Coach Leah is curious about me

When we got home from dealing with my sister's little problem, I went to my room to think, Why would my sister go to a bunch shady guys? She's so smart. Why the hell would she 's so stupid that would get her hurt? Why would she go in a way that would probably get her hurt? Or worse, what the hell is wrong with her thinking? Why would she go with creepy ass dudes? When we saw mom and dad there sitting there and seeing us come in, they smiled. I gave them an annoyed look that made them curious.


"What's wrong, Zack? What's with that look on your face?" mom said. 


"Yeah, son, what's with you?" dad said. 


When Zack saw their curious gaze, he pointed his finger at Amber, and then they got even more curious, wondering why he's pointing at his own sister. 


"Can you tell your own daughter that you don't trust creepy dudes, so I don't have to, you know, lightly punish them?" Zack said. 


"So you brought harm to guys who were creeping on your sister," your dad said. 


"Yes," Zack said. 


"Mom, dad, hehehe, well," Amber said. 


"Idiot!" Zack said 


"So did Zack really save you from a couple guys? Amber Payne, don't lie to us!" Dad said 


"Amber," mom said. 


Amber looked at her parents with a wary smile, but she looked back at Zack. When she saw his face, she knew he was disappointed. He nodded his head to her and made her go on. She gave a nod back, then explained what happened to her. How Zack saw what happened made a move on the guys who try to take advantage of her. I'm just sitting there listening when she told our parents this. It's making me more angry. How clueless she can be. Then dad looked at me with a proud smile as well as mom. 


"Thank you, son, for being there for your big sister," dad said. 


"Yes, honey, thank you, my sweet boy, for doing it for Amber sake," mom said. 


"Thanks, little brother, you helped me a lot with those guys. Sorry for being idiotic, big sister that you have, huh?" Amber said. 


"Wow, that's the first time you said thanks and sorry in a sentence. Thanks make me happy and proud to be your brother," Zack said. 


"Shut up!" Amber said 


"My sister loves me. My sister loves me," Zack said. 


"Stop it, no, I don't!" Amber said 


"Yes, you do!" Zack said 


"No," Amber said. 


"Yes," Zack said.


"No!" Amber said.


"No!" Zack said.


"Yes," Amber said. 


"See mom and dad; she loves her little brother, hahahahaha!!!" Zack said 


"Yeah, we heard that. That's sweet of your big sister," mom said. 


"Yes, it's certainly good what kind of girl your sister is," dad said. 


"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You! idiot!!!!!!!" Amber said 


"Hehehehehehehe," Zack said.


"I'm going to kill you, little brat!!!" Amber said 


"Better catch me first, bye! Hahahahaha," Zack said. 


"Get back here!!!!" Amber said 


Zack got up from where he was sitting, then ran out of the room to get to his room, and Amber ran after him to catch him before he got to his room and locked his door. His parents were laughing and smiling to themselves. 


"Our children are the best, aren't they?" Mom said.


"Darling, we made the best children in the world; nobody could beat them," dad said. 


"You are right about that, dear," mom said. 


They started holding each other's hands and smiling at each other, reminiscing about their kids lives, while Zack is running to his room while Amber is behind him, trying to catch him from behind, getting angry that she couldn't get near him while he's using parkour moves when he dodges her moves when they are by their  rooms. Amber got close to him, about to grab him, but Zack dodged her attack and grabbed her other arm, pushed her to her room, and shut the door. She was curious and shocked at how quickly she got into her room without realizing it, and Zack behind the door smiled mischievously. 


"Nice try, sis. Good luck next time, even if it's next time," Zack said. 


"Zack!!!! I'm going to kill you, jerk!!!" Amber said 


"Hey Amber," Zack said. 


He opened the door that made Amber confused. She didn't know what to say when he opened her door, looking at his serious face. 


"What do you want, jerk?" Amber said 


"Be careful next time; if I wasn't there, you would have been seriously hurt, so don't trust ugly ass dirtbags like them again, alright, Amber," Zack said. 


Amber looked at her brother in a different light and saw that he's acting more mature than before. That made her blush a little because her little brother is looking after her, but she smiled at that. Zack saw it, and it made him smile. He put out his hand. She looked at it and took it as well. 


"Alright, I won't do it anymore, I promise." Amber said 


"Alright, cool, good night, sis," Zack said. 


"Good night, little brother," Amber said. 


