them somewhat believe his words, there were still doubts. As they walked, Queen Hippolyta asked Zola, "Hermes told you to come to Paradise Island? And you're being hunted?"

Zola nodded.

"By whom?"

"I don't know…" Zola hesitated. "But he said, he said the reason I'm being targeted is because…"

"Because of what?"

Queen Hippolyta narrowed her eyes.

Zola stammered, "He said… he said I'm carrying Zeus's child…"

Queen Hippolyta abruptly stopped walking, and all the Amazons around her also froze, their gazes all converging on Zola.

First, they were shocked.

Then, understanding dawned on them, as if they suddenly grasped what was happening.

"So that's it, that's what's going on. So, you're being targeted by 'her.' No wonder he told you to seek sanctuary here."

Queen Hippolyta resumed walking, muttering to herself.

"Oh? Do you know who is after her?" Shen You asked.


Queen Hippolyta nodded and calmly uttered a name.

"Hera, Queen of the Gods."