meeting Parkour Queen

I saw a beautiful red short hair with green eyes, a curvy body, big boobs, long legs, wearing a track suit, and being surrounded by fans going crazy and getting autographs. Becky Perkins, the queen of parkour martial arts, says she has deadly moves on her opponents that she can't see, sometimes knocking them out cold. The Red Head Assassin 3 moves kill them. bamb on the ground, begging to quit the match. I am looking at her. She looks very strong. It's going to be great. 


"Yo, I heard she's going to do an open challenge to do a parkour martial arts match. Whoever wants to come up! Guy said. 


"There is no way that person would get killed; he will have shame for the rest of his life. Hahahahaha, that's going to be awesome, Guy 2 said. 


"I bet on Parkour Queen; she will kill anybody that's in her way!!" Girl said


"I bet on that, hahaha, Girl 2 said. 


"Parkour queen!!!!!" Everybody said 


"Becky Becky Becky!!!" Everybody said 


When she went on stage, everybody went wild. The stage had walls and bars around it, with edges on the walls you could walk on. On the floor, there was a martial arts mat. It looked really cool. I'm seeing people here who know what parkour fighting is all about. 


Ladies and gentlemen, it's time!!! [For Parkour fighting against Parkour Queen!] Announcer said 


She looked at everyone around her and practiced martial arts. I can see how powerful her kicks and punches are. People were amazed and excited about how this fight would go and how many people would go up against her. I am feeling excited and want to fight her as well, but I will wait until I see her fighting with power and technique. I was watching from the back. I was smiling to myself and asking, Who will come fight her? 


"Who will fight me? Who will take down the Queen of Parkour who wants to challenge me?"

Becky said 


"I will! a voice said. 


Everybody saw somebody walking up to the stage when they saw this person. It was a big guy with blonde long hair, blue eyes, a crop top, and long pants, with his hands bandaged up. I saw him practicing air punching, but I wasn't impressed. He was weak. She would beat him fast. They got up from the stage; they didn't battle. 


"Who are you? Becky said. 


"Greg I'm here to defeat the Parkour Queen and become the first one to do it. Greg said 


"Fine, this will be the fastest knockout ever!"

Becky said 


"We will see a girl!" Greg said 


Greg got angry that she was looking down on him. There were veins bulging out of his head from being angry. He stopped taking it and got serious. He put on his battle stance, and Becky smiled. She did the same thing. She put up her battle stance. The referee looked at both of them and nodded. 


"Go!"Referee said 


Greg made the first move of the battle, then dashed to Becky, who was not moving, and smiled at him. He brought his fist up when he was about to hit her, and he smiled widely. 


"Hahahaha Take this, you bitch!" Greg said 


Greg threw his punch right into her face, but Greg's hand was trembling. We saw that Becky grabbed his hand when trying to move his hand to make a move but couldn't do anything.


"Nice try, Greg, hehehehe!" becky said 


"H-huh, let me go!!!!" Greg said 


"Okay!" Becky said


Becky let go of his hand, but he was thinking about his next move. Becky's move came so fast that he couldn't protect himself, and the attack went through his gut. She moved away from him. 


"Agh!!" Greg said 


He held his stomach and breathed heavily for a couple minutes. When he got his barrings back, he started to walk, then next thing he knew, he fell to his knees, then face and blackout. Everyone saw that and couldn't believe what was happening. It happened so fast that he was okay for a little bit. The next thing he did was fall on his knees and pass out. 


"Becky, Becky, Becky," everyone said. 


"We love you,a girl said. 


"Parkour Queen!!!!" Everybody said 


Everybody was going crazy, and then the next one came up, and then next, the next 20 people went down, and she had a winning streak. She was smiling all the way and never got serious; they were like bugs to her, like she looked down on all of us because of Nick's name. I'm afraid she's just a little stronger than others, but I can beat her. I will show her that her ego can't help with 


"Who else comes up here and fights me? Becky said.


Everybody looked around for a few minutes, but nobody came up. 


"Nobody at all; don't be such cowards; come on!!" Becky said 


Nobody had come up, and people started getting angry. 


"Come on, somebody, go up there and lose!!!"

guy said 


"Yeah, get on with the show!" Girl said 


"Booooo!!" Everybody said 


"I guess I will,Becky said. 


"You know I've been up here the whole time; how come you didn't see me!"Voice said 


Everybody looked around, couldn't see anybody, and then looked up and saw a person sitting on top of the walls looking down at Becky with a smile of his own. That's right, it's me. 


"Oh, who are you!"Becky said 


"Zack Payne, nice to meet you!" Zack said 


"Are you here to fight me, Zack Payne? Becky said. 


Zack jumped off and landed on his feet. He smiled at Becky and nodded. 


"Yes, I am. I'm here to have fun, Zack said. 


"Okay, let's have fun!" Becky said 


Both went to their sides, and they both smiled, and the referee looked at them and nodded. 


"Go!"Referee said 


Zack and Becky didn't move, and a few minutes later, nobody moved. 


"Are you afraid, Mrs. Parkour Queen? Zack  said.



"No, I'm always prepared. A lot of people attack me first." Becky said 


"Okay, how about you attack first, queen? Always first, right? Zack said


"Are you about that, okay?Becky said.


Becky took her stance and dashed to me with speed. I saw her every movement. I smiled to myself. She was near me. She put her fist on my face, and then I put my knee into her gut. It connected before her fist hit my fist. My movement was faster, and then I went behind her, cutting the back of her neck. She fell to the ground, unconscious. 


"Good night, Pakrour queen, but also, I'm in the tournament; see you then!" Zack said 


Zack got off stage, and everybody said nothing, watching him write on the sign-up sheet, smile, look back at the crowd, and unconscious Becky. 


"See you soon, queen, Zack said. 


He left the building, never looking back. Nobody said anything.