After closing for the day, Dora first went to the hospital to check on bima and her mom before going home.

" Ah what a stressful day" Dora said as she pull off her cloth and entered the bathroom to shower completely forgetting that she need to take pills in other not to get pregnant

After bathing, Dora wore her favorite pajamas and lay on her bed while switching on her phone

" How come I have so many text messages on my phone?" She asked herself as she read through them and sigh afterwards

The messages where from a loan shark urging her to pay what she owe them. After her dad died few years ago, she found out that he owes a loan shark a huge amount of money and since then they have been disturbing her to pay the money.

* You guys should give me more time, I promise to pay up * Dora replied to their message and dropped her phone

Dora later layed on her back in thought for a while before dosing off

* * * *

Inside a Villa, a young man by name Troy Moltex was sitted going through some documents when his secretary knocked and entered the room

" Sir here is the result of the person you asked me to look into" The secretary by name James said

" Read it out " Troy Moltex commanded

" Dora Richard

~Twenty one years old

~works at F&S enterprises


~have one best friend"

" Notify the company where she works for collaboration on the smart city project" troy Moltex stated

" Yes sir but sir do you think it's advisable to collaborate with them?" The assistant asked

" Stop questioning my orders and do as I told you" Troy said. " And one more thing, keep a eye on her . I'm sure that she won't take the pills" Troy told the assistant

" Sir do you want us to force her to take the pills" James asked him

Troy rubbed his chin with a playful smirk for sometime before finally replying

"She's quite an interesting girl so leave her to do what she want, you just have to keep an eye on her" Troy said and James excused himself


" Good morning Rina" Dora said as she entered the ward that Bima is in.

" Good morning, I can see that you're ready for work" Rina replied. She looked horrible due to the fact that she have not eaten or shower since the previous day morning when her daughter was admitted to the hospital

" I'll go to work late today, I told a leave from Mr Dalton yesterday that I won't come till noon." Dora announced

" And he allowed you even when you we my late yesterday?" Rina asked amazed

" Yeah, I'm as shocked as you are. Anyway I'll look after Bima, so go home, shower and get yourself something to eat. You look terrible" Dora told her

" Are you sure that you can look after her? " Rina asked Dora

" Yes of course just go home and shower so that you can look like a human being" Dora said jokingly

" Thank you so so much, i will soon be back" Rina said as she rushed out of the ward and Dora just smiled


When Rina came back, she saw that Bima have already woken up and she was talking to Dora. When Bima sighted her she smiled and called " mummy you're back" Bima said excitedly

" Oh I can see that mommy's little angel is awake" Rina said and went to sit beside her

" Mum, aunty Dora bought some chocolate for me" Bima said

" Oh really? Have you thank your aunt?" Rina asked her and she nodded then Rina turned to Dora

" Thank you so much for staying with Bima. Hmn that reminds me, we are not yet talking about you and your boss" Rina stated

" Me and my boss? What about us?" Dora asked her

" I want to know the reason why your boss treat you differently" Rina said

" I don't know what you're talking about" Dora replied while trying to his a blush

" If you don't Know what I'm talking about why are you blushing?" Rina asked her

" I'm not blushing" Dora replied

" You are"

" I'm not"

" Mr Dalton is handsome don't you think?" Rina asked

" I don't know. Is he?" Dora asked and Rina stared at her for some time

" Dora is there something that you're not telling me? Do you maybe have feelings for your boss?" Rina asked

" No not of course but I think he's into me?" Dora whispered to Rina

" So what about the guy that you had a one night stand with?" Rina asked as Dora phone rang. She looked at Rina in apology before stepping outside to answer the call

After the call, she walked back inside the ward and sat down

" Let me guess, your handsome boss called you to come to the office quickly for something important" Rina guessed

" You're right but there is also a good news. The Moltex company called that they want to collaborate with our company on the smart city project." Dora said and Rina screamed excitedly

" Wow! That's great news. If your boss increase your salary don't forget to take me out okay" Rina said

" Okay but that's if They increase my salary" Dora replied

" Are you kidding? They must surely increase your salary if this project goes well. Have you forgotten that your boss is interested in you?" Rina asked and Dora rolled her eyes

" I have to go now , bye Bima" Dora said without replying to Rina's question then she left


