Zack Vs Coach Leah

Zack and went to sit down with Ben and Jade, looking at him with deadpan. It looked like he went too far again. When Zack saw this, he put on a weary smile at them, rubbing back of his head. 


"I went too far again, didn't I?" Zack said. 


"You think?" both said. 


"But he had it,Zac said. 


"No buts, Zack Payne!" Jade said 


"Of full name, I really done it this time, hahahaha," Zack said. 


"You broke another dude's nose and knocked them unconscious, like, really, dude, can't you not break noses and make them blackout from your attacks, like, seriously, you can just put them in chockhold until they tap out but hit him gut; they can't breath to continue or something like that, bruh?" Ben said


"Damn dude, you are right, mybad, hahaha," Zack said. 


"Yes, it is your fault!" Both said 


"Okay, okay, I'll be more careful, okay guys." Zack said 


"Good, I'm glad you're listening," Jade said. 


"Ya, bro, I'm glade because I don't want you to become a future murderer like that's big fat no!!!" Ben said 


"Yeah, your right, my bad Big B," Zack said. 


"All good, bro, just looking out for you!" Ben said 


"Yeah, always and forever," Jade said. 


"Yeah hahaha!" Zack said


Then they saw couple more people fighting doing some good fighting but some not who never fought day in their life most of them had something to prove show they are now weak and can defend themselves some wants to prove some girls in this class they are macho and I can protect you blah blah story some girls can kick butt some impressive like Jade she did little moves made her opponent quit and Ben he used some self defense moves his opponent got angry surrendered it was fun to watch themselves some wants to prove some girls in this class they are macho and I can protect you blah blah story some girls can kick butt some impressive like Jade she did little moves made her opponent quit and Ben he used some self defense moves his opponent got angry surrendered it was fun to watch them embarrass their opponents I couldn't help smile the whole time be proud of his friends doing great job then last person came up nobody came up to face him his name was Nicholas Paul then coach Leah smiled and looked at me. I just sighed and got up from my seat and walked on the mat. They both got their battle stances. Leah saw them ready. 


"Go!" Leah said. 


Nicholas charged in and first used his head to headbutt Zack, but Zack blocked it with his forearm. 


"Nice try, kid," Zack said. 


"Not finished yet!" Nicholas said 


Nicholas used his knee to hit Zack's rib cage, but Zack blocked it again with his knee. Nicholas jumped back, holding his knee in pain. 


"What are you made of, metal or something?" Nicholas said 


"Nah, just hard training because the parkour martial arts tournament is coming up. I want to win!" Zack said 


"Wow, great! Now here I come. I'm getting serious!!" Nicholas said 


"Alright, show me what you got, kid!" Zack said


"Here I come!" Nicholas said 


Nicholas went in front of him, sidekicks, punches, roundhouse kicks to his head and face, a couple jabs, knee lifts to the gut, then a leg sweep. All that didn't work, and his last move jumped up in the air, surprising Nicholas Zack. 


"My turn!" Zack said 


When he landed on his feet, he went to Nicholas, put him in a triangle chokehold, and did a side slam on him, slamming him on the mat, making Nicholas lose his breath and making it hard to catch his breath. Zack got up from where he was waiting for Nicholas answer. 


"Do you give up, Nick?" Leah said 


"Y-Y-Y…..Yes!" Nicholas said 


Nicholas couldn't get up from trying to breathe, but Leah looked at Zack. 


"Winner, Zack Payne!!!!" Leah  said 


Zack went over to Nicholas and patted his back a little, making him breathe better. When Nicholas got his breath back, he looked at Zack and nodded at him for thanks. Zack nodded back, coach. Leah saw that and smiled at them. 


"So for the final around this special one," Leah said. 


"Who's fighting, teacher?" Nicholas said. 


"Zack Payne vs. Coach Leah!!!" Leah said 


"H-Huh!!" Everybody said 


"Is that even aloud?" Zack said 


"Yeah, because I'm a coach!" Leah said 


"Alright then!" Zack said 


They both got on the mat, got in their battle stances, and smiled at each other. They looked at each other while Leah had flipped the flipped the coin in the air when it landed on the floor. 


"Go!!" Both said 


They dashed toward each other. Leah was going to do a couple jabs to surprise him, but next thing she knew, she fell to the ground on her back, and Zack was on top of her, using his hand as a sword toward her neck, where his pressure points were making Leah nervous. She looked at Zack, who was serious, and blushed at that. 


"Okay, I give up!" Leah said 


"Winner! Zack Payne!" Nicholas said 


"Wow, nice fight, Zack." Leah said 


"Thanks, Zack vs. Coach Leah, not bad at all, hahahaha!" Zack said 


 Then classes for PE ended, everybody went to locker rooms to change, but Leah still looked at Zack. Her dreamy eyes couldn't help but be amazed, and she hoped to see him next time.