Chapter 43: The Gladiatorial Arena (below)

  "What a life, we meet again, Alan."

  After getting onto the floating island, the first and only person who greeted Alan was Anse. This tall and skinny teenager that Alan had wanted to get acquainted with that day, but missed it because of Fatty Lucien. Ans was also covered in blood, and his right hand was wrapped in a bandage with blood stains on it. I think it was also a fierce battle to kill here, as for the other few are either tired and gasping for breath to rest, or to Alan cast a malicious gaze, such as Mike.

  Even Lucy was surprised that he was able to make it this far. After all, this teenager had been demoted for provoking Allen Mafu, and his ranking had plummeted to the bottom five. Ranking at the back of the rankings, the poor position after entering Yellowstone Park could be imagined, he was able to arrive here, enough to make people look at him differently and be wary of him.

  Alan nodded at Anse in greeting, then said, "What do you think of this place."

  Anse spread his hands and smiled bitterly, "Gladiatorial arena, now we are the fighters on the field. Allen, stay for the real fight, I wish to team up with you for the time being."

  "That's what I thought." Alan held out his hand.

  Anse shrugged his shoulders and gave a firm handshake of sorts. The movement of the two of them made a few other teens look at them, all thinking differently. Next to Fatty Lucien, besides Fast Gunner Vine, another male and female teenagers walked up to him. Apparently seeing the top three ranked three people standing together, quite threatening, naturally wanting to join forces with Lu Sen.

  Finally Mike was left and he stood in the middle, rather awkwardly.

  Alan finally said, "Coming over to our side? Mike, I don't think you'd like the fat guy either?"

  Mike nodded heavily as he remembered Lucien's humiliation that night. Lucy saw that Ellen didn't even mind her previous beef with Mike, so she naturally wouldn't be stupid enough to add an extra ally to Lucien on the other side at this time. So in her heart, she was quite displeased with Mike, but she didn't say anything.

  As such, the eight teenagers were instantly separated into two camps.

  The ground shook without warning, and Lucy was the first to say, "There's a change in that shroud!"

  The energy shield that covered the center of the area suddenly spread out, spreading in all directions, and in an instant, it passed by Alan and the others. The moment the shield passed by, Allen only felt a light wind on his face, and his body surface was slightly cool, but there was nothing special about it. However, when the scope of the shield was fixed at the entire center of the floating island, the surface of the lake shook violently.

  Alan came to the shore and looked down. There were huge shadows swirling in the lake, stirring up the water as if it were boiling, creating strings of bubbles. Those fierce piranhas even jumped up to the surface of the lake and tried to pounce on Alan. But the shield bounced back, seemingly thin shield, but the energy density is exceptionally huge, enough to absorb and even rebound the impact.

  "The water's sucked out ...," Anse said as he too walked over and observed for a few seconds.

  Indeed, the water level of the lake was dropping. It could be imagined that there must be some kind of pumping equipment under the lake, and this lake was not natural, but an artificial lake built for some purpose! The rope bridge that suddenly rose from under the lake before was one of the arrangements, and now, the lake water, along with the evil fish in the water, was also pumped away, which was another arrangement. After the water level of the lake dropped by two to three meters, Alan and the others could clearly see that there was a huge turbine under the lake. With the central floating island as its axis, it was rapidly rotating and generating a huge suction force, pumping the lake clean.

  Once the lake had completely disappeared, a metal abutment began to rise. Along the slide, the abutment lifted, causing the central floating island to constantly tremble. Seeing the raised abutment, Anse's face changed, "No good, they're trying to get the dangerous species to come over!"

  Alan looked to the lake shore, and sure enough, the metal abutment rose to the same height as the lake shore. In this way, even without the rope bridge, the many dangerous species could walk as if they were on the ground!

  "Shit, are those assholes trying to kill us?"

  Fast gunner Vien screamed, he was uneasy to grip his two revolvers tightly, a little bit backward. Until he bumped into Fatty Lu Sen, who pushed him away with one hand and laughed, "What are you nervous about, don't you see that this energy shield has already protected us. If those assholes from the committee wanted us to get killed, this shield would have been withdrawn long ago."

  Lu Sen looked very stupid, but this fat man's mind was exceptionally delicate. Hearing him say this, the other two teenagers who chose to be in his camp felt relieved. Unexpectedly, Lucy at the back suddenly said, "It definitely won't be that cheap, you guys wait, there will definitely be more to come. Look, those dangerous species are coming over."

  The first to rush down the metal abutment was the saber-toothed raging wolves, these beasts of violent character didn't care about that much, and one by one ran across the abutment, but in the blink of an eye, they had already come to the vicinity of the floating island in the center. A strong brown male wolf jumped up and lunged into the air with its teeth and claws wide open. But when it hit the shield, it let out a low cry, and the entire wolf bounced back, sliding a few meters on the abutment and knocking down several of its own kind before coming to a stop.

