showing Ben some skills

"Welcome friends," Zack said


Ben and Jade were so shocked they couldn't move or say anything about what they saw in front of them. Zack smiled and pointed in a direction, and Jade and Ben's eyes followed without moving. 


"1st floor martial arts/gymnastics floor, and then over here we have the monkey bar swings and sidewall run pads, the running jump blocks and trampolines, and the foam pit, Zack said. 


Ben and Jade nodded but still couldn't say anything, while Zack pointed at the 2nd floor. 


"2nd Floor Kitchen, Bedroom, Living Room, Jumping Plate Form for Ball Foam Pit, and Martial Art Weapons Room"


They still nodded their heads, and he pointed at the 3rd floor.


"3rd floor swimming pool, snackbar, and workout room, Zack said. 


"Awesome!" Both said 


Zack laughed at what they said. He couldn't help but smile. He was having fun, shocking them with every moment he got. He points at the 4th floor. 


"On the 4th floor is the roof where the campfire is set up. There are beanbags, chairs, and a snack bar up there, as well as a telescope that sees the stars and a little music station, Zack said. 


"Damn…"Both said


"Alright Ben!" Zack said 


"YYes!" Ben said 


"Show me some of your moves against me, then if I need to teach you anything, I'll stop you and show you!" Zack said 


Zack walked over to the fighting mat, kicked off his shoes, and bowed to show respect. 


"Y-Yes! …Z-Zack"Ben said 


Ben came over as well, took off his shoes and power, then started walking to the mat, but tripped. Everyone chuckled a little bit. Ben caught himself and walked on the mat a few inches away. Zack smiled. Ben was really nervous about fighting Zack. He didn't want to get hurt or do something he'd regret later. Zack took a fighting stance, smiled at Ben, looking at his eyes seriously, and taught him to come at him. Ben got aggravated. 


"Come on!!!!" Zack said 


Ben started running to put his clenched fist behind him. 


"Raaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" Ben said


Ben threw the first strike at Zack's chest. Zack caught it with his bare hand, then looked at Ben and pushed him backwards. Ben stumbled a little but caught his balance, then he reversed his battle stance. 


"Come on, Ben, show me your strength!" Zack said 


"Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! Here I come!" Ben said 


Zack waited for Ben in his battle stance. Ben came to him using close combat strikes. Ben tried to hit Zack in his ribs, head, face, chest, neck, and belly. Zack dodged all of them. When Ben saw Zack's leg, he tried to kick it, and then Zack pushed off his left leg on the ground. He was doing a backflip in the air when Ben saw it, but he ran to Zack. Zack landed on his feet, and Ben grabbed him by the side. 


"Hey, we go, you slippery bastard!" Ben said 


Ben used all his strength to pick up Zack. 


"H-huh, why can't I move or pick him up!!!!"Ben said 


Then he felt something around his neck, like chock hold, but it's not. He tried to get out and hold his neck free, but couldn't. 


"Nice try with this move, Ben, but with anybody else, you would catch them off guard!" Zack said 


He picked up Ben's guillotine chock, held a spin on him, spun Ben around for a few minutes, and stopped letting go of Ben. 


"Woooah, pretty stars are spinning; the world is spinning, dude!!!! Hahaha"Ben said 


"Good try, bro!" Zack said 


Zack vanished and appeared in front of Ben, then pressure punched him in the gut. 


"Ugggghhhhhh!!!" Ben said 


Ben fell unconscious and fell over, but Zack caught him and smiled. 


"Nice try, bro; next time I'll show you some real moves!" Zack said 


Zack saw Jade coming over to him, smiling and clapping her hands. 


"Wow! That was amazing, you dodging all those attacks, then I thought Ben had you, then you used that move on him that was insane!" Jade said 


"Hahahahahahahaha, thanks. I tried. He was determined. I liked that he really wants to learn in the future." Zack said 


"Yeah, I could see that when he tried to attack you and when he tried to wake you up, his determination didn't fail. At the end, it was impressive what he did, and I'm proud of him,Jade said. 


"Yeah, when he wakes up, I'll show Ben some skills next time, Zack said.