Chapter 30: Deadly Beginnings (below)

  Mike resealed the box of supplies, took off several of Cuhan's clothes and tore them into strips, then twisted them into rope. Finally acting as a tow rope for the crate, Mike dragged the crate into the dense forest around the lake. After hiding the supply crate in a proper place, he returned to the lake. Mike picks up Mimi's revolver and retrieves two loaded cartridge drums from her body.

  Walking around the neighborhood, one of Kuhan's military spikes and Kora's dagger also fell into Mike's hands. After washing the bloodstained military spikes in the lake water, Mike equipped these warlike weapons to his own body and then prepared to hunt the others.

  A round metal ball came flying over the lake and hovered over Mike's head. Knowing that it was an instrument the council used to spy on them, Mike gave the metal ball the middle finger before turning around and leaving.

  To the east and west of the city, there was a steam blimp doing a live program on each side. Now, on the big screen was the very image of Mike giving the middle finger. One of the hosts said, "That's really devious, Mike. To be the first to take out four contenders just like that, it's like a dark horse. I just wonder, how long can this dark horse run?"

  "Alright, viewers. Let's take a look at the performance of the other teenagers, and by the way, we don't know how our top-ranked Allen, who is practically like a young master of a powerful family, is doing."

  "Huh, it doesn't look like things are going too well."

  Alan's situation was indeed not good, he had just organized and packed the condensation purification water and first aid medicine. Before he could take them away, he heard the sound of wind rushing through the forest. Allen looked forward suddenly, and a silhouette suddenly ran over on a forest path in front of him. It was a teenager with slightly curly hair, and as he darted over, he flipped out two three-pronged thorns and swirled them nimbly, the ends of the thorns tracing a halo in the sunlight.

  Putting down his supplies at once, Allen straightened up to meet the incoming man. He reached out and held the hilt of Berserker's blade behind his back, and just swooped up. There were no words between them, but both of them saw the determination to kill in each other's eyes.

  Soon, the two figures collided in the middle of the forest trail. The curly-haired teenager flipped his right trident stab and heaved it towards Allen's chest. In his prediction, Allen probably had several ways to evade it. Regardless of which evasion method Allen took, the three-pronged thrust in his other hand would cause Allen to suffer greatly.

  But to his surprise, Allen didn't dodge!

  The thorns immediately lodged themselves in Alan's chest, however, a sensation of being blocked by something hard came from the end of the thorns. Even worse, the object was smooth, so the thorn slipped away. The teenager froze slightly, and it was in the moment of distraction that Alan's arm finally swung up. Berserk Slaughter swung out with a harsh cracking sound, like the roar of a ferocious beast, bringing up a few points of fishy red.

  Alan and the teenager staggered past.

  The teenager's body shook, and suddenly his head and body separated and fell to the ground at the same time. Life and death happen in a split second, how can there be so much time for you to be distracted? But to say the least, it was also his bad luck. The curly-haired boy did not even think about the fact that under Allen's clothes there was also a defensive light armor, otherwise he would not have lost his concentration and been killed.

  Just after decapitating this opponent, two more teenagers pounced out from behind the bushes and shrubs on either side.

  These two teenagers were not unfamiliar to Allen, he had read the information about these two. The one on the left, who had a metal arm armor over his right hand and was not tall but looked strong, was called Hera, and he was ranked eleventh. On the right side, Joe, who was a bit taller than Allen and was already fourteen years old, was armed with a painted tactical longsword. The two trapped Allen in the center, one on the left and one on the right, eyeing him intently.

  "You guys got here pretty fast." Alan said.

  "It can't be helped, who made you rank first. As soon as you entered, the committee posted your coordinates. A few of us are closest to you, so we'll gladly take your supplies." Joe said as he waved his longsword.

  Alan even smiled at this point, "Yes, as long as you can kill me."

  The silent Hera growled a low roar like that of a lion cub, and the man brought a strong wind crashing in, his metal arm armor swinging up in a sulphurous smash, aiming straight for Allen's cheek. To give this thing smashed, Allen can not guarantee that his little head will be able to withstand. Berserker bounced up, and Allen snapped to life, chopping heavily at Hera's arm armor.

  The large sword and the iron fist clashed together, emitting when a loud and clear roar! Hera and Allen stepped back at the same time, this collision of power, it seemed that the two were equal. But Allen knew that in terms of pure power, he was still two points weaker, he only fought Hera to a draw because of the weight of the Mad Butcher itself.

  The two stepped back to unload, Hera empty behind her, but there was a Joe behind Allen.

  Joe smiled faintly, and his tactical longsword made a straight stab, the black blade pointing towards the back of Alan's neck like a viper spitting out its mail. This strike was extremely sinister, although Alan had defensive light armor on his body, the range of protection of the light armor was far from the back of his neck.

  Add to that the fact that at the moment, after a hard clash with Hera, the man was in the midst of falling back, looking like he was sending himself towards Joe's blade.

  Seeing that he was about to be hit, Allen suddenly kicked the ground, and twisted his waist to the side, and then spun away like a gyroscope. At the same time, Allen utilized the momentum of Joe's knife stabbing empty, and swept the wild butchery, taking Joe's waistline!

