running from bullies

"Duuuuuuuuuude!!!!! What the hell was that? Ben said. 


"Wh-What!!" Zack said 


"Why did she even talk to me about something like that, like what was going on!!"Ben said 


"How should I know, bro? I don't know she saw me like that and also didn't know she would have talked to me out of nowhere about it, Zach said. 


"Whatever man she is, goddess of this school, talk to someone like you!!!! That's huge, dude!" Ben said 


"Bro, I know, Zack said. 


"Dude"Ben said 


"Bro"Zack said 


"Dude," Ben said. 


"Bro"Zack said 


"Alright, class, settle down. Time to start," the teacher said. 


Zack felt a little weird being back in high school all these years, but now he remembers everything that happened back then and makes it out for him. But one thing is weird: why did Jade come up to him anyway and say she saw me doing parkour in an ally popular girl? I would have never talked to him if it's about Parkour, but he feels something different about her. He feels weird about it, but he puts it back in his mind and enjoys class. Sometimes he feels the jealous gazes of male classmates in his classroom. 


"Look at him, Brock. He thinks all that since the school queen talked to him,"Alex said. 


"Ya, maybe we should teach him a lesson after school, Brock said. 


"Ya, that will be a great idea. Let's do that to him. Teach him a real good lesson that he will forget, Alex said. 


"Let's put him in his place, Brock said. 


"Hahahaha"both laughed 


Zack didn't know what was coming for him, but those two have misjudged their prey because he won't go down without a fight. School is almost over, and Zack has a lot of thoughts going through his mind about Jade and everything, but he will have to deal with them in the future. He also wants to train his body again, like he did when he was 25 years old. He was thinking about stuff to do to get better, and he heard a sound. 


*ding dong*bell Sound 


"Alright, class is over; you can go home,the teacher said. 


"Yo, bro, where are you going after school? Ben said. 


"Dude, I don't know. I have to see what about you, Zack said. 


Shadow over Zack right now. He looked confused, so he looked up and saw two guys looking for him. It was Brock and Alex. They were giving him the death stare. 


"Hey you!" Brock said 


Everybody looked our way, and even Jade looked our way as well. 


"May I help you with something?" Zack said. 


"Yeah, we do need help with something, Alex said. 


"We want to teach a lesson, dork!" Brock said 


"What did I do to deserve this? Zack said.


"Hey, leave him alone; this has nothing to do with you, ugly!" Alex said 


"Okay, okay, I get, Zack said. 


Zack got up from his chair, looked around for an escape route, and saw the window was open. They were on the first floor, and he could do a little trick. He was ready to do his thing, so he gave them a little smile. 


"But first, I have something to say, Zack said. 


"Ya, what's that dork? Brock said. 


"What is it!"Alex said 


"This"Zack said 


Zack jumped up, did a cross-drop kick off the floor, and hit them in the face. They fell to the ground, and he landed on his back, did a kick flip, and looked at them and smiled at them. 


"See you boys around, Zac said. 


Zack ran to the window, did a head-first dive, and did a back flip onto the ground. He landed on his feet, looked back to class, and saw their surprised faces. I ran to the gate and jumped on the other side, landed on the other side, and ran all the way and stopped to catch my breath. 


"Huff huff hufff, Zack said.