Zack nodded as she left her room. Amber saw him leaving and smiled, remembering all of her na d brothers past together. She smiled at how they got here. She's happy that they got a good sibling relationship again. 


Zack went to his room change out his clothes and went to sleep 8 hours then morning came and sun came up the sun rays hit Zack face to wake him up he open eyes stretched his arms and legs and got up from his bed went to put on his clothes and shoes fixing his hair he then went downstairs to have breakfast his parents made saw his whole family sitting at the table they had breakfast Zack head out the door for school he went on exercise went running did handspring back flip then into front corkscrew flip landed on his feet he ran than jumped on building wallls did side wall run rolled on back did kick flip landed on his feet he walked all the way to corner made it to school he went to his classroom saw his friends sitting in back at the table 


"Hey guys, what's up?" Zack said 


"Yo dude," Ben said. 


"Bro!" Zack said 


"Dude!" Ben said 


"Bro!!" Zack said 


"Bro!!" Ben said 


"Dude!" Zack said 


"Bro!" Ben said


"Dude!!" Both said 


"Guys!" Jade 


"Yeah, Jade," both said 


They all looked at each other for a few minutes and laughed hard. 


"Hahahahahahahaha" three said 


"Hey Jade, you look beautiful today." Zack said 


"Thank you, and you look handsome as well." Jade said 


"Thank you, hahaha." Zack said


"Yo, how about me?" Ben said.


"What about you?" both said. 


"Do I look good, guys?" Ben said. 


Jade and Zack looked at each other, nodded, and looked back at Ben.


"Yeah, you look good, Ben." Jade said 


"Yeah, bro, you like stylish dudes!" Zack said


"Awesome! Thanks guys, hahaha!" Ben said 


Then the bell rang. They started class. It was going well in class, and everybody was having fun in their subject. The next class is PE. The bell rang for it. When they got there PE clothes on, they went out to wait for their coach. The person who came in was a beautiful long blonde athletic build big boob woman whose name is Leah Pickett PE coach of the school. She looked at everyone of us and smiled. 


"Today we will have karate sparring today in a 1-1 match. Someone raises their hands when they want to come up and compete first!" Leah said 


Few minutes gone, but one person put their hand up. It's  popular athletic athlete Ethan King. He went up on the mat, waiting for somebody to up.


"Ethan King, who else will come up and spare with athletic genius?" Leah said 


Ethan smiled smugly, waiting for the person he would humiliate. When his athletic ability got on my nerves, I raised my hand, and everybody saw it. 


"Zack Payne, come on up and join us." Leah said


Zack got up from the ground and went on the mat. Ethan saw it, smiled, and widened his eyes at Zack by looking at him. 


"Zack Payne, who dealt with four bullies on his own by 2 moves, but I don't believe that I think they over hyped it. Hahaha, I feel like your weak person. I'm sorry, but you will lose today." Ethan said 


"Damn, you are really cocky, guy. What's up with all this confidence, man? People will think you're a bully as well, which puts shame on the popular athlete Ethan King," Zack said. 


"You little!" Ethan said 


"Alright, are you two ready?" Leah said 


Zack and Ethan nodded, but up their battle stance when she saw that, she nodded at them. 


"Go!" Leah said 


Ethan ran to me as fast as he could with a crazy smile and wide eyes, thinking he would kill me with his strength. He got near me and laughed. 


"Hahahahahahahaha!! I got you, fucker!!" Ethan said


"Nice, try better to watch out next time," Zack said. 


"Huh, what did you say, agh!" Ethan said 


Zack put his knee up into his stomach, making Ethan's sudden movement stop. At the movement, Ethan held his gut with heavy breathing. 


"H-huh, how did you... aggghhhhhh!"  Ethan said


Then I jumped up and kneed him in the face on his nose, making him fall down. Hold on to his nose, blood coming out of it, little grunting that he's hurting. 


"Stop, please, my nose is broken, you wo…ahhhh!" Ethan said 


Then Ethan was interrupted by a sudden roundhouse kick into his gut, making Ethan pass out, making everybody who was watching in awe and shocked as well. That happened so fast, even the teacher was shocked to her core. She looked at Zack with amazement. 


"Teacher," Zack said. 


"H-Huh what!" Leah said 


"Call it" Zack said 


"Oh yeah, winner, Zack Payne!" Leah said


Some of the students clapped and cheered for him. Some didn't understand how Ethan lost Leah was looking at Zack for a little longer. 


"I'm really curious about you, Zack Payne. What are you hiding?" Leah said