Chapter 29: Deadly Beginnings (above)

  "The countdown to ejection is now on ..."




  "Ejection bin activated!"

  The Destiny was hovering over a mountainous forest, with individual ejection bins jetting out from a ring around the bottom edge of the ship. The ejection bins were elliptical in shape, and as soon as they left the ship, they activated their regulating jet engines. Several tiny blue flames shot out from the jet ports, propelling the ejection bins towards their destination according to the coordinates locked by the brain.

  The Allen man was in the barn room and the ejection bin was vibrating terribly in flight. This caused a red lamp shining in his face to shake constantly, illuminating Alan's face in a cloudy way. It was easy for the ejection bin to reach the ground, and as the lamp turned from red to ghostly blue, the doors opened, descended, and set up on the ground. Allen unlocked the safety device and jumped down from the silo, finding himself in the middle of a dense forest.

  The surrounding area was indistinguishably quiet, with the occasional faint, distant call of some dangerous species. The sound of water was not small, indicating that there would be at least one river nearby, and the ground was covered with thick forest leaves, the sunlight casting a thousand beams of light through the gaps in the leaves, leaving countless spots of light of different shapes on the ground.

  The temperature was not too cold, not too hot, it was moderately warm, and the wind that blew carried the freshness of grass and trees, which made Alan, who had spent January in the training building, feel incredibly comfortable.

  He belonged in the mountains originally, and in the mountains, Alan was a fish out of water.

  Casually sweeping his eyes around, Alan saw a large unnatural bush. Walking over, sure enough it was something camouflaged, and underneath were several large crates of supplies. The seals on the supplies hadn't been opened yet, so Alan opened several of the crates, and inside were ample food, condensed purified water, and several first aid items including hemostatic spray. On top of that, surprisingly, there were also two self-propelled hand weapons as well as a number of ammo.

  Of course, automated hand weapons are old-fashioned weapons, not magical energy weapons.

  The resources were ample, worthy of the reward for the first ranking. However, to Allen, compared to those food like sliced bread and meat, and the pistol that he wasn't good at using, the easy-to-carry condensed purified water and first-aid medicine were instead much more valuable.

  At this moment, the 22 ejection bins detached from the Destiny had already arrived at their respective target locations. However, among them, there were five ejection bins that had landed centrally next to a lake. In the fifth ejection bin, Mike covered his chest and walked down. When he saw that there were several other ejection bins nearby, his eyes turned cold. But then he smiled bitterly and shook his head, and the source power in his body suddenly impacted sharply towards his heart, so Mike's face first turned red and then became pale, and he coughed out a mouthful of blood involuntarily.

  He stumbled and fell straight to the ground panting violently.

  The scene caught the eyes of the remaining four teenagers coming out of the ejection bin, and one of them, a fit and tall boy who was afraid to be fourteen or fifteen years old, spat and cursed lowly, "Waste of space."

  The fact that it was given to be centralized in the same location right from the start meant that these five people were at the bottom of the rankings. Originally, with Mike's ranking, he would not have been assigned here, but he provoked Allen to the end, and was also injured by him, so his ranking fell, slipping back to fifth place.

  Looking at the current scene, even though he was barely at the top of these four because of his previous results. But now, Mike's appearance looked weak.

  There was an awning on the edge of the large lake with only one box of supplies underneath! That's right, only one box, but this box is the only guarantee of survival for the five teenagers. Even if there is only one person, this box of supplies seems to be a little less, perhaps not enough to support the needs of half a month. Not to mention that there are now five of them, sharing equally is naturally impossible.

  Except for Mike, the other four teenagers, three boys and one girl, all stared at the box of supplies without turning their eyes away from each other, but no one wanted to move a muscle, just staring at each other.Ten minutes later, the only girl of the four said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Why don't we split the food, it should be enough if we split it into four parts."

  "I'm with Mimi." A boy as skinny as a monkey raised his hand.

  "What do you say, Cohan." A relatively well-built black teenager standing next to the skinny one asked toward the boy who was the most athletic of the four.

  Kuhan nodded, but grinned, "I agree to split it into four, but I'm going to get two, and the other three of you will split it."

  They hadn't counted Mike in from the beginning, and they didn't even look at him squarely. To them, Mike, who was no different than a carving man, wasn't even a threat. So, why bother dividing the resources among him?

  Only Kuhan's greed but caused the other two boys to be dissatisfied, this time, while the three boys did not pay attention. The girl, Mimi, had already grabbed her body and ran towards the supply box, and Kuhan, with a sign, cursed, "Bitch!"

  Then he followed and rushed forward.

  The remaining two boys went after the girl as well, and Mimi suddenly called out, "Kai, Korra! Kill Kuhan first or we'll all be killed by him. Don't worry guys, I'm not leaving. We'll split these equally."

  "And, you can enjoy me!"

  Undoubtedly this last condition appealed inexplicably to the two boys, and the black teenager, Cora, and the skinny Kai exchanged glances, followed by simultaneous nods of their heads as they pounced on Cohan instead.

