Dora who have already changed into a formal Wear, walked into the company and most employee greeted her as she walked past.

Dora is the secretary of Mr Dalton who was the head of their branch. Dora knocked and entered inside Mr Dalton's office

" Good afternoon sir " Dora greeted

" Look who finally decided to show up. You are lucky because I was already planning to fire you" Mr Dalton told her

" I'm sorry sir and I promise not to make such a stupid decision" Dora pleaded

" Very well, you can go to your office now and prepare my today schedule" Mr Dalton told her and she nodded before walking out of the office

" Dora why are you just coming to work" Lillie, her friend at work asked

" I drank too much last night so I woke up late and bima is in the hospital" Dora stated

" What happened to her?" Lillie asked concerned

" She fell and lost consciousness, but I'm sure that she also had internal bleeding." Dora responded as she turned on her computer

" I wish her a safe recovery. I guess I should leave you to your work" Lillie said and walked out of Dora's office

Dora got herself busy with work and forgot that she needed to take pill to prevent her from getting pregnant


Dora entered Mr Dalton's office to show him his schedule for the day

" Hmm sir this is your today's schedule. You have a meeting with Emil company at 2:00 pm and another meeting with the CEO of mc Donald's at 5:00pm and you have a scheduled dinner with the first young lady of the Chan family at 9:00pm " Dora read the schedule to him

" It's seems that we have less than twenty minutes to the first meeting. Let's go" Mr Dalton said and they walked out together












" I must say this secretary of yours is very pretty" The CEO of Emil said to Mr Dalton as they walked inside the private room in which the meeting was to be held by

" Thanks for the compliment" Dora repli as they sat down

..... Few minutes later...

Dora phone rang and she excused herself to answer the call. It was a strange number

" Hello who's this" Dora asked the unknown caller

" It's Brittney speaking" The caller replied. Dora check her brain for any Brittney until she recalled who she was

" Oh sister I didn't Know that it was you who was calling" Dora responded

" Dad said that you should come back home during the weekend" Brittney stated

" What for?" Dora asked her

" It's been a while since you last visited home maybe that's why" Brittney said

" I might be busy during the weekend but if I have time I might come" Dora said and ended the call

Brittney and Dora are step sisters and Brittney is older than Dora. Before Dora quit living in the house Brittney and her mom who didn't like her from the start made her life a living hell

" What are this mother and daughter duo up to again" Dora asked herself before making up her mind to go so she could find out what they are up to.

" I'm sorry for going out during the meeting" Dora apologized when she entered inside the private room

" No no that's fine we just even concluded everything" Emil CEO told Dora while waving his hand

" If that's the case I think we should leave first right?" Dora asked no one in particular

" What's the rush? I've already instructed the waiter to serve us food" Emil CEO stated. Mr Dalton wanted to refuse but the CEO didn't let him refuse

" You can't refuse good will can you?" The CEO asked

" Of course not. I guess it won't hurt for us to stay a little longer" Mr Dalton said and signaled to Dora to sit down

Dora was a little reluctant because she didn't have a good feeling towards this CEO guy but she still sat down

Soon a waiter brought a lot of dishes and set them on the table

They ate in silence and the only noise you could hear was that of their cutleries as they ate

After eating Dora and Mr Dalton thanked the CEO before taking their leave.