  The storm wolves impacted the shield one after another, and the shield's energy light screen didn't even shake for a moment, appearing very stable. However, at this time, a strong tremor came from Lucien and his people's side. Alan turned to look and immediately frowned. A group of Iron Armored Rhinoceros was charging with red eyes, the charge of the Rhinoceros was not something that the Storm Wolves could compare to, even Fatty's face turned pale, not to mention the others.

  Vine and the two teenagers retreated backward in fear, and Lucien held back his fear and stared at the shroud with gritted teeth. He knew very well that if the shroud couldn't resist, then retreating anywhere would be death!

  The mad rhinoceros rushed closer and crashed heavily into the shield. The shield immediately blossomed with a strong purple-blue light, as bright as a light bulb. In the intense light, Lu Sen could vaguely see several Rhinos bouncing back, the energy shield had really blocked their impact! Next, the Vicious Tarantula and the Steel Plume War Eagle also joined the onslaught. The tarantulas were spitting poisonous spider silks at the shield, while the war eagles used their short-range acceleration to hit the shield with their claws and steel beaks.

  However, this energy shield was exceptionally solid, allowing the many dangerous species to continuously impact it, but it did not show the slightest sign of collapsing. When the teenagers were putting down their hearts, the metal cube at the center, which they had been ignoring before, suddenly resounded with Alstair's voice: "Yo, haven't seen you for a few days, how are you all doing?"

  The teenagers looked at each other in disbelief as they all leaned towards the cube. At that moment, the corner ends of the cube suddenly lit up, and a light red energy shroud rose from the ground, enveloping the cube. Only after the shroud was completed did the cube extend a metal arm from each of the different directions, and a syringe could be seen being carried on the mechanical arm. Fatty walked to the front of the shield, reached out and touched the shield, his fingertips suddenly sizzled, his skin instantly burned, this shield not only has defensive properties, but also has a high temperature effect.

  "You guys better watch yourselves, especially Lucien, I'm not responsible if you're going to be burned to a pig." Alstair cleared his throat and continued, "Okay guys, let's make this short. See those four syringes? It's not drugs inside, but some nanobots that emit a special wavelength used to repel dangerous species. The effective time is 48 hours, after which they will naturally decompose and be excreted from the body along with the human secretion system."

  "That's right, these little guys can save your lives. See those dangerous species out there? Right now they're itching to tear you guys apart right now, but of course, that energy shield will keep them at bay for a while. But, honey, the shield has an energy level of six, and it weakens by one every 10 minutes. In other words, in 60 minutes it will be completely gone. But as you can see, the nanobots only have four needles. As for that protective shield, it will only open when there are four of you left ..."

  "So what are you waiting for, 60 minutes and only four of you will be able to leave! Now, the stage is back to you, but I'm looking forward to your performance." Alstair ended the communication after leaving a trail of laughter.

  At the same time, a string of numbers appeared in the center of the dome of the outer energy shield.

  The countdown has begun!

  "As much as I hate them, this is an interesting arrangement." Fatty Lucien clenched his hands together with a cackle and smiled sardonically as he walked towards Alan's men.

  Behind him, Verne and two other teens followed.

  "I'll deal with Verne." Lucy said, Verne was also good with a gun, so it was only natural to leave it to her.

  Anse then looked to the fat man and said, "Lucien just let me do it."

  "No." Instead, Alan shook his head, "Anse you go help Lucy and Mike you take on Lucien!"

  "Me?" Mike's face showed a hard look, after all, Lucien was not simple, and it was a bit difficult for him to deal with it alone. Besides, Mike doubted that Alan was deliberately pushing him out to die.

  "You don't need to kill him, just stall him." Alan gently lifted the Mad Butcher and said, "I'll deal with the other two. After Anse and Lucy get a quick kill, go help Mike with Lucien. Let's move!"

  The crowd saw that his plan was reasonably distributed. Lucy was the first to gesture a dueling hand toward Venn, leaving the group and veering off to the left. Venn hemmed and hawed, arching his body and moving sideways. Anse didn't move to follow Lucie, and at the gesture, Lucien grunted and went to deal with Anse straight away. Suddenly Mike's voice rang out, "Lucien you fat pig, dare to fight me one on one?"

  Lucien stopped in his tracks, his fingers clenched. Turning his head to Mike, he squeezed a few words through his teeth, "You're looking for death!"

  Anyone who knows Lucien knows that he hates being called "fat, fat, fat".

  Mike steered Lucien to the right, away from the cube right in the center. The remaining teenage boy and girl looked at each other, and the girl was about to go help Verne, when suddenly a black moonflash came chopping down on her face, and the young girl had to step back. The girl had to step back. The moonlight was not stopping and covered the boy again. The boy was holding a thick-backed alloy sword, so he slashed against the moonlight.

  When there was a sound, the boy retreated two steps, only to feel the pain in his tiger's mouth, and his heart was appalled.

  As the moonlight dispersed, Allen held his sword single-handedly and pointed it toward each of the two men, "Your opponent is me!"