Chapter 37: One Move, Two Gains

  Old Kate looked at his flamboyant and domineering granddaughter with a headache, among the third generation of family children, undoubtedly this granddaughter Adele in front of her was the most dazzling. Whether it was in terms of source power, battle skills, or the ability to manage the family, she was the best of the third generation. If one were to speak of flaws, it would probably be her wild-horse like nature and the fact that she was a woman.

  If Adele had been a boy, old Kate would have defied all odds and nominated her as first in line to the throne. But she wasn't, after all, and Old Kate recognized that it wasn't always the case that women were inferior to men. But it was equally undeniable that they were always out of their depth in some places. It was not a question of ability, but of gender.

  In the more than 400 years of the Federation's history, there have been several female presidents. However, these women presidents usually did not serve for a long period of time and often passed through the political arena like shooting stars, leaving behind a bright and colorful legacy before disappearing into obscurity.

  So in old Kate's heart, he was extremely fond of Adele. But there is one thing, even if the heirs in the front row are insufficient, he will not let Adele take charge of the family. In the end, Adele's future will stop at the family elders, this point is predictable.

  As for Jas and his brother, the two boys weren't actually as bad as Adele made them out to be. It's just that Adele shines so brightly that the two of them are starstruck.

  In Old Kate's estimation, either of these two men would take over the patriarch's position. Even if they were unable to forge ahead, they were more than capable of keeping the peace.

  Old Kate coughed lightly and said, "Well Adele, it's better to talk about where that payment of yours went. It was your personal payment, but the amount was so large that I had to ask about it."

  "It's nothing, Grandpa, I took them to the betting." Adele said gently.

  "Betting?" Old Kate's eyebrows raised, "Ring of Death? Who did you vote for?"

  "That #1." Adele said smugly, "I have a feeling I'm going to make a killing."

  "Number 1?" Jas and his brother exchanged glances and laughed, "Adele you're not out of your mind, are you? Who doesn't know that in all the Death Rings, the guy who ranks number one usually dies quickly."

  "That's the calendar!" Adele raised her head, having no difficulty at all in looking her older brother squarely in the eye, "The fact that you would say that shows that you don't have the eye for investment or the guts to forge ahead. My dear brother, perhaps you need to concern yourself with the news as well. As of yesterday, that #1 could still be alive and taking out six people! Surely, if it had been you, you would not have been able to do away with any of them."

  "You!" Jas stood up, a burgundy color rising to his face.

  Adele added lazily, "Besides, haven't you heard that Mr. Horn is also betting heavily on this 1. Is Mr. Horn's head also broken?"

  Jas could not get a word in edgewise.

  "Jas, sit down." Old Kate murmured, adding, "The whole of Babylon knows about Horn's bets. But Adele, look, have you seen anyone else put a heavy bet on this teenager, other than you who took the liberty of putting ten million dollars on it not too long ago? In my opinion, this is too risky for you."

  "Grandpa, you're a friend of Mr. Horn's aren't you?" Adele asked, "In all the years you've known him, have you ever seen him do any losing business? I've studied Mr. Horn's life and every decision he made, every deal he made was almost a sure-fire profit."

  "If Horn was as good as you say he is, he wouldn't have let Behnkord slip from the ranking of the families to that of the Namebloods ten years ago." Adele's other older brother, Ted, said.

  "Oh, I see you've studied Mr. Horn's exploits as well." Adele raised her eyebrows.

  Ted puffed up his chest and said, "Grandpa always said that whether it's our enemies or our allies, we need to know every detail about them. This is nothing, I'm just doing what Grandpa says."

  "What an obedient puppy." Adele nodded.

  "What did you say!" Ted immediately paled, this sister of theirs had that knack of always being able to set them on fire like a powder keg with a word or two.

  Adele sat on the couch simply ignoring Ted's anger as she shrugged her shoulders, "You're not deaf, can't you hear what I'm saying? Okay, I don't want to get into this with you. Listen, it wasn't that Mr. Horn was undefeated under that series of tactics by the Alexanders that couldn't be talked about in a bright light; it was that he didn't answer the fight at all. During that time, he was so demoralized that he simply ignored the provocations of the Alexander family, and that's what caused him to slip down the rankings. But even so, Bainkord's backyard was still in full bloom. None of their five colonies have fallen, a dozen or so business chains are still functioning, both explicitly and implicitly, and the family's profit continues to rise by a steady five percentage points every year."

  "It's only their reputation that's slipping, not their strength, that's slipping at Bethcote! Their underlying strength has not been affected at all!" Adele sat up slightly straighter, "And, from what I've observed. In the last few years, Bethcord has invested more budget in the family's force. This budget has been gradually increasing since five years ago, what does this mean, my dear brother? It shows that Mr. Horn is ready to make a move, and that Bethcord will once again show its face to all who despise it on Babylon. The family must be on the upswing for the next few years, for the foreseeable future. In all likelihood, Bethcord will return to the ranks of the families, and even, the sword to the gentry!"