Dora walked inside the meeting room just as the meeting was about to commence and she sigh in relieve because she thought that she was late

" Sorry I'm late" She apologized to everyone present before sitting down

" Hmn since my assistant is here I think that we can begin the meeting." Mr Dalton said

____________ ____________ ___________

" I can't believe that the famous Moltex group of companies decided to collaborate with us on the smart city project. I think this calls for celebration" Mr Dalton said to Dora excitedly

" Sir you are going to treat me to a meal right?" Dora asked

" Yeah yeah" Mr Dalton waved his hands ' I'm so happy today so it will be my treat" He added and Dora smiled unconsciously at the idea of free food.

"Mr Dalton is so generous, we should probably get going because I'm a little hungry" Dora said while rubbing her stomach

" Look at you you're always thinking about food, you're such a foodie." Mr Dalton said with her smile and rub her hair which left Dora a little stun.

They both walked out of the company to a KFC restaurant closed by. After sitting down a waiter brought the menu to them

" You order first, as the saying goes ladies first" Mr Dalton told Dora and she blushed

" I never knew that you were such a gentleman Mr Dalton" Dora said to him and he frowned slightly

" Can you please call me Dalton when we aren't at work? Addressing me as Mr Dalton usually makes me feel old" Mr Dalton confessed to her and she laughed slightly

" Okay Dalton" Dora replied and ordered a few dishes before Mr Dalton ordered his, them they ate in silence

" I thought that you won't be able to finish you meal, I never thought that you were such a big water" Mr Dalton said after the meal.

" Dalton you don't have to insult me indirectly, I've always been a big water" Dora responded

" You are a girl so you should eat less to maintain your body so that you won't get fat and ugly" Mr Dalton joked and Dora frowned

" Don't worry about me, I've been eating like this all my life and I've never gotten fat. I have a very unique body which allows me to eat whatever I like." Dora told him

" Hmm since you're done eating, it's best that we go back to the company. We have a lot of work to do." Mr Dalton said and Dora stood up while nodding her head in agreement

Some weeks had past already, it's even over a month now and everything was normal. Even Bima have been discharged from the hospital

" Sleepy head wake-up! Because you are not going to work today doesn't mean that you should sleep all day long" Rina said as she woke Dora up from sleep

" Ahh I'm so tired let me sleep a little longer" Dora groan as she used her pillow to cover her face

" No no you can't sleep any longer you have to wake up now" Rina refused to give in

" What time is it?" Dora asked as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her palm and yawn loudly

" The time is already 9:29 so you have to get up quickly, I made breakfast" Rina said and Dora got up at the mention of food

" Did you really prepare breakfast?" Dora Asked Rina with a soft smile and she sigh helplessly

" Look at her, smiling at the mention of food. You'll never change" Rina said and shake her head

" I'll freshen up quickly and come downstairs" Dora said and Rina walked out of her room

Dora hurriedly had her bath and rushed downstairs before joining Rina and Bima in the dinning room

" Good morning aunty Dora" Bima greeted

" How are you my love?" Dora asked her as she pecked her on her cheek lightly which made Bima to giggle

" I'm fine thank you " Bima replied politely and the started eating

" Wow! this food taste so nice" Dora said while giving Rina a thumb up after tasting the food

" Thanks" Rina responded simply and the continued eating.

After eating Dora helped in clearing and washing the dishes before finally settling down in the living room while Rina's driver drove Bima to school

" I feel like eating ice cream but there isn't any ice cream in the freezer" Dora complained to Rina

" That's because you finished all the ice cream that's in the freezer. What's going on with you ? As far as I know, you are not a fan of ice cream so what's up?" Rina asked Dora

" I don't also understand my craving for ice cream this past few days" Dora responded

" Are you sure that you're not sick or something relating to that?" Rina asked Dora worriedly She then place her palm on Dora's forehead to see if she's running temperature

Least i forget to say, Rina was a medical doctor before quiting her job for reasons best knwn to her

" You don't have a fever so what's wrong with you?" Rina asked before thinking of something

" Dora when last did you see your period?" Rina asked Dora

" Hmm last month. I haven't seen it this month but I guess it's due to stress. You of all people should know how stressful my work is" Dora replied.