  Mike watched it all with cold eyes.

  Kuhan grunted, and fished out a three-pronged military spike from each side of his legs, which was 25 centimeters long, with three blood grooves on three sides and a silver-white body. Seeing him light up his weapons, Cora fished out a military dagger from behind her waist; Kai drew up two sections of ebony copper rods from his back and connected them, and the two rods popped out a section of the rod body, so it became a long rod of about two meters.

  Korra let out a low gulp and lunged at Kuhan like a cheetah. Kai circled around to the other side with his stick, and Kuhan hemmed and hawed. What down Kai while meeting Kola, the black teenager's eyes chilled, the dagger lightning probed out and wiped at Kuhan's throat.

  Kuhan turned and collided with him, immediately dividing life and death.

  Korra's dagger was picked off by Kuhan with a military spike, while the other one dug into the black teenager's heart with a stab and a twist. Kuhan let go of him, and a vicious wind came from behind him, Kuhan stubbornly inclined his head and gave Kai a stick on his shoulder. The teenagers who were able to participate in the death ring had at least hammered three source power vortexes. Kai's stick had already used source power, enough to crack the stone.

  Kuhan ate his stick, only to feel the bones in his shoulder almost crack. He grunted, spun around, and clamped down on the long stick with one hand, while the other hand delivered a military thrust into Kai as well.

  "If you fight me, you're just looking for death!" Kuhan pushed Kai's body away and looked forward to where the girl, Mimi, had opened the box, picked up two of the bags of food and turned to run.

  Kuhan caught up, and when he was still some distance away from Mimi, suddenly the military spike marked out. A silver light flashed in mid-air, and Mimi's calf was nailed in by the military spike, and she fell to the ground with a scream. Kuhan laughed and walked over, reaching out to grab Mimi's chest. The girl suddenly turned on the ground and raised a revolver in her hand!

  The gunshot rang out, and Kuhan was shot in the shoulder, exploding into a spray of blood. With a snarl of rage, he slashed at Mimi's gun-toting hand with one of his military spikes, and the girl immediately let go in pain. Cohan grabbed her head and slammed it hard into the ground, just knocking Mimi out honestly.

  From a distance, Mike watched as he dragged Mimi back under that awning. At that point Mimi woke up and struggled, and Cohan brutally stomped on the military spike in the girl's leg, immediately causing Mimi to scream in pain, powerless to struggle any further. He threw Mimi onto a box of supplies and suddenly lunged with a gasp, pulling down the girl's pants with one hand. When the sword was ready, he slammed his murderous weapon into Mimi with a single dip of his waist.

  Mimi cried, screamed, and even begged for mercy to no avail. Cohan grabbed her head and slammed it hard against her body, Mike inadvertently gave a sneer that Timothy Cohan looked up to see. He stifled a grunt and walked away from Mimi's body. A kick to Mike's leg screamed, "What are you laughing at, punk."

  "You're the loser, get it?" Mike sneered back.

  Cohan's face immediately flushed red and his neck thickened, veins throbbing on it. He took a punch to Sung Mike's face, punching him so hard that Mike hit his head on the ejection bin and cracked his head. Cohan pulled up on his chest again, just to beat the boy to death. Mike suddenly bounced off the ground and slammed his fist with a sharp whistle hard into Kuhan's chest.

  Kuhan leapt to his feet, he recognized it as the jab from the army's ten strikes. He just couldn't figure out how Mike, who was like a limp shrimp before, suddenly used his source power to make this punch. The fist blasted into Kuhan's chest, and under the impetus of the source power, the fist energy penetrated straight into his body and hit his heart painfully. Cuhan's heart suddenly and dramatically jumped several times before it stopped beating.

  Mike sneered and pushed the body, which was gradually losing its warmth, to the ground, then stood up, holding the ejection bin. He spat bloody spit at Cohan's corpse and said, "See? I was absolutely right, wasn't I?"

  It was true that Mike was at the end of his injuries, but he wasn't so weak that he would even fall over when walking. Everything before had been nothing more than creating an illusion, the purpose of course being to make Cohan and the others despise him so he would have a chance of surviving. Mike walked over to the crate of supplies and pushed Mimi to the ground before tossing the food that had fallen on the floor back into the crate. Mike patted the crate and exhaled, "These are mine now."

  "Help me, please." Mimi, lying on the floor, said pathetically, "Mike, I know you're a good man, right?"

  Mike's body stiffened, then turned to look at Mimi. The line of sight fell from her small face to her chest and then to the lower body that was not covered by anything. Mike suddenly smiled, "As I recall, you just said to split the supplies into four right?"

  Mimi winced and said hastily, "Listen to me ..."

  "Didn't you treat me like crap too?" Mike gasped, pouncing on Mimi and wrenching hard on her head. Immediately wrenching the girl's neck, Mike then gasped and stood up, his eyes blazing with fiery anger as he slowly said in a voice only audible to himself, "I'm not a loser, and I'm going to prove it to everyone!"