Martial Arts Skill

After all that happened, I went into my room and laid down on my bed, thinking about what happened while I heard noise. 




[Congratulations! [You earned the award!] System said 


[Unlocked: Martial Art Skills]


I saw the award that was unlocked. I couldn't believe it was in there. I was happy now. I know how to fight my enemies or bullies who ever come at me now with editions to my parkour. I got up from my bed. 


[Knowledge of skill starting now] System said 


I am waiting for the skills and knowledge to come to me. I felt worse pain in my head from all my memories of martial arts since the beginning of time. 


"Ugggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" I said 


I held my head in pain. It kept going for a few minutes, but the pain went away little by little, like it wasn't there anymore. I breathed in and out, got up from my bed, took a fighting stance, and breathed in and out. 


"Go!"I said 


I did a few punches, a side sweep, a crane kick, a handspring front flop kick, and landed on my feet. I did a roundhouse kick, stopped breathing in, opened my eyes, and smiled at my perfect movement and skills. 


"Wow, that was easier than I thought!" Zack said


I thought about what to do next, and while I came up with a great idea, I went to my closet and picked out black clothes and hats so I could go out. While I went downstairs, I told my family I'd be out while walking through the neighborhood, then took the bus to the city at night. I put my hood over myself, walked to Ally, started running, jumped on the wall, pushed off, grabbed the ladder, climbed up, jumped up on the roof, started running again, jumping over roofs, doing some backflips on my front lips, and did a handspring over to the next roof. 


"Hahahahaha, I still can't believe how much fun I'm having with this, Zac said. 


He did some martial arts moves with parkour and heard another sound in his head. 




[Name: Zack Payne]

[Age: 15] 

[Race: Human] 

[Talent:Medium ]


[HP: 100/100] 



[VIT: 60] 




[points 2000]


"Wow, I leveled up again by 3 times. I guess using martial arts and parkour together gave me more things, Zack said. 


He ran again, jumping a few more buildings. He heard a noise. He ran to that noise and found women getting robbed by a man holding a knife at her. 


"STOP PLEASE!!" Lady said 


"Then give me the money, bitch; nobody will get hurt!" robber said 


I went down quickly without making a sound and got behind him in the dark, waiting to make my next move. 


"Please, this is all I have left!!!" Lady said 


He swung his hand back with the knife he's holding and brought it down with force. 


"Then die a bit." Robber said 


I caught his hand, took the knife, kicked him gut, and he went backwards, a little bit looking back at what happened. He saw me standing there with his knife in my hand, and he looked startled. 


"H-huh, who are you?" robber said 


I didn't say anything; I just looked at him and then looked at the woman. 


"Go home," Zack said. 


"Thank you!!!" Woman said 


She ran away in another way to get away from us. I smiled and looked back at the robber, who was still standing there. 


"Why are you doing this!"Robber said 


"...…."I said 


"This wasn't your business to be in!!"Robber said 


I walked to him, and he backed away from me a little bit, and then he clenched his fist, starting to run to me. 


"Ahhhh, fuck it, I'm going to kill you!" Robber said


He was in front of my face. His fist was coming into my face. I blocked it with my arm. He looked at me with surprise. He tried to kick me in the gut. I brought my leg up and defended his attack. He was surprised again. 


"Damn it!!!!" Robber said 


He tried to kick me multiple times, then tried to hit me in the face, gut, head, and leg. I blocked all of it. I smiled at him, and he got even more angry. 


"DAMN YO..Ughhhhhhhh!!!!" Robber said 


Holding his stomach, I didn't know what happened. I fell to my knees and couldn't stand up at all. He was breathing hard, trying to catch his breath. I ran up to him, hit him with a high knee to the face, bounced to the ground, and lost consciousness. I smiled again. I looked down on him. 


"So that's martial arts skill fun, Zack said. 


He heard the sirens of police cars run away to the building stair case and run up it to the roof. He was so fast that the police missed him. Zack watched the police take away the robber. I went back home.