teaching Ben Martial arts

After hours of playing in the parkour building and trying out everything, I stopped doing practice, turned off the lights, went outside the building, locked it up, and started walking back home. Feeling the cold air of the night, with stars shining up above the sky and a beautiful moon tonight as well, I made it home. My parents were watching TV in the living room when I came home. They saw me and smiled. 


"Hey there, son!" Dad said 


"How was your day? Has anything new happened? Mom said.


"My day was good, and Ben was being bullied today, so I beat up the bullies and made one of them cry, and the other lost cautiousness with one hit, but after that, everything was good!" Zack said 


"Oh, that's good; you saved your... Mom said. 


They both looked at him with a curious and startled look. He said he fought people and wondered how hell he's not hurt. 


"Wait, what did you say, Zack!"Dad said 


"I think I heard you wrong,Mom said. 


"I saved Ben from bullies's and beat them up with two moves, Zack said. 


"I thought you said something like that, Mom said.


"Um, so did you get hurt or in trouble? Dad said. 


"Nope, not at all. I did it after school. When the cops came, I jumped up on the roof and left before they could see, so I'm all good, Zack said. 


"Huh!" Both said 


Zack just smiled at them, waiting for their shock to come down so he could let them talk to him to say what's on their minds. 


"Just become more careful, okay, buddy, Dad said. 


"Yes, sir, I will, hahaha, Zack said. 


He left the conversation and went to his bedroom to take a shower, then changed into his clothes and went to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling for a little bit, and go to sleep a few hours later while sleeping. 


"Heys guys!!! Time to wake up for school!" Mom said 


"Ugh!!!!" Zack said


Zack was too lazy to get up. He couldn't get up. He heard banging on his door. 


"Hey dork, get out here now!!!" Amber said 


"Ugh!!!!! Fine!!" Zack said 


Zack got up from the bed, got his clothes on for school, went out of his bedroom, went to the kitchen, sat at the table, and his dad, mother, and sister were sitting there looking at him with a glare. 


"Why are you staring at me like that, sis? Zack said. 


"I saw a video of some kids fighting two bullies, but the kid won by two moves, Amber said. 


"Oh well, that's cool; the bullies must have got it coming to them!" Zack said


"Do you have anything to say to me, little brother!"Amber said 


"Nine!" Zack said 


Zack got up and left quickly to get to school before his sister could ask him more questions. He got out of the door and ran to school. He did some cartwheeling, front flip into back flip, back handspring into front flip, running on people's steps, jumping over their railings, and lending on my feet. He did a sidewall run, landed on his feet, rolled on the ground on his back, kept running, and did a front handspring 4x in an air-back flip onto his feet. People were watching him in awe, and some were clapping. He heard a voice behind him, and he noticed who it was. 


"Wow, Zack, you made some impressive moves there, hehehe." Jade said 


"Well, thank you, Jade. This is my first time doing so many handsprings into the air, Zack said.


"Yo! Zack, dude!" Ben said


"Ben bro!" Zack said 


"Ben hello!" Jade said 


"Jade! Hey there!" Ben said 


"Ben"Zack said 


"Zack!" Ben said 


"Ben, dude, Zack said. 


"Zack, bro, Ben said.


"Guys!" Jade said


"Yes, Jade. Both said 


They looked at each other for a few minutes and laughed.


"Hahahahaha"Everybody said 


They were walking together to the school when Jade bumped into Zack, and he looked at her and smiled. 


"So that was something yesterday; you really meant that you would handle them." Jade 


"Yeah bro! What the hell were all those moves, man? I'm glad you did something about them, but damn, you broke his nose with one move! I couldn't even fathom how I could do that, Ben said. 


"Hahahaha, I learned some martial arts, but when I added it to my parkour, it was an easy thing to do,"Zack said. 


"I want to learn martial arts when the time comes, Ben said.


Zack stopped walking. Ben and Jade stopped as well and looked at him with a curious face, but when they saw his serious face, Ben and Jade 


"Ben"Zack said 


"Yeah, dude, you're scaring me here with your serious face and tone there, man, Ben said. 


"Do you really want to learn martial arts for self-defense to protect yourself? Zack said. 


"H-Huh.." Ben said 


"Do you want to learn a few things I know so you can protect yourself? I will teach you, Zack said. 


Ben's eyes went wide. He couldn't believe his best friend was offering him some of his techniques so he could protect himself in the future. Jade smiled upon hearing that, and Ben smiled and got excited as well. 


"Hell yeah, dude!" Teach me your ways of martial arts, man. That would be awesome!" Ben said 


Zack smiled, looked at Ben for a while, and put his hand on his shoulder. 


"Alright, bro, after school, I'm talking to you somewhere that would be an awesome environment for you, so Ben, I will be teaching some stuff I know." Zack said 


"Hey, can I come and watch you teach him!"Jade said 


"Yeah, if you want to learn as well, I will teach you some stuff, Zack said. 


"Good, hehehe, Jade said. 


"Awesome!! Hahahaahaha, it will be cool, Ben said. 


"Well, I will be teaching you Ben Marital Arts; it will be a lot of fun, Zack said.