  "Asshole!" Joe also reacted quickly, immediately sucking in his belly and moving aside. However, a coldness on the side of his ribs still grazed Mad Butcher's blade, and blood began to seep out from under his clothes.

  "Get together and slaughter him!" Joe yelled, greeting Hera.

  The two teenagers pounced, their long swords and iron fists intertwining in a dense attack. Allen composed himself, a heavy weapon like Mad Butcher was not suitable to compete with them in speed. However, the characteristics of the Mad Butcher were utilized to the extreme in Alan's hands, the black steel blade had a wide surface, and when swung horizontally, it was like a long shield. Allen was able to parry many of the other two's attacks, and occasionally counter-attacked, slightly resolving the other's offense.

  Mad Butcher swung frequently in his hand in small increments, but shielded Alan's vitals behind the blade, allowing the two men, Joe and Hera, to attack bitterly to no avail. Allen knew very well that it was easy to consume physical energy when these two attacked wildly. Once consumed, they would definitely reveal their weaknesses. Fighting with the two men reminded Alan of the days he spent with White Fang. White Fang taught him the way to fight with some powerful and dangerous species, that is, try to consume the target's physical energy as much as possible. When the other party got tired, that was the time to kill them with a single blow.

  The snow wolf's attack never dragged on, if it didn't come out, it would kill. Having lived with the wolves for five years, Allen's tactics more or less carried the shadow of the snow wolves.

  He was like a hunting snow wolf now, calm, and patient.

  But the more Alan did, the more sullen Joe and Hera became. Unable to attack for a long time, the two had begun to get a little annoyed.

  After exchanging positions again, Hera suddenly caught an opportunity. Taking advantage of the fact that between Alan's movements, Mad Butcher slipped slightly, exposing the vitals of his chest. The teenager's eyes lit up and he threw a heavy punch!

  The fist smashed heavily into Alan's chest, and in Hera's experience, normally a fist smashed down like this, even a piece of steel plate would have to be sunk, not to mention the human body. However, the fist smashed into the real, Hera found that Allen's body was far harder than expected. When a sound, in a circle of faint ripples burst from the fist, Allen's jacket exploded, revealing the defensive light armor underneath.

  Seeing this light armor, Hera almost wanted to vomit blood. Although the light armor of single soldier defense was not as good as the armor stomach of magic energy series, the armor made of composite material looked thin, but the ability to resist blows was very excellent. Although Hera's fist smashed the armor leaf of the chest to produce a few cracks, but with the expected Allen's heart will be smashed alive can be far away.

  However, Hera's punch had already used source power, and the force concurrent with the source power hit the internal organs inside Allen's body, still causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood. But Allen took this opportunity to hold Hera's fist with one hand. Then the Mad Butcher raised up, bringing up a wave of blood, but it was Hera's arm that was chopped off by the roots!

  Hera screamed miserably and backed away, holding her other hand at the broken arm. Just as she wanted to escape, she saw the Mad Butcher above her head suddenly turn its blade around and slice in a graceful arc.

  String Moon Chop!

  The big knife crossed an arc, bringing up Hera's head. Next to Joe saw eyes wide open, thought Allen knife momentum with old, not expected Allen suddenly knife hand over the left hand, in order to reverse the posture of the big knife, body wildly rotating, driving the blade again cut out a round of string moon chopping to.

  Qiao's left hand was out, and purely based on his eyesight, he actually held the end of Mad Butcher's knife. Mad Butcher was a square blade, the front end of the blade was not open, once Joe pressed it, he stopped the blade's momentum. Alan obviously froze, Joe sneered, tactical long knife forward, the blade has stabbed into Alan's abdomen. There was no light armor protection there for ease of movement. As for the tactical suit could not stop the blade's advance, only the metal wire ring in the sandwich more or less slowed down the blade's momentum, so that Alan had time to gather his strength to collect his abdomen, avoiding the other party's knife to the end.

  Joe watched as blood began to ooze from Alan's small abdominal wound, he finally let go and laughed, "Looks like I've got a longer blade than you."

  "Not necessarily." Alan suddenly smiled brightly.

  At the sight of this smile, Joe had a feeling that something was wrong, and he saw the lines on the left and right sides of Mad Butcher's blades rapidly light up. Then with a hum, another energy blade unexpectedly popped out from the front of the square, bladeless blade!

  Berserkers "energy sharp" was activated, the ejected energy blade although only 20 centimeters. But this blade is indestructible, so Joe's four fingers were broken, and a burning sensation came from his neck, but the ejected blade had already slit his throat.

  Joe stepped back in quick succession, bringing the long knife out of the small of Allen's back. His hand let go and the tactical long knife fell to the floor. Joe reached up to cover his throat, but found that the blood simply flowed out unheeded, seeping through his fingers and splattering in a steady stream of blood-red patches on the forest foliage at his feet.

  He tried to say something, but ultimately only made a few hollow exhalations, and weakly went to the ground before falling on his back.

  Alan just breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a bit of icy cold appear at the back of his head. The hairs on his whole body instantly stood up, once, in the surface training camp he let the teenage Maao aim with a sniper rifle. So this feeling was familiar to him, it was being locked with sniper equipment!