Rude Sister

Walking home from the pool and enjoying the walk, I saw my sister ahead of me, and I ran up to her and scared her from behind. 


"Booo!"Zack  said 


"Ahhhhh!" Amber said 


Zack started laughing; Amber saw who it was, and his face got red in anger. He yelled at Zack for being scared. 


"Hahahahahahahahaha hilarious!" Zack said 


"Zack!!!!!!!!!!!!!" amber said 


Zack started running inside the house, and Amber ran after him, yelling at him. 


"Get back here, you loser!!!!" Amber said 


"Sorry, I can't hear you!" Zack said 


He ran to his room, slammed the door shut, and locked it. Amber stopped at the door and got angry, and a loud thud hit the door. 


"I will! Get you back! Freak!" amber said 


"Wow, what a rude sister! I have!" Zack said 


"I show you rude, you dork!" Amber said 


"Okay, I love you, big sis, hahahaha, Zack said. 


"Ugh!! You are so annoying!!!!!" Amber said


"Hey!!! You two calm down!" Mom said 


Mom said, Out of the kitchen, I smiled. I feel amber anger rising. 


"Okay, mom, sorry, big sister!" Zack said 


"Yeah whatever!" Amber said 


Amber stomped away to her room, and I was laughing in my room. Because it's funny making fun of my sister and scaring her, I opened the door and came out, looking around, and she was right there, coming right at me. 


"Gotcha ya!!!!" Amber said 


She tried to grab me, and I dodged it. She kept doing it, and I saw the living room window open and mom looking at us like she had enough of us. and I looked back at Amber, who kept coming at me, and I smiled at her. 


"Nice try, sis!!!" Zack said 


"Wait, what are you doing? Amber said. 


"I ran from her and started running to the window. Mom looked at me in panic. 


"Wait, stop, Zack, what are you doing!"Mom said 


I kept running close to the window, did a jump dive, backflip through the window, and landed on my feet.


"Zack!!" Amber said 


"Oh no!!! Mom said. 


They ran to the window and saw Zack was alright, doing front and back flips and handsprings onto his feet. They were surprised at what happened and looked at me with wide eyes and shocked mouths. 


"Damn, I have a rude sister, hahahaha!" Zack said 


Zack walked up to the door, opened it, and looked at his stunned mother and sister again with a smile on his face. 


"So what's for dinner!"Zack said 


Amber came out and looked at him with astonishment and anger in her eyes. 


"What the hell was that?!?" Amber said 


"Yes, definitely, you are rude, sister, but I love you anyway!" Zack said 


"You!!!!!" Amber said 


"Stop!"Mom said 


Mom came up to me and looked around me to see if I was hurt anywhere, even though I wasn't, and she sighed and looked at me angry as well.


"Zack Payne!!!!! Why did you do that!!!!!"Mom said 


She hit me on the shoulder twice, and I pretended it hurt. 


"Ouch mom I'm sorry, that was some parkour that I do on the side as my hobby, Zack said. 


"Parkour.."Amber said 


"Yes, pretty cool, right, sister, I'm amazing, Zack said. 


"You are such a lame ass dork!!!!" Amber said 


"Wow, still rude, sister" Zack said.