2nd level

"Huff, huff, huff, Zac said. 


Zack is standing in the middle of the alleyway, breathing hard. He's sitting on the ground and looking up at the buildings, and he hears a familiar noise. 




[Name: Zack Payne]

[Age: 15] 

[Race: Human] 

[Talent: low]


[HP: 100/100] 

[STR: 6] 


[VIT: 10] 




[points 10]


[Congratulations! You leveled up to level 2. system said 


Zack saw his system bar; he leveled up, and he was happy about it. He defeated two guys and did some parkour tricks, and that's what earned him those points as well. So Zack started running, and he felt faster, and he sidestepped and jumped to the building wall, climbed over the gate, stood on the edge of the gate, and jumped to the ladders to go to the roof top. 


"Wow, I got a lot faster, and my reaction time is faster, well, hahaha!" Zack said 


He started climbing to the roof top and jumped up on the roof and landed on his feet, staring at the view where he was, and he smiled a little bit and liked it. The site he saw was just relishing the moment for a little bit until he did a little more parkour. He looked at the pathways of buildings around him and figured out what to do and what moves he could use. He was ready, and he moved back a little bit and looked 


"Go!"Zack said 


Zack started running and saw some vents system ahead of him and kept running to it and he slide on top of it and landed on ground and kept running and saw edge of building and saw the building other side and put more speed to his running and he was on ledge and jumped and landed other side rolled on back to cushion is fall and stoped and smiled and turn his head forward and starting running again did handspring and back flip somersault landed on his feet again and he went to edge saw pool on bottom and smiled widely 


"Well, it won't hurt. I guess let's try it." Zack said 


Zack jumped off the building and did a backflip, falling to the ground where the pool was. He had an excited smile on his face and yelled. 


"Woooooooooohoooo!" Zack said 


*splash"water sound 


Zack landed in the pool perfectly and came out under water, smiling and laughing his heart out. 


"Woooohooo, yeah, dude, that was amazing. I felt alive doing this stuff, hahahahaha!" Zack said 


He was floating. In the water, smiling ear to ear, he was having his best life with this system and power-up. He felt more strength within him than he ever had. He wants more of it. He wants to be the world's best parkour player. He feels alive doing tricks and jumping off buildings, and he wants to do more daredevil stuff. 


"Level 2 I'm glad I leveled up. I need more levels, and one day I will get more missions, get more points to get to the system store, buy a lot more stuff, and even get more powerful by the day with this stuff, Zack said. 


Zack still stayed in the pool for a while and floated in the pool, and he heard a loud noise calling out to him. 


"Hey you!!!! Get out of the pool, Voice said. 


Zack looked his way and saw it was a security guard, and he got out of the pool as fast as he could, jumped up on the wall, and looked back. The security office smiled at home and said 


"Thanks for the swim officer, dude. See you around, hahahaha, Zack said. 


"Get back here, you punk!" Security said 


Sacked, jumped off the wall, landed on the ground, and ran from the pool place without turning back, laughing and smiling, having a great time.