Showing dad my skills

"What a rude sister"Zack said. 


Amber looked at him with an angry face stomping at him; her face was red with rage. 


"What the hell is wrong with you!!!"Amber said


"Nothing wrong I just escaped from you. Did some parkour moves cool, right? Zack said.


"Not! Cool—not cool at all. You could have died!!!!!" Amber said 


"Yep, it's cool, Zack said.


"No, it's not!" Amber said 


"Yes!"Zack said


"No!"Amber said 


"Yes!"Zack said 


"No!"Amber said 


"No!"Zack said


"Yes!"Amber said 


I smiled, and Amber froze still. She couldn't believe she got tricked by her idiot brother.


"See, you do agree with me, hahaha, Zack said. 


Amber's face got really red, and her body started to tremble over rage. She had looked at him. 


"WHY YOU!!!!!!" Amber said 


"Hey Amber, why are you yelling for!"Voice said


They froze in their tracks when they heard that voice. Looking where it came from, it was a man standing at the door with a curious look on his face. 


"Honey, welcome home, Mom said. 


"Hey! Dad!! Zack said. 


"Daddy!" Amber said 


"Hey, how's everybody doing? Dad said. 


Dad came up to mom, gave her a hug and kiss, gave me an amber hug, and then looked back at us with curiosity in his eyes. 


"So what's going on? Why were you yelling? Dad said. 


Amber looked at me and pointed at me. 


"Daddy! Zack scared me, so I ran after him in the house, then hid in his room, and then waited for him so I could catch him. He came out, and I tried to grab him, but he dodged my attack and ran from the window to dive outside. We were worried, so he ran to the window, and he was alright doing some acrobatics as well, teasing me, so I yelled when you heard me. " Amber said 


Dad looked at me with curiosity and worry on his face, which showed 


"Zack, are you okay? You didn't hurt yourself, right? Dad said. 


"Yeah, I'm good, and the moves I was doing were easy!" Zack said 


"Okay, I want to see these moves that you are making and also see how good you are, Dad said. 


I gave him an excited smile, but Mom and Amber gave him a surprised look. Their eyes went wide, and their mouths could look like they hit the floor. 


"Daddy! What are you saying!"amber said 


"Honey…"Mom said 


"I believe he will be okay. Let's just watch him, Dad said. 


"Alright, go outside. I'll show you what I can do!" Zack said 


His parents and sister went out to wait to see what he could do with his parkour. 


"Ready!!!"Dad said 


I looked out the window. I remembered lying out on the outside of the house, so I looked back at the window. 


"Go!"Zack said 


I started running when I got close to the window. I front-five backflip from the window landed on my feet and ran again, so I hand-sprung backflip into the front flip and ran to the building wall. I jumped on the wall, did sumersalt land on my feet again, and did hand-spring 2x into the back flip next to my family. 


"How did I do? Zac asked. 


His family looked at him with amazed looks again, but his dad didn't show any reaction at all. 


I got nervous because he didn't say anything to me. He just kept staring at me with a far-away look in his eye, like he didn't care what I did, which made me feel sad inside. I clenched my fist, so I didn't show any emotion. 


"Zack"Dad said


"Yes, dad" Zack said. 


"What you just did,Dad said. 


"Yeah, what about it?Zac said. 


"That was amazing!!" Dad said 


"H-Huh!!" Zack said 


"I'm proud of you, Zack. What you did was incredible, Dad said. 


He grabbed Zack. Hugged him Zack was shocked at this development, but he hugged his dad back, smiled, and so did his mother and sister, so his dad let go of him and ruffled his hair. 


"Hahahaha, so I showed my dad my skills," Zack said.