39. Operational plans

  Two fat codfish were added to the fire and roasted, the body of the codfish was cut open, so that the heat of the flame could penetrate into the body of the fish, so that the fish meat was cooked faster and more thoroughly. The fat of the fish turned into oil in the flame and hit the fire drop by drop, then from time to time splattered a sky of sparks.

  Lucy was drooling at the fish that was getting golden in the flames, and couldn't even resist reaching out to tear off a piece to taste. At that moment it would be given to Alan with a twig gently tapped back, they hid near the valley of the rapid bay river. There was a good amount of cod here, especially that sharp bend in the river at almost 90 degrees, which would from time to time wash the cod snow right up from the river. As a result, in addition to the near dangerous species like the saber-toothed storm-wolf always from time to time to these fresh big fish attracted.

  Alan flipped the two tails of codfish, picked off some of the firewood in the fire to make the flames less fierce, and instead simmered them over a gentle fire. This way the roasted cod meat, its own oil paste will eat into the fish meat, eat will not be dry, keep the fish meat tender and delicious. If there were seasonings, the fish would be even more flavorful. Of course, now that they weren't here to camp, they naturally didn't have seasoning, yet it was much better than those canned food provided by the conference organizers.

  "Can we eat yet, I'm starving!" Lucy looked at Allen with a gluttonous face, those two eyes were like a pitiful puppy, her big eyes were blinking, when I saw it, I felt sorry for her.

  "OK, OK." Ellen sliced a piece of fish off one of the tails with a cleaned dagger and handed it to Lucy wrapped in a clean leaf.

  Lucy immediately took a bite, only to then cry out with two tears in her eyes, "It's hot."

  "Serves you right." Alan chuckled, "Who made you eat so sexily, just like Luce ..."

  "Luce? Who's Luz?"

  Ellen said but blushed, "It's nothing, when I was five years old, the predators attacked the town I lived in. My mom died that night, and after that I lived with a pack of snow wolves, and Luce was one of them. He was ravenous and acute, but a good fellow. Unfortunately, then it died too, and they all died."

  With that said, the teenager looked up at the night sky. Looking up from Babylon, the night sky was extraordinarily clear, and it was on nights like this that the moon hung in the sky, and the river of stars hung upside down like a waterfall, and it was beautiful.

  Ellen leaned up at an angle that left Lucy with a sentimental sideways look. She thought for a moment and sat over with the fish, snuggling up next to Ellen. Ellen felt something and looked down and asked, "What are you doing?"

  "Nothing, I got cold and borrowed you to lean on." Lucy said with a matter-of-fact look, and asked, "And what happened after that, you joined the death ring?"

  "At that time, the men sold me to a man named Hearn after they killed the pack I stayed with. The man's son had been smoked by Wisdom and had to participate in the death ring, and Hearn switched me with his son. But that's for the best ..." Allen lowered his head, fire jumping in his ruby-like eyes, "This is a chance to change my destiny, and I'm going to hold onto it."

  "What are you going to do if you win in the death ring?"

  "To seek revenge on the predators that killed my mother, and the hunting group that killed the wolves. Besides, I have one thing left in the hands of that leader."

  "I'm with you. And after that?"

  "After that? Will probably start a hunting group as well, and then, look for my biological father."

  Lucy looked up at once, "Your father?"

  "Well, mother said for me to look for him, he should be alive ..."

  "That's good, at least, you have family."

  Alan smiled without saying a word, what he didn't tell Lucy was. The search for her father wasn't for any kind of kinship, it was to fulfill her mother's dying wish to pass the dagger known as the Devil's Salute into the man's body!

  "Enough about that, you've recovered, let's get out of here tomorrow."

  Lucy nodded and ate the already cold fish in three bites, then clapped her hands together and said, "In that case, we'll have to agree on a battle plan. Do you have an idea?"

  Ellen shook her head, and Lucy simply jumped up, slapping her chest and saying, "Well, I'll make it up then!"

  Next, the young girl's mouth is like a torrent, from her mouth out of the battle plan can simply be described as a variety of flowers. Open swords and dark arrows, luring the enemy into an ambush, rumors and counter-interference, simply hate to put all the textbooks can see the strategy on the stage, listening to Allen's head is not big.

  After spouting off for most of the day, Missy asked, "What about this plan of mine?"

  "No good." Alan dismissed it on the spot.

  "No good?" Lucy crossed her arms, "Why?"

  "I said how your plan is just as fancy as your knife skills, it doesn't stand up to a fight." Alan shook his head and said, "What kind of training camp did you come from anyway, that's all your instructors taught you?"

  "These are all my ..." Lucy looked like she was almost going to say something, and quickly swallowed back all the words that followed, then said, "You care where I learned them. So what do you say, I'm not good at this plan, what's your better idea?"

