Chapter 13 A serious man is the most attractive

Fang Bing's beautiful eyes were fixed tightly on Liang Jingxian, without blinking, and Liang Jingxian also met her gaze without a hint of cowardice, very calmly.

Actually, no one is without fear of death, and Fang Bing was no exception. She was only twenty-eight this year, in the prime of her youth, with many wonderful years ahead of her, countless beautiful things waiting to be discovered, and even her career had only just begun.

Ever since the tumor was discovered, Fang Bing had nearly collapsed, feeling as if the sky had fallen down on her. All her beliefs were shattered in an instant, and she fell into endless darkness, waking up from dreams in terror multiple times.

Heaven knows how fearful she was now.

If such words had come from a famous doctor at a big hospital, Fang Bing would have been ecstatic, but it was Liang Jingxian who spoke them, a kid she saw as a little brat.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Bing calmed down.

The employees of Happy Little Kitchen only knew that she needed to sell her house and her shop to pay for treatment, but even Lee Yuan didn't know what the illness was, so surely Liang Jingxian knew even less. Could it really be, he had a way?

Even if it was just one chance in ten thousand, she would grasp it and wanted to try.

Fang Bing felt a stir of excitement in her heart, but she appeared very composed, "My tumor has already spread. I went to the Provincial City, Jinyang City, for consultation, to no avail. I can only wait for death through slow chemotherapy. What can you do?"

Liang Jingxian said, "Ms. Fang, please extend your hand to me."

"For what?" Fang Bing displayed a look of wariness.

This little guy, he isn't trying to take advantage of the situation, is he?

Liang Jingxian replied without amusement, "I am a practitioner of Chinese medicine. If Western medicine can't save you, why not try Chinese medicine?"

"Um, alright, okay," Fang Bing considered and then slowly unbuttoned her sleeve, rolling up her blouse to reveal her pale arm.

Liang Jingxian placed his fingers on Fang Bing's pulse and checked for a long while, then said, "You must have started feeling breathlessness since last month, like a fishbone stuck in your throat, and this feeling has been getting stronger, especially since this week, even eating or breathing deeply has become uncomfortable, right?"

"That's right," Fang Bing nodded. Liang Jingxian's timing was incredibly accurate, even more so than the doctors at the hospital who had to ask her for details, never this precise.

This, without a doubt, added a glimmer of hope for Fang Bing.

If one could live, who would choose to die?

Now Liang Jingxian was Fang Bing's lifeline, even though she knew this kid wasn't reliable, she couldn't help but want to try.

Liang Jingxian paused and then said, "According to the spread of the tumor, you have at most three months left... but I can treat it, only..."

Fang Bing's heart sank, "Only what?"

Liang Jingxian continued, "To completely heal you, one treatment won't be enough. You'll need at least three. Let's do this – I'll treat you today, to dissolve your tumor. Then, once a week, I'll treat you again. After three treatments, the spreading toxins in your body will be completely eliminated, and you will naturally recover."

"Recovery? Are you saying that I could be cured in just half a month?" Fang Bing exclaimed in shock, which seemed far too fantastical, didn't it?

If Liang Jingxian had said it would take three to five years to heal, Fang Bing might have found it more believable.

Her skepticism deepened.

"Yes, that's how it is," Liang Jingxian spoke lightly.

Fang Bing took a deep breath and said, "Fine, then quickly treat me. What do you need to do? How should I cooperate with you?"

She decided to go for it, no matter what. Even if Liang Jingxian was deceiving her, she was prepared to accept it.

Liang Jingxian said, "I will perform acupuncture on you. However, it would be best to find a place with no one around."

Fang Bing thought maybe the kid was just trying to trick her. But then again, they had reached this point, what harm was there in believing him once? She nodded and said, "I have a house in the Baiyun Community; follow me."

Liang Jingxian followed Fang Bing to her home, which was a three-bedroom, two-living-room flat of over a hundred square meters. The interior decor was very elegant, yet only Fang Bing lived there.

"Do you need to prepare anything for the acupuncture?" Fang Bing asked once they were inside the room.

Liang Jingxian slowly took out the Silver Needle and said, "You don't need to prepare anything. Just remove all your clothes and lie down on the bed."

Seeing the Silver Needle that Liang Jingxian was always ready with didn't seem like an impromptu lie. Faced with the desire to survive, Fang Bing gritted her teeth and complied.

Because she was nervous and worried, Fang Bing's face was almost oozing blood as she bit her lip firmly.

"You kid, if you can't cure me, watch out, I'll chop you up," she was so nervous that she joked in this way to ease her mood.

Liang Jingxian laughed and said, "You might not get the chance."

As he spoke, the Silver Needle had already landed on her back.

"Uh..." Fang Bing let out a soft gasp, aware that Liang Jingxian had begun the acupuncture.

It wasn't as painful as she had imagined, yet there was a faint cold sensation.

Fang Bing had never had acupuncture before and thought it would hurt like an injection.

After a moment, the originally cool Silver Needle began to feel slightly warm. The next moment, Liang Jingxian's Silver Needle, like droplets of rain, scattered over Fang Bing's back, legs, feet, neck, and back of the head.

The once warm Silver Needle now turned cool, and countless warm currents surged throughout her body, as if every cell was breathing.

Drifting in these warm currents, not knowing how much time had passed, the Silver Needle on her body gradually decreased, and she heard Liang Jingxian speak.

"Ms. Fang, the acupuncture points on your back and meridians have been cleared. Now turn over, let me completely remove the tumor for you."

Fang Bing turned over without hesitation.