Chapter 38: Ambition

  Pushing open the two heathered doors, Adele hummed her way back to her loft. Perhaps it was in her character to love heights. The entire Mosen family castle which gorgeous room not pick, but hijacked this attic located on the right side of the secondary tower. In the room, the maid Sophie was cleaning the floor, and seeing her own young lady return, she asked curiously, "Why is young lady in such a good mood?"

  Adele walked over to her and flirtatiously touched her on the cheek, casually grabbing an apple from the fruit blue on the table and throwing herself into the dark red couch. Kicking off her hunting boots and plopping both bare feet on the couch, she took a bite of the apple and said, "Because I married myself off, Sophie dear, how can I be in a bad mood. It's simply, so good that I can't help smiling ..."

  After saying that, she had already let out a series of long laughs, laughing straight through the flowers, laughing so hard that the little maid was a bit puzzled. Sophie shook her head and said, "Miss, why did you do that?"

  "Because the pool of the Molson family is so small, Grandfather always believed that the patriarch had to be a man, even if I was above those two idiots. So my future, at best, can only go as far as the position of the family council of elders. Perhaps, when the need arises there will also be a time to marry me off to the son of some powerful family, to give myself a powerful ally by way of marriage." Adele leaned back lazily on the sofa and bit a corner off a bright red apple with her sexy little mouth, "That's why I'm going to jump out, Sophie. The only way to embrace the wider world is to jump out. The Beskolds would be a good springboard. And the man I've picked out for myself to marry, I hear he lived with wolves for a while. I like a wild man. He's of a different world from those hothouse-bred sons of the world. Don't you think it would be so much fun to have someone like that in the circle of nobility?"

  Sophie hemmed and hawed and laughed, but in her heart she thought that the noble circle was already chaotic enough with a wild horse like you, plus a wolf. The little maid couldn't imagine that image, in any case, it must be about words like wild, and would never have anything to do with gentleness.

  "Men conquer women by conquering the world, women are just the opposite. If he's strong enough to own him, I own the whole world." Adele crossed her legs over the armrests of the sofa and wiggled and wiggled, the snow-white toes wiggling and making the little maid's throat go dry. Only then did Adele lazily say, "Even if he still can't make it to the top in the end, but with this relationship with Beskold, it's still enough for me to make a big impact. All in all, this deal, this lady makes a solid profit!"

  Sophie finally couldn't help but ask, "Miss, which young master of the Bethcord family do you have your eye on?"

  "It's the one I told you to bet on."

  "Ah, it's him? But he ..."

  "He isn't now, he can be later, as long as he survives." Adele turned her head to Sophie at this point and hooked her finger, "Come here, my little Sophie. You know too many of my secrets now, find a way to please me. Otherwise, let's make you a dead man!"

  The little maid jumped in fright, she knew that Miss was mostly scaring herself. But Adele was notorious for having a lot of those quirky tactics, and even if she didn't actually kill herself, she would still make herself quite upset. For example, throwing herself into the bed of which young master?

  Terrified, Sophie could only walk over pitifully, and Adele pulled her onto the couch, up and down, and said with a grin, "Come on, let me check out what you've developed into as a girl."

  A few moments later, an exclamation of surprise came out of the attic from Adele, "How could it be so big!"

  There was a mixture of surprise and even more indignation in that cry.

  Alan calmly looked at the two saber-toothed storm wolves in front of him, the one on the left seemed to be a male wolf and was a bit bigger. The female wolf on the right was obviously much more petite, but it was faster than the male wolf. When attacking, the more flexible and faster female wolf was even more dangerous than the male wolf.

  The Tactical Long Knife and the Mad Butcher were stuck in the ground, and Allen even provocatively hooked his finger towards the two dangerous species.

  The two violent wolves let out a low growl, arched their hind limbs, and pounced towards Alan with a strong push. Alan's eyes were red as if they were dripping blood, and he was calm on the surface, but he was like a volcano about to erupt on a calm sea. When the two wolves pounced, he also let out a wild roar, as if he had returned to the time when he lived with the snow wolves and was in the wilderness where there was danger at any time.

  The blood was boiling, they were longing for something, just like the surging battle spirit that Alan had at the moment as if it was going to tear his chest apart.

  The toes of his feet flew up and kicked at a skillful angle on the tactical long knife. The long knife flew like electricity, spun around and plunged into the ground between the male wolf and the ground. The male wolf was leaping up and lunging at Allen, the tactical long knife came at the right time, the tip of the knife turned upwards and the male wolf let his soft abdomen graze on the blade as if he had sent it on its own, pulling out a narrow wound.

  The male wolf let out a mournful cry as his power flowed out of his body along with his blood.

  The she-wolf was much more agile and cautious, leaping in a zigzag trajectory before biting from Alan's right leg. Once it bit him, Alan's leg would be broken. Allen with a broken leg was not a prey for this she-wolf to slaughter at will.

  Unfortunately, it bit into the air, teeth heavy together, shocked his mouth a piece of soreness. Alan had already stepped on a spinning step, turning away like a gyroscope, and casually pulled out the Mad Butcher and swept his arm out. The lines on the Mad Butcher suddenly lit up, and the end of the blade popped out an energy blade that flashed past the she-wolf's neck.

