saving big sis from thugs

I went out of the building where Parkour was. I started walking home and got a text from Jade. I was smiling for her to check on me and text me. I really like her; she's the best. 


[Jade: How did Parkour meet?]


It was great. I fought the parkour queen and won in 4 seconds. [The tournament will be fun!]


[Jade: Wow, seriously, that sounds crazy, but hey, if you can defeat me, the school queen, you can defeat the parkour queen. Hehehehe, you are a great fighter, Zacky.]


[Me: Hahahahaha, alright, your right I can defeat you, wink, wink. [I can defeat her easily.]


[Jade: I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?]


Me: Ya, I'll see you tomorrow. [I want to see you really bad!!!]


[Jade: Same here; I want to see you as well; give you a prize for winning the fight.]


[Me: Ya, what kind of prize will you give me?]


[Jade: You will find out tomorrow, idiot.] 


[Me: Fine, I will wait for tomorrow. See you!!]


I looked at my other messages. I saw Ben text me. I laughed when I saw his first message to me. 


[Ben:Dude!!! [How's it going?]


[Me:Bro!!! It's going good!


[Ben: Hahahaha, sweet dude, what are you doing?]


[Me: Going home from kicking ass in the parkour meeting.] [I kicked it good, bro!!!]


Ben: Dude, whatttt!! [Tell me who's ass you kicked, bro!!!!]


[Me: Dude knocked out Parkour Queen by 4 seconds; I beat the unbeatable bro!!!]














[Ben: Hahahahaha hilarious, bro!!]


But yeah, bro, I beat the Parkour Queen easily before she beat 20 dudes. I beat the unbeatable.


[Ben: Damn bro, I wish I was there when you kicked that parkour queen ass.] [Hahahahaha, down goes the kingdom.]


[Me: Thank you, sir!!]


[Ben: No problem, sir!!]


[Me:Yes sir!!]














After that last text I checked on my other messages I got from my dad and mom text them back and I got nothing from my sister she never talks to me she always been looking down on me and calling me names since beginning of middle school like she never respected me or wanted talk to me and never belive anything good I do always yells or complains if I do something she never happy always angry when she's surprised she cry's when I do good as well why am I her enemy and why am I her enemy for years what did I do to her but I want to get better with her I want to know her better she's my sister I want to know why she hates I want us to be brother and sister bond what do I have to do to get there be full family together when I was walking through the path to get home I saw my sister and couple guys going into the Allyway I went over there hid behind the wall peaked a little 


"Come on, Amber, why won't you give me a chance? What did I do to make you reject me like this? the voice said. 


"I'm sorry, I can't like you like that, Finn. I'm sorry, Amber said. 


Amber was walking away until Finn grabbed her. He showed her an angry face. That face looked like he didn't like rejection. Well, he would do anything to get a yes from someone. 


"Finn, what are you doing? Let me go!"

Amber said 


"Nah, I won't let you go until you say yes to going out with me!!!" Finn said 


"Let me go, let me go, you fucker!!!" Amber said 


"What a mouth on you! I should shut you up for a little bit! Hahaha"Finn said 


Finn brought his hand about to slap her until he heard a sound and saw a person coming with a smile on his face. When Amber saw this person, she couldn't believe who she saw; it was Zack, her little brother. 


"Damn sis I didn't know you would be here with such ugly dudes!! You really have bad taste, Zack said. 


"Sis, oh, this is my little brother, hahaha. Wait, ugly!!!!!  You little punk," Finn said. 


"You are ugly; maybe that's why she doesn't want to be with you. Hahahah, sorry dude, my sister is rude to you, but there's one thing she's right about: not wanting to date you, so let her go because it causes a lot of trouble, guys." Zack said 


"W-Why you!!! Boys, get this jackass and kill him!!!" Finn said 


"Wait, Finn, stop it. Stop it right now!!" Amber said 


"You got it, boss, but boss, can we turn on her in the future when she becomes your girl!"Guy said 


"Alright, you got the deal, Finn said. 


"Yeaaaahh!!" Everybody said 


They started running to Zack with knives when they got close to him. Zack kicked the first one in the head, and the second guy punched him in the face and punched him on the gut, and then a headbutt and leg sweep roundhouse kick right in the chest and elbow to the gut, and the other one was a sidewalk run knee to the face, breaking his noise. 


"Ahhhhhh!!! It hurts, everyone said. 


They started wailing in pain and rolling on their groins or passing out Finn, and my sister couldn't believe what they saw, taking out all five guys in a couple seconds. 


"W-what the h-h-hell!!!!" Finn said


"Come on at me, bro, let's dance!" Zack said 


"Fuck it!" Finn said 


He ran to me with a knife. In his hand, he was getting close to Zack, but Zack kicked hands away with a knife falling out of his hand and headbuttie. His head went around him, putting him in a chokehold around his neck, waiting for him to pass out. 


"Sleep, dirtbag! Zack said. 


He passed out on the ground. I let him go. He's not waking up; he's just sleeping on the ground. I went over to my sister, who was surprised. 


"Sis"Zack said 


"Y-Yes"Amber said


"Don't do that ever again, Zack said.


"O-Okay!" Amber said 


"Sis"Zack said 


"Yes"Amber said 


"Let's go home, Zack said.


"Okay"Amber said 


They left the ally and went home, starting to talk to each other without fighting all the way home, and had a peaceful night all the way to the house, laughing as well.