My crush talks to me

I came home from my eventful night. I came from the door; everybody was asleep. I went to the kitchen, grabbed something to eat, then went to bed for school tomorrow night. A few hours later, the sun began to shine. 


"Time to wake up, kids! mom said. 


"Ugh"I said 


I am trying to get out of bed, but I am too lazy to get up for the moment. I looked up at my ceiling, thinking about what happened yesterday and how I saved that woman. I had this exciting adventure, and adrenaline made me feel like I wanted to do it again, but I called myself. I got up from my bed, stretched my muscles, got dressed, went to the kitchen, ate some breakfast, and dad was with us having breakfast for a long time. I got up, went to get my bag left for school, and I was walking around the trail almost to the school gate, but I went into ally for a couple minutes to have a workout. 


"Time for a little parkour!" Zack said 


Zack stretched his muscles, jumped up and down for a couple seconds, put himself in the starting position, looked at his course, and smiled. 


"Go!"Zack said 


I ran, did jump over the three trash cans with a black flip, landed on my feet, ran again to the wall, did a sidewall run, landed on my feet, rolled on my back on the ground, and did kick up on my feet and do martial arts leg sweeps and handsprings. 4x backflip into front flip landed on my feet all while smiling 


"Ahahahahaha"Zack said 


I heard a clapping noise behind me. It's a person behind a bright light I couldn't see. 


"That was an amazing job,Voice said. 


Zack remembered that voice and smiled. 


"Thanks for the compliment. I guess you were watching from the sidelines again, Jade." Zack 



"Yeah, I was walking and heard a little noise in the way I saw this guy doing parkour out there, smiling and laughing like he was in his own little world of fun,Jade said. 


"Well, it frees me; it's a hobby that I love as well, Zack said. 


"Oh, was that little fighting thing you're doing? Jade said. 


Jade walked up to Zack and smiled at him. 


"It was marital arts I learned a couple days ago, Zack said. 


Jade was surprised at what he said and smiled again at him brightly. 


"You are full of surprises, Zack. Jade said. 


"Well, it's nothing, hahaha, Zack said. 


"I have a big question, Jade said. 


"H-huh, what is it?" Zack said. 


I was nervous now because his crush wanted to ask him a big question, and he was acting fine talking all this while, but deep down he was panicking inside. She smiled at him again. 


"I want us to be good friends, Jade said. 


Jade said, smiling at him brightly. Zack was caught off guard by the smile and was questioned. She asked, and Zack smiled back while she was a nervous wreck inside. 


"Will you be my friend? Jade said. 


"H-Huh, um..." Yeah, we can be friends, Zack said. 


I said, but I couldn't believe what I heard. She wants to be my friend. My crush, the most popular girl in school, wants to be my friend. It's like I'm dreaming. She smiled at me brightly. 


"Yay!! That's awesome, so shall we head to school, my new friend?" Jade said 


"Hahaha, yeah, let's go," Zack said. 


We walk together out of the alleyway, turn to the corner, and walk to the school front gate. Some students saw us together, including the princess of the school, and some nobody. 


"Hey, look, it's a school princess!" Guy said 


"Who's that guy with her!"Girl said 


"Shes so beautiful, but I never seen that guy before in my life!" Guy 2 said 


I heard the whispers of people talking and people giving me death stares on the way into the school. I just ignored them and walked with Jade into the school building. He walked through the door. People saw us again talking and whispering, and we made our way into our class. Everyone in our class looked our way and was surprised to see me and Jade walking in class together. We walked in, looked at each other, and smiled at each other. 


"I'll see you later, Zack. Jade said. 


"Yeah, see you after class, Jade. Zack said. 


She walked away. I walked to my desk, but I saw Ben with wide eyes. Jaw dropped to the floor, looking at me with a surprised face. I looked at him, smiling. 


"What dude? Zack said. 


"Bro!!! You walked into school with the most beautiful girl in school. How the hell!!!" Ben said 


"I was doing a little parkour again in a way, so she saw me and watched me do it. We talked a little bit, and she wanted to be friends, so we walked to school together, Zack said. 


"Dude!"Ben said 


"Bro!"Zack said 


"Dude!"Ben said 


"Bro!"Zack said 


"Dude, that's sick as hell, dude!" Ben said 


"I know, right! Haha"Zack said 


We did our handshake together, fooling around until we heard the bell ring and the teacher came in. 


"Alright, class time to start,the teacher said. 


We stopped fooling around and sat at our desk. I saw Jade looking at me. I looked at her. We both smiled at each other. 


'My crush talked to me, dude, that's awesome!' Zack said