  Not to mention the two brothers Jas and Ted, even Old Kate was deeply shocked by this foresight of Adele. Old Kate adjusted her mind before saying, "But it's all just your guess."

  "Of course, if I were completely sure, then I'd be a prophet, Grandfather." Adele waved her hand, "But that's enough for me. Not to mention that we're friends with Bethcord, even if it's just taking ten million dollars out in exchange for the goodwill of a family that might make it into the gentry, I'd say it's a deal too good to pass up. Grandfather, don't you think it's time for us, the Molson family, who have been in the House of Fame for too long, to move out of the way."

  Old Kate's eyes immediately lit up as he nodded his head and said, "Indeed it has been too long, from our Morson Family, which started out as a businessman, to the present time when we have become a famous warlord a full 127 years have passed!"

  "That's right, if at this point in time, we catch the rocket that is Bethcord's line going up into the clouds. The Houses are even, mixing up a family shouldn't be too hard." Adele said here, leaning forward slightly, "And Grandfather, aren't you interested in Mr. Horn's sudden move to place a heavy bet? As a matter of fact, I do know a bit of the inside story."

  Old Kate immediately looked at this granddaughter.

  Adele deliberately glanced toward her two older brothers, her smile overflowing as she said, "But this matter, I would like to speak only to you, it is better for outsiders to know less."

  Jas and Ted exploded, both of them rose up in anger, their eyes wide open, their expressions so vicious that they looked like they wanted to eat Adele alive. On the contrary, Adele pretended to look at Kate with pity, God knows with her means, even if Jas and Ted teamed up, they couldn't do anything to her.

  Old Kate shook her head darkly and waved her hand, "You two get out first."


  Jas' chest rose and fell, trying to say something. Instead, Ted shook his head and pulled him toward the door. Good grief, Adele added, "And help us with the door, by the way."

  After the two angry heirs left, Adele also changed her face to a straight face, "Not long after those teenagers from the surface arrived in Babylon, Mr. Horn got the blood of that teenager named Allen in the training building through his own channels. A few days later, he publicly threw his weight behind this teenager. Grandpa, don't you think there's a connection?"

  "Also, we're all well aware of what happened to the Beskolds ten years ago. If you connect those two things together, there's an answer to what Mr. Horn did."

  Old Kate lost her voice, "You mean to tell me that boy is Horn's grandson, Lenny's son?"

  Adele nodded, "I can't think of a more logical explanation."

  Old Kate showed a deep thought expression, ten years ago, a big event did happen on Babylon. But this event was limited to the circle of nobles, that is, Horn's beloved daughter Lanie unexpectedly eloped with a surface man. This was a disgrace among the nobles, and it was even more of a blow to Beskold's reputation, as well as making Horn demoralized.

  Everyone knew how much Horn loved this daughter, and likewise, for the sake of Lanie, Horn did not hesitate to go to great lengths. Sending out the family's strongest experts to hunt down that maniac who dared to spy on his treasures, however, Lanie always still chose that man. The loss of his daughter had caused Horn to be devastated and demoralized before the Alexander family took advantage of the situation.

  In the end, Bethcord gave squeezed out of the ranking of the House of the World and slipped into the ranks of the House of Fame.

  Adele's deduction was not unlikely if one did the math. The taking of blood and betting, in particular, reinforces this aspect of the possibility.

  Old Kate looked up and said, "That means Horn is ready to pick up his grandson."

  "No, rather, it's to take back the future ruler of Bethcord." Adele corrected, "Grandfather, don't forget that Bethcord is facing an embarrassing situation of having no one to follow in his footsteps. After Horn, none of his sons are able to fulfill the important role. As for the third generation heir, it's just as weak as my idiotic older brothers.... Oh, so my slip of the tongue. Anyway, there's a big chance that Mr. Horn will raise this grandson as a continuer, if he can survive the death ring."

  "In that case, we'll have to be prepared, too." Old Kate nodded.

  "Don't worry about that, I've already thought about it." Adele stood up, raised both eyebrows and said, "As long as Mr. Horn adds that teenager named Allen to the family heir sequence, Grandpa, you can marry me to him. With my looks and means, I can guarantee that Mr. Horn won't be able to find a better candidate. What's more, he will also be able to reap the help of our Molson family. Knowing that in the resources of a man in power, the boost from his wife's family is also a force that cannot be ignored, especially considering that boy's future situation, Mr. Horn will definitely not refuse."

  Old Kate nodded again, if Horn added Allen to the heir sequence. Because Allen did not grow up in the family, it is no exaggeration to say that at that time, he will definitely be surrounded by enemies on all sides. At this time, if there was a Molson family to be its booster, then Allen's path towards being in power would be much smoother, and this was what Horn would be happy to see. In addition, this will also be able to move Adele out of the family heir rightfully, so it can be said that two birds with one stone!