" Dora I think that you are pregnant" Rina told Dora and Dora laughed loudly

" What type of joke is that? Don't you think that it's too early for such jokes? " Dora asked

" Who's joking? I'm being serious right now, when you had a one night stand with that guy did you guys used protection?" Rina asked Dora and Dora remained silent

" But to be sure you still have to do a pregnancy test" Rina told her

Dora was so confused that she did not even listen to what Rina was saying

" Oh my God I'm finish" she murmured to herself as tears fall down from her eyes. She knew that being a single mother was hard and if her company found out that she's pregnant she would be sacked

" Dora please stop crying maybe it's not even pregnancy. Let's go for the test first before concluding anything" Rina consoled her

Dora slowly wiped her tear before standing up.

" Don't border going to the hospital, I'll get you a test kit" Rina said and Dora nodded slightly

Rina was worried about Dora so she quickly changed her clothes and went to a pharmacy to buy the test kit

When she came back she handed the test kit to Dora who reluntantly toke it and walked inside her bath room

After a while she came back with a tears stained face and showed the test kit to Rina.

As expected the kit showed two lines which means that she was really pregnant.

Dora was so devastated that she feel down and started crying. Then Rina rushed to console her

" Hey babe please stop crying, everything is going to be alright" Rina said

Meanwhile inside a Rolls-Royce outside their apartment Troy Moltex sat down with James his assistant

" Sir her friend went to buy a pregnancy test kit, seems like she's pregnant" James told Troy Moltex

" Why not we go in?" Troy Moltex said with a smirk and step out of the car

James knocked on the door and after a while Rina came to open the door for them

" How may I help you guys?" Rina asked them

" Who's that?" Dora asked from inside and walked to the door only to see the guy she had a one night stand and his assistant

" Oh my God!" She exclaimed in a low voice

" Do you know them?" Rina asked Dora I'm a whisper

" He's the guy I had a one night stand with" Dora whispered back

" Oh my! Please don't mind my manners you guys should come in" Rina told them with a smile

" What are you doing?" Dora asked Rina with gritted teeth and forced a fake smile to them

" Of course I'm welcoming our guest" Rina replied and rushed to get them refreshments

" Please feel at home" Rina told them before dragging Dora to sit down with her

" Mr what are you doing in my house and how did you know I live here?" Dora asked Troy Moltex

" First of all I came to see you, secondly getting your house address wasn't a problem and lastly my name is 'Troy Moltex' and not 'Mr' "Troy Moltex said

" Wait do you mean Troy Moltex the owner of Moltex group of companies?" Rina asked him shocked

" Yeah that's me" He replied in a carefree manner

" Wow that's wonderful. Mr Troy, if you may know my friend here is pregnant for you" Rina said excitedly

" Is that true?" Troy Moltex asked with a raised brow

" Yes but ..... " Dora tried to speak but was cut shut by Troy

" I thought that you said that you will take the pill after leaving that day?" Troy asked her

" I forgot . I've been busy this past month" Dora replied

" Hope you are not like the other girls who always find a way to climb on my bed?" Troy asked her and Dora was a little annoyed

" With all due respect Mr Moltex I'm not interested in you or your money and if not that my friend told you, I was not planning on telling you" Dora stated

" So what are we going to do about the baby in your womb?" Troy asked her

" If you are thinking about an abortion, that's not going to happen. Don't worry I'll take good care of the child and not bother you in future" Dora told him

" Who said anything about an abortion? I want us to keep the child and train the child together" Troy told her

" What do you mean by train the child together?" Dora asked with a frown

" Let's get married." Troy Moltex said simply and Dora thought that she heard a joke

" Mr Moltex do you mean what you just said?" Rina asked surprised

" Yeah I mean every word I said just now. Since you're pregnant with my child we might as well get a marriage certificate" Troy stated

" You must be joking. Who said that iwant to get married? And even if I want to get married it's not to a total stranger like you" Dora said

" Miss Richard, you should know that I'm no longer a stranger to you and on the contrary I'm the father of your unborn child" Troy said with a smirk

" Don't worry our marriage won't be one of love but a contract marriage" Troy added then he turned to James

" Give me the thing" He said and James haded a file to him which he passed to Dora

-- You must not develop feeling for eash


-- You must not interfer with wash other

Personal business

-- you can ask for any amount of money

and material things

-- you have to act as normal couples to

the outside world

-- you have to satisfy you spouse in bed

Dora read the rules out loud and thought for a while before responding

" Hmm I think all the rules are okay apart from the last one. I don't want sex" Dora told Troy

" You don't get to decide, I do and I think that it's okay. So what's your decision" Troy asked Dora

" Do I even have a choice" Dora said as she sigh

" Yeah you really don't have a choice if you want to give our son the best treatment" Troy stated

" Who told you that it's going to be a boy? I need a girl child" Dora replied

" You should know that I was the one that put it in you and I know what I put in you which is a boy" Troy said

" Can you be anymore shameless?" Dora asked while rolling her eyes

James and Rina just watch as the agrue about a child that was not even born

" If I may ask what is the reason why you want to get married to me?" Dora asked Troy

" Because of my parents" Troy replied before standing up

" I'll pick you up tommorow so we can go and get our marriage certificate" Troy said and walked out without waiting for a response from her

After Troy Moltex and his assistant left, Dora phone rang and she answered the call

" Hello Dad" Dora said over the phone

" You unfilia daughter, so you forget dad after starting to earn money right?" Mr Richard asked his daughter

" No dad I can't forget you , I've just been busy with work lately" Dora responded.

" You are always giving same old excuse of being busy with work. I want you to come home tomorrow" Mr Richard told her.

" Dad maybe next time, tommorow I have somewhere urgent to go to" Dora said.She has to go with Mr Troy Moltex to get their marriage certificate

" I don't want any excuse, come home tomo rrow and that's final" Mr Richard said

" Okay Dad but I'll come a little late" Dora said before hanging up.

' I think that I should introduce Mr Troy to my dad tomorrow so that he won't be too angry that I got married without telling him' Dora thought

" Rina I'm going to my room first" Dora excused herself and walked to her room

Inside the room Dora searched for quite a while before finally finding the card that Mr Troy Moltex gave to her.

She copied the number then dailed it. The phone rang for sometime before he answered the call.

" Who's this?" Mr Troy Moltex answered with a cold voice and Dora swallowed feeling a little scared.

" Hmm... It's... it's me Dora" She stammered a response

" Hey what's up?" He asked. His voice wasn't as cold as before

" My dad asked me to visit him tomorrow. I decided that I'll go after getting our marriage certificate....." Dora said and paused

" And so what?" He asked her

" I thought that since we're getting married we should go together" "but it's okay if you don't want to go" She quickly added

" After getting our marriage certificate we will go together. If that's all, I'll hang up first because I'm busy right now" Troy said and ended the call