  The blade's aura appeared and dispersed, but a tuft of fluff floated up on the side of the she-wolf's neck, followed by a spray of warm wolf blood. After a few moments of shaking, the she-wolf fell to the ground and died along with the male wolf.

  Alan stood still, the fiery battle intent in his heart gradually cooling down. He breathed deeply to calm his blood qi that had boiled due to the pulling of his source power, and only then did he reveal a smile.

  It had been three days since he came to the Rapid Bay River Valley, and during these days, Allen had almost always hunted and killed saber-toothed storm wolves. Now, he had killed almost all the dire wolves in this area. At first, Allen would still be injured. But today, he was still able to kill two wolves in an instant without any injuries. This was a kind of progress, and this kind of life-and-death struggle was the most effective way to refine skills.

  Three days would yield much more than a month of playing in the functional areas of the training hall.

  One of the most notable points was that Allen's source power vortex had gained another one. The newly added source power vortex was filled with the flavor of blood intent, and it was obvious that Hughton hadn't lied to him; endless killing could indeed quickly cultivate source power. However, the source power cultivated in this way was not pure enough, it still needed to be precipitated and refined.

  Using war to raise war, in a short period of time can't see the end of the shelter. But after a long time, the foundation will be unstable, difficult to inch forward phenomenon. If the cornerstone is not strong enough, how can you build a tall building? This is why Hughton told Allen not to embark on the path of a Berserker.

  It's just that for Alan in this moment, right now he has no better choice.

  A whistle sounded behind them, then Lucy's voice rang out, "Taking on two storm wolves at once, you really don't want to die, Junior."

  "I don't think that those guys would give up the chance of a group fight to have a fair one-on-one fight with me if they were in a position to do so. So it wouldn't hurt to get used to this style of fighting as soon as possible." Alan turned, faced Lucy, and asked again, "How are you doing?"

  Lucy jumped down from a mossy rock, "Too good to be true."

  "Really? You can't tell until you try." Alan looked towards the long knife stuck in the male wolf's stomach, signaling that he wanted to spar with Lucy.

  Lucy, however, had a wicked grin on her face and said, "You're such a bad little brat that you want to try your sister?"

  Her language with double meaning, listening to Alan straight shake his head. Lucy also did not continue to tease him, bent down and pulled out the long bloody knife, with a vibration of her wrist, she splattered the wolf's blood on the knife three times, and gestured, "Come on, don't cry if you let your sister hurt you."

  Alan hemmed and hawed and did not retort, his character preferred to speak with actions. Immediately, his body leaned forward, his feet perched on the ground, and with a strong push, he charged towards Lucy. Seeing Allen charging, Lucy put away her smiling face. With a wave of her wrist, her tactical long knife popped up with a halo of blood. Brushing and brushing, she immediately chopped out three knives towards Alan. These three knives followed each other's shadows, falsely covering Allen's head, face and chest, making it impossible to figure out where Lucy was directly attacking.

  Allen, however, ignored the oncoming shadow of the knife, and swung the Mad Butcher horizontally, the blade pulling out an arc of light and slamming directly into the shadow of Lucy's knife. In a clanking sound, Lucy's tactical long knife and Mad Butcher exchanged several strikes, but due to the lack of strength, it was picked up by Mad Butcher.

  Lucy's center door was wide open, Allen's eyes lit up, and the Mad Butcher made a slight turn in mid-air, spinning and chopping back with the end of the arc of light. At this moment, Alan had already used his source power. Inside his body, a vortex of source power rushed along the blood vessels to the position of his wrist. Before this vortex could reach his wrist, another vortex came first and crashed into the previous vortex. Both vortices increased in speed and accelerated into the location specified in Alan's consciousness.

  The power has increased dramatically!

  The blade of Berserk Slaughter almost pulled out a whistling, the sound was horrifying. Lucy's mouth opened into an "O" shape, her tactical long knife was placed in front of her body, one hand pressed against the spine of the blade, and her body was slightly bowed, in a defensive stance to resist Allen's knife.

  Seeing that she was about to be hit, Allen changed her chop into a slap, and slapped her blade against the tactical long knife. With a loud sound, Lucy slid back nearly a meter with the knife, her wrist tingling and her blood churning.

  Allen slung Mad Butcher over his shoulder and looked at Lucy with a smile on his face, while his heart burst with joy. In the past two days, he had been studying the method of impacting the barrier that Hughton had taught him, which was a technique of utilizing the source power vortices to chase each other and impact each other, in order to unleash a greater impact force, thus striking across the first layer of the barrier of source power confinement in one fell swoop. Alan only had seven source power vortices now, so naturally he couldn't use them to try to impact the barrier.

  However, this technique was used just now, utilizing the two vortexes to crash into each other to burst into a greater force, in order to slap Lucy away in one fell swoop. From this, it could be seen that the way source power moved was also a form of learning. Mastering an effective way of transporting energy would make the battle twice as effective with half the effort!