Divorced ASAP

The courthouse was cold, sterile, and impersonal. Riley sat on the hard bench, clutching her purse tightly in her lap. The finality of the moment pressed down on her like a weight. She glanced at her watch, the seconds ticking by slowly. Her lawyer, a stout woman with a no-nonsense attitude, was murmuring reassurances beside her, but Riley hardly heard her. Today was the day she would finally close the chapter on her marriage to Brian.

Brian arrived, looking disheveled and out of sorts. Riley's heart ached at the sight of him; he looked so different from the man she had once loved. There was a moment where their eyes met, a fleeting connection that was quickly severed as he took his place on the opposite bench. The judge, a stern-looking man with silver hair, entered the room, and the proceedings began.

The legal jargon flowed over Riley, each word a nail in the coffin of her marriage. She answered the necessary questions, signed the required documents, and tried to keep her emotions in check. It was all so mechanical, so devoid of the passion and love that had once defined their relationship. She felt a tear slide down her cheek and quickly brushed it away. This was not the time for weakness.

When the judge finally declared their marriage dissolved, Riley felt a strange mix of relief and sadness. The relief was immediate and overwhelming, like a huge weight lifting off her shoulders. She was free, at last. Free from the betrayal, the lies, the heartache. But the sadness lingered, a dull ache in her chest. She had once loved Brian deeply, and saying goodbye to that part of her life was harder than she had imagined.

Outside the courthouse, the sun was shining brightly, a stark contrast to the gloom she felt inside. Riley stood on the steps, taking deep breaths, trying to steady herself. Her lawyer gave her a reassuring pat on the back before heading off, leaving Riley alone with her thoughts. She glanced around, feeling lost in the bustling city.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, pulling her out of her reverie. It was a text from Adrian: "How did it go? Do you need anything?" Simple words, but they brought a wave of comfort. She texted back, "It's done. I'm okay, I think." Almost immediately, her phone rang.

"Riley," Adrian's deep, soothing voice came through the line. "I'm so proud of you. Do you want me to come and get you?"

Riley hesitated for a moment, then nodded, even though he couldn't see her. "Yes, please. I don't think I can be alone right now."

Adrian arrived within minutes, his black car pulling up to the curb. He stepped out, looking as composed and confident as ever. As soon as he saw Riley, his expression softened. He wrapped her in a warm embrace, and for the first time that day, she felt like she could breathe again

They drove in comfortable silence, the city streets blurring past. Adrian reached over and held her hand, his thumb gently stroking her skin. Riley leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes, letting the rhythm of the car soothe her. She felt a sense of calm wash over her, knowing that she wasn't alone in this new chapter of her life.

When they arrived at Adrian's apartment, he guided her inside, still holding her hand. The familiarity of the place was comforting. He led her to the living room, where he had already set up a cozy spot with blankets and pillows. A steaming cup of tea waited on the coffee table. Riley sank into the couch, feeling the tension drain from her body.

Adrian sat beside her, his arm around her shoulders. "You did it," he said softly. "You closed that chapter. Now we can focus on building something new together."

Riley looked up at him, her eyes searching his face. "Thank you, Adrian. For everything. I don't know what I would have done without you."

He smiled, a warm, genuine smile that made her heart skip a beat. "You're stronger than you think, Riley. And I'm here, always. We can get through anything together."

Riley felt a surge of hope and determination. She was ready to embrace this new life, to build something beautiful with Adrian. She nestled closer to him, feeling his heartbeat steady and strong. The future was uncertain, but with Adrian by her side, she felt ready to face whatever came their way.