  "Get out of here tomorrow and just wander around. Run into one and kill one, bump into a pair and kill a pair, where's the plan." Alan waved his hand and cut off a piece of fish and ate it himself.

  "Casual stroll? Casual killing?" Lucy made a defeated face, "You're really a stick in the mud. Alright, let's do as you say. Let me ask you, this damn place is so big, where did you have to wander to before you bumped into those other guys?"

  Without answering, Alan asked, "Do you know how wolves hunt when they hit a large amount of prey?"

  "Charge up and catch and bite, of course."

  "Not at all." Alan said slowly, "They harass and scare their prey. Herd them together, drive them to a specific spot, and then strike."

  "Oh, but what's this got to do with us?" Lucy asked, spreading her hands.

  "As you said, this place is so big. Anywhere you can hide, you can hide for ten days and a half months. It's not like the organizers know that if we leave it alone. Even if we had the intention to take out the others, we wouldn't know where to start. So ... "Speaking here, Allen looked at Lucy.

  The latter came to a realization, "You mean they'll herd us together by all means like prey?"

  "That's in line with the purpose of the death ring, isn't it? Therefore, there's no need to be as troublesome as you say. We just need to raise our spirits and finish off whoever we bump into!"

  The night is deepening, the floating clouds are flowing, occasionally loaded and sometimes sunk.

  To the west of Yellowstone is a vast canyon landscape. It has a nostalgic name, Roosevelt Canyon carries a strong flavor of the Old West, reminiscent of cowboys. Of course, there were no cowboys in this canyon on Babylon, but it was the territory of the Iron Armored Rhinoceros. The level three dangerous species of the Iron Armored Rhinoceros was just as it was literally described, this evolved rhinoceros had ridiculously thick armor, and they were short-tempered. Usually in groups of three or five, they will attack any creature that enters their territory.

  Occasionally in Roosevelt Canyon there is a sensation of the earth shaking, you don't need to be alarmed, it is not an earthquake, but rather hordes of rabid rhinoceros running across the land.

  A faint glow lit up a 7-shaped chasm in the canyon. A not-so-exuberant flame was burning, fueled by sun-dried mad rhinoceros dung. This was the cheapest fuel in the canyon, and in this area where vegetation was hard to find, it was nearly impossible to use tree branches as fuel.

  Not far from the fire, a boy curled himself into a ball and huddled in a sheet of cloth mended from many torn pieces of clothing. The sheet was his quilt, and the fire and the quilt would keep him warm through the long, not-too-cold night.

  Mike closed his eyes, but didn't let himself fall completely asleep. Just three hundred meters away from here was a small spring, which was one of the few sources of water in this canyon area. Dozens of rhinoceroses guarded the spring, and only at around three or four o'clock in the middle of the night, when the rhinoceroses were asleep, could Mike steal some of the clean water from the spring.

  One more night and he'd have enough clean water for several days and be able to leave this hellhole.

  It was true that his luck was not very good, he entered the game and appeared in the same place as several other young boys and girls who were behind in the rankings because of their rankings. Although he used some tricks to get out alive in the end, he was attacked by a group of Steel Plume War Eagles halfway through the game. Those third-ranked dangerous species had the advantage of air control, and Mike was lucky to escape, so losing his supplies was nothing to be ashamed of.

  It then turned into Roosevelt Canyon, and Mike had wanted to beat a retreat when he realized he would be facing a barren field. Unfortunately, a couple of rabid rhinos just happened to pass by the edge and spotted Mike in hot pursuit of him, thus forcing the teenager in.

  Mike just had to find another way out, and it's been a rough couple of days. Maybe God wasn't going to abandon him yet, Mike found a stray rhinoceros cub yesterday, which led to a full meal today. Now he had some rhinoceros meat left. The meat was roasted and air-dried, and would be his dry food to get out of the canyon.

  Together with the purified water he had stored up over the past two days, he didn't have to worry about starving to death, at least until he left the canyon.

  Mike waited quietly for the moment when the mad rhinoceros would fall asleep. But the night didn't seem destined to be peaceful, and he hadn't closed his eyes to fake sleep for long when he heard the sound of rolling gravel. It wasn't a sign of a rhinoceros passing by, but more like someone coming this way. Mike opened his eyes and immediately pounced on the fire trying to put it out. At a time like this, anyone he met was a formidable foe, and Mike didn't want to cause trouble.

  He's not in a good place right now.

  However it was all too late, the teenager had just pounced out. Before he could get close to the fire, suddenly a shot rang out in the distance, and the cow dung that had fueled the fire suddenly exploded. The turd with sparks splattered Mike's face, and the teenager's eyes instantly rose in anger. At that moment, laughter rang out from the left side of the fork in the road.