Visitors In parkour Building

When school was going on, people looked at me and pointed at me. There were rumors about me in that fight that day that I killed the bullies, sent them to the hospital, or never made it to fight them. There's so many of them even saying I was a professional assassin, a kung fu master, or something like that. I just ignored them. 


"Hey, it's that guy!" Guy said 


"Yeah, he beat up those two guys almost to death!" Girl said 


"No way, man, I won't get on his bad side, Guy said. 


"You said a person said he made another guy bleed out!" Girl said 


"Ehhhhhhh!"both said 


They both ran away when they saw me look at them. I smiled and chuckled a little bit when that happened. As I walked through the hall, I saw a delinquent type of dude staring at me with a death stare. I walked past him, and he grabbed my shoulder. 


"May I help you, dude? Zack said. 


He tried to grab my shoulder even harder, but I didn't feel it. 


"Are you the little pip squeak that hurt Alex and Brock!"Guy said 


"Oh no, I didn't do it; my twin did, and he's a secret agent. Hahaha, what a great brother, right!"Zack said 


Bell ring for the next last period. People are starting to come out to go to the next class. Some people saw us and came closer to see what was happening. 


"Funny guy Huh, I will teach you a lesson!" Guy said 


"But first, before you do that, can you tell me your name before you give me a lesson? Zack said. 


"Huh… Oh! Right, I am Todd Lone, the big brother of Brock, Todd said. 


"Nice to meet you, Todd, lone. I'm Zack Payne!" Zack said 


People were surprised at how this was going, and Ben and Jade came around the corner and saw me. They came to look at what's happening as well. 


I gave my hand out to shake his, and he gave me his hand and shook it. 


"Nice to meet you, Zac... Hey, wait a minute!" Todd said 


"Mmhmm… Hey, what? Zac said 


"I was here to beat you up!!!" Todd said 


"Oh okay!" Zack said 


Todd punched Zack's face, but Zack dodged, and Todd hit the lockers very hard. He brought back his hand; his hand hurt. 


"Owwwwwwwwwww"Todd said 


"Hey, are you okay? That musta hurt, oh, right. Sorry, silly me, for dodging!" Hehehehehe"Zack said 


Jade and Ben are trying not to laugh like the rest of the people here. This guy swung back his hand and put more force and speed into this hit. 


"Try to dodge this, you jackass!!! Hahahhaahahaha…. Ha….Ha.....Ha….h-h-huh!!!!" todd said 


I caught his hand with my bare hand and smiled at him. He couldn't believe it. He stood there, shocked. 


"Was that it because that was like a mosquito or something hahaha!"Zack said 


Todd used his head to hit me, but I used my forearm to stop him. He couldn't believe it. 


"Raaaaaaaaah!!….Huh…..Huh…d-damn"Todd said 


Todd was sweating all over because none of his hits made contact like they wanted to. Zack pushed him back a little before he could look up. Todd saw him slide under him, and next thing he knew, he was on the ground, flat on his back. 


"W-Wait…. W-What….Ugh!!!!!!!" Todd said 


Zack jumped up in the air. A knee drop on his stomach made Todd pass out, and everybody couldn't believe it happened. It was a one-sided battle again. Zack saw Ben and Jade smile at them and walked to them. 


"See you guys after school. Meet me at this place when school is done. Hahaha, see you,Zack said. 


Zack walked away from the scene while everybody was crowded. Todd's unconscious body 


"Damn, just one hit!" Guy said 


"Rumors were true; he's amazing!" Girl said


"How hell did he learn all that stuff from?" the guy said. 


Zack made it to his last class after hours of working. The bell rang, and he went to his parkour building while Jade and Ben 


"Hey, so do you know where this is? Jade asks. 


"Yeah, I will put it on maps; it will take us there, Ben said.


"I wonder where it will take us,Jade said. 


"I don't know; Zack is a mystery, haha, Ben said.


"Alright, let's go!" Jade said 


"Alright!"Ben said 


They started walking, and after 15 minutes, they made it to their destination's building. 


"What do we do!"Jade said 


"I'll knock to see if anybody is in there, Ben said.


Ben knocked three times, and they waited for 5 minutes. 


"Are you sure this is the place? Jade said.


"Yeah, this is what he got. Ben said. 


Ben was interrupted by the noise of the gate door opening. When it opened all the way, they saw all the things that were in there. They heard noise and saw somebody walking on the second story, and it was Zack. 


"Hey guys, welcome to my own personal Parkour building. Enjoy, and let's get started!" Zack said