Parkour martial arts meet

When they were done with their date, they started walking to Jade House so he could be with her even more. It was the best night of his life, and he couldn't believe the date went so well. They started feeling closer because of it, cuddling, kissing, holding each other under the starlight, and watching movies. It was so much fun for my first ever date with the girl of my dreams. As we were walking to the house, I saw a big, flashy poster. 


"Parkour martial arts meet tomorrow at 4 p.m.; be there, Zack said. 


Jade looked at it, became curious as well, and looked at him. 


"Are you thinking about joining it?" Jade said. 


"Probably it looks interesting. I feel like it would be great competition for me to compete against the best, Zack said. 


"Then you should do it." I'll come see you when you compete; it looks like it is a lot of fun to watch!" Jade said 


"Ya, I'll look into it tomorrow. I might as well join to see the people who are joining it. I think it would be fun as well, Zac said.


"Sounds good. I can't wait to see your free look on your face again; it's really cute, Jade said. 


"Huh, well, hehehe, if you say so, Zack said. 


She giggled and they hold hands with each other and they got to her home she kissed him on the cheek goodbye he waved at her good bye when she got inside he left he started thinking about the Parkour people that must be fun participation of it sounds all people we'll be there a lot people who will do cool moves and jumps and flips and landings with it how far jumping to other buildings I want to see people feel free while doing it like I do I want to see what kind of people would be there to young middle aged or old I want to see but with martial arts to it it sounds interesting fighting and doing parkour like I do I wonder what kind martial artist will be there will masters be there I want try out my fighting skills again them with my parkour I want to challenge my self with these guys I want try fight worlds best parkour martial artist I want to see different types of fighting ways this is getting me excited this going make me stay awake all night long I want to be best in world and parkour system it will help me be that then I heard familiar noise I haven't heard in while


[Ding]system said


[Win the Parkour Marital Arts Competition]

System said 


[100000000 points] System said 


[Award:New house] System said 


[Do you agree, Y/N, or choose?] System said 


Why would I even think about it? Yes, I will show the world I'm the best, and I want the award-winning new house. The system has never failed me before. I'm going to win every match. I'm going to win everything they set in front of me. I will be the best parkour martial arts fighter in the world. He got home, and his parents sister was eating dinner when he saw him come in. 


"Where were you, dork!!"Amber said 


"On a date with Jade, Zack said. 


He sat at the table with his parents. What he said surprised everybody. 


"My boys! First date, why didn't you tell me!!!"Mom said 


"I'm proud of you, my son!" Dad said 


"I can't believe it!!" Amber said 


"Thanks guys; yeah, I just walked her home; it was a great night hehehehehe"Zack said


"I bet you guys didn't even kiss yet."

Amber said 


"Hehehehehe"Zack said


"Y-Y-Y-Y-You k-k-kissed her!!!!" Amber said 


"Yes, I did, hehehe, Zack said. 


"S-S-Stop laughing like that, I-I-Idiot!" Amber said


"Alright, I'm going to bed and going to stuff to do tomorrow. See you guys!" Zack said


He went to his room, changed his clothes, and went to sleep. A few hours later, he woke up, went down, ate some breakfast, took a shower, changed his clothes, and then went out the door to go to the parkour meet. I took the bus to the location of the meeting. When I got there, I saw a lot of people there. I got out of the car and saw a lot of people, old and young. There were a lot of different people here. This was going to be fun. When I went inside, there were lively people doing tricks and jumps and running around swinging on monkey bars, back flips, and hand stands. 


"Hey, look there, parkour queen, Guy said. 


"W-What no way, I can't believe I get to see her today, the girl said. 


"Yeah, parkour queen. Her name is Becky Perkins. She's been doing it for years and only lost once to the current champion, but she's still the only talented girl here. It's crazy, the guy said. 

'Parkour, meet up. I'm glad I